$allowcontrol = false working and turned on now; switched default port back to 7447 instead of random; added favicon and apple-touch-icon
<?php/** * Smarty shared plugin * @package Smarty * @subpackage plugins *//** * Function: smarty_make_timestamp<br> * Purpose: used by other smarty functions to make a timestamp * from a string. * @author Monte Ohrt <monte at ohrt dot com> * @param string * @return string */function smarty_make_timestamp($string){ if(empty($string)) { // use "now": $time = time(); } elseif (preg_match('/^\d{14}$/', $string)) { // it is mysql timestamp format of YYYYMMDDHHMMSS? $time = mktime(substr($string, 8, 2),substr($string, 10, 2),substr($string, 12, 2), substr($string, 4, 2),substr($string, 6, 2),substr($string, 0, 4)); } elseif (is_numeric($string)) { // it is a numeric string, we handle it as timestamp $time = (int)$string; } else { // strtotime should handle it $time = strtotime($string); if ($time == -1 || $time === false) { // strtotime() was not able to parse $string, use "now": $time = time(); } } return $time;}/* vim: set expandtab: */?>