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Tue, 16 Oct 2007 00:16:02 -0400
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          <h1>Skin the entire installer</h1>
          <p style=margin-left:0.2in>
            <font face=Verdana style=font-size:8pt>
              <b>The ExperienceUI includes support for WAnsis</b>, Saivert's skinning plugin.  WAnsis is a plugin for NSIS that uses Winamp
              2 skins to change the look of the installer completely.  The ExperienceUI natively supports WAnsis, and it is very easy to
              implement it into your script.<br>
              <b>NOTES:</b> WAnsis support adds 22KB of overhead to the installer, and the plugin can sometimes be unstable.  If you are
              very concerned about size, or do not want to take risks concerning stability, you may want to leave WAnsis support out of the
          <h1>WAnsis Settings</h1>
          <font face=Verdana style=font-size:8pt>
            <p style=margin-left:0.2in><b>XPUI_WANSIS</b> <font color=#294F75><i></i></font><p style=margin-left:0.4in>Define this to turn on all WAnsis support in the ExperienceUI. <b>WAnsis has been known to be unstable, so please test your installer thoroughly before you distribute it.</b>  (Default: by default, XPUI_WANSIS is undefined)</p>
            <p style=margin-left:0.2in><b>XPUI_WANSIS_SKIN</b> <font color=#294F75><i>Skin_folder_name</i></font><p style=margin-left:0.4in>Sets the WAnsis skin to Skin_folder_name, where Skin_folder_name is a folder inside the ExperienceUI's skin directory. (&lt;NSIS&gt;\Contrib\ExperienceUI\Skins)  If you plan to make WAnsis skins, it is different that making standard skins.  Please see the guide below.  (Default: "Forum")</p>
            <p style=margin-left:0.2in><b>XPUI_WANSIS_HEADERIMAGE</b> <font color=#294F75><i></i></font><p style=margin-left:0.4in>Define this to use a header image in your WAnsis-enabled installer.  If you don't define this, the installer's icon will appear in the spot where the header image would go.  (Default: not defined)</p>
            <p style=margin-left:0.2in><b>XPUI_WANSIS_HEADERIMAGE_BMP</b> <font color=#294F75><i>BMP_file</i></font><p style=margin-left:0.4in>Uses BMP_file as the header bitmap in a WAnsis installer.  Recommended size: <b>150</b>x<b>57</b>px.  (Default: &lt;NSIS&gt;\Contrib\ExperienceUI\Skins\&lt;WAnsis skin&gt;\Header.bmp)</p>
            <p style=margin-left:0.2in><b>XPUI_WANSIS_UI</b> <font color=#294F75><i>UI_file</i></font><p style=margin-left:0.4in>Uses UI_file as the UI for a WAnsis-enabled installer.  Don't change this unless you <i>really</i> know what you are doing.  (Default: &lt;NSIS&gt;\Contrib\ExperienceUI\UIs\WAnsis_ui.exe)</p>
            <p style=margin-left:0.2in><b>XPUI_WANSIS_GEN</b> <font color=#294F75><i>BMP_file</i></font><p style=margin-left:0.4in>The "gen" bitmap used for WAnsis.  Please refer to the WAnsis documentation and the Winamp Skinners' Guide for help on creating WAnsis skins.  (Default: &lt;NSIS&gt;\Contrib\ExperienceUI\Skins\&lt;WAnsis skin&gt;\gen.bmp)</p>
            <p style=margin-left:0.2in><b>XPUI_WANSIS_GENEX</b> <font color=#294F75><i>BMP_file</i></font><p style=margin-left:0.4in>The "genex" bitmap used for WAnsis.  Please refer to the WAnsis documentation and the Winamp Skinners' Guide for help on creating WAnsis skins.  (Default: &lt;NSIS&gt;\Contrib\ExperienceUI\Skins\&lt;WAnsis skin&gt;\genex.bmp)</p>
            <p style=margin-left:0.2in>
              To change the Bottom Image and the Left Logo, use XPUI_BOTTOMIMAGE_BMP and XPUI_LEFTLOGO, respectively.  See <a href=visual_settings.htm>this page</a> for more information.

          <h1>Creating WAnsis Skins</h1>
          <p style=margin-left:0.2in>
            <font face=Verdana style=font-size:8pt>
              You can created your own WAnsis skins, too.  The WAnsis skinning system is a little bit more limited than the standard
              skinning system, but it makes skin initialization faster and it means you don't need any scripting knowledge to make WAnsis
              The ExperienceUI WAnsis skinning system has 5 mandatory bitmaps and 1 optional bitmap.  A description of each bitmap can be
              found below:<br>
                <li><b>bottom.bmp</b> &ndash; The bottom image.  The best size is 693x70px, but the last two columns to the right are cut off.  I'm still trying to figure this one out.</li>
                <li><b>checks.bmp</b> &ndash; The checkbox images used on the Components page.</li>
                <li><b>gen.bmp</b> &ndash; The bitmap containing window border elements.  See the WAnsis documentation for more information.</li>
                <li><b>genex.bmp</b> &ndash; The buttons, scrollbars, and color tables for the interior of the window.  Again, see the WAnsis doumentation for more information.</li>
                <li><b>header.bmp</b> &ndash; Optional Modern UI-compatible header bitmap.  Will only be used if XPUI_WANSIS_HEADERIMAGE is defined.  If you don't include this and the user of the skin defines XPUI_WANSIS_HEADERIMAGE, MakeNSIS will halt.</li>
                <li><b>leftlogo.bmp</b> &ndash; The image shown on the left of the installer window.  Recommended size is 240x349px.</li>
          <p style=margin-left:0.2in>
            <font face=Verdana style=font-size:8pt>
              To create a new WAnsis skin, navigate to the &lt;NSIS&gt;\Contrib\ExperienceUI\Skins folder and create a new directory.  Name
              the directory whatever you want your skin's screen name to be.<br>
              Next, put the bitmap files listed above in the folder you just made.<br>
              Last, test your skin by using compiling following script:<br>
              <div style=margin-left:0.4in>
<code><span style="font: 10pt Courier New;"><span class="nsis1-directive">!define</span><span class="nsis1-space"> XPUI_WANSIS
</span><span class="nsis1-directive">!define</span><span class="nsis1-space"> XPUI_WANSIS_SKIN </span><span class="nsis1-string">&quot;&lt;Skin name&gt;&quot;
</span><span class="nsis1-directive">!include</span><span class="nsis1-space"> XPUI.nsh
</span><span class="nsis1-directive">!insertmacro</span><span class="nsis1-space"> XPUI_PAGE_WELCOME2
</span><span class="nsis1-directive">!insertmacro</span><span class="nsis1-space"> XPUI_PAGE_LICENSE </span><span class="nsis1-string">&quot;</span><span class="nsis1-variable">${NSISDIR}</span><span class="nsis1-string">\Contrib\ExperienceUI\License.rtf&quot;
</span><span class="nsis1-directive">!insertmacro</span><span class="nsis1-space"> XPUI_PAGE_COMPONENTS
</span><span class="nsis1-directive">!insertmacro</span><span class="nsis1-space"> XPUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY
</span><span class="nsis1-directive">!insertmacro</span><span class="nsis1-space"> XPUI_PAGE_INSTCONFIRM
</span><span class="nsis1-directive">!insertmacro</span><span class="nsis1-space"> XPUI_PAGE_INSTFILES
</span><span class="nsis1-directive">!insertmacro</span><span class="nsis1-space"> XPUI_PAGE_FINISH
</span><span class="nsis1-directive">!insertmacro</span><span class="nsis1-space"> XPUI_PAGE_ABORT
</span><span class="nsis1-directive">!define</span><span class="nsis1-space"> XPUI_ABORTWARNING
</span><span class="nsis1-directive">!insertmacro</span><span class="nsis1-space"> XPUI_LANGUAGE English

</span><span class="nsis1-reservedword">Name</span><span class="nsis1-space"> </span><span class="nsis1-string">&quot;Testing: ExperienceUI WAnsis Skin </span><span class="nsis1-variable">${XPUI_WANSIS_SKIN}</span><span class="nsis1-string">&quot;
</span><span class="nsis1-reservedword">Caption</span><span class="nsis1-space"> </span><span class="nsis1-string">&quot;Testing: ExperienceUI WAnsis Skin </span><span class="nsis1-variable">${XPUI_WANSIS_SKIN}</span><span class="nsis1-string">&quot;
</span><span class="nsis1-reservedword">OutFile</span><span class="nsis1-space"> </span><span class="nsis1-string">&quot;</span><span class="nsis1-variable">${XPUI_WANSIS_SKIN}</span><span class="nsis1-string"> Test.exe&quot;

</span><span class="nsis1-reservedword">InstallDir</span><span class="nsis1-space"> C:\Test

</span><span class="nsis1-reservedword">Section

              Be sure to replace "&lt;Skin name&gt;" with the name of the folder you created.
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          <p class=footer>Copyright &copy; 2004-2006 Dan Fuhry.  All rights except those explicitly given in the <a href=license_agreement.htm style=color:#A0A0D0 onmouseover="'#A0A0A0'" onmouseout="'#A0A0D0'">license agreement</a> reserved.</p>