author Dan
Wed, 27 May 2009 15:35:04 -0400
changeset 5 1fdcff916039
parent 0 d5ce4c64ef88
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
Fixed some license page drawing issues; InstallOptions INIs are now no longer overwritten if they exist

    <title>ExperienceUI Documentation Content Frame</title>
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          <h1>Start Menu Page</h1>
          <p style=margin-left:0.2in>
            <font face=Verdana style=font-size:8pt>
              The Start Menu page was redesigned in ExperienceUI 1.1 to work like the Modern UI system.  The new Start Menu page was largely
              based on the Modern UI, so it works the same way.
          <font face=Verdana style=font-size:8pt>
            <script type=text/javascript>
              define('XPUI_STARTMENUPAGE_TITLE', '"Header Top"', 'The top layer of text on the header.', '"Select Start Menu Folder"');
              define('XPUI_STARTMENUPAGE_SUBTITLE', '"Header Bottom"', 'The bottom layer of text on the header.', '"Select the folder in which to create shortcuts to &lt;NAME&gt;"');
              define('XPUI_STARTMENUPAGE_CAPTION', '": Text"', 'The text added to the window caption.', '": Start Menu Folder"');
              define('XPUI_STARTMENUPAGE_TEXT', '"Page Top"', 'The text at the top  of the page.', '"Select the Start Menu folder in which to create shortcuts to &lt;NAME&gt;:"');
              define('XPUI_STARTMENUPAGE_CHECKBOX', '"Check Box"', 'The text at on the check box that indicates not to create a Start Menu folder.', '"Don\'t create a Start Menu folder"');
              define('XPUI_STARTMENUPAGE_FOLDER', '"Folder Name"', 'The default name of the folder to create Start Menu shortcuts in.', '"&lt;NAME&gt;"');
              // define('', '', '', '');
              var parentparams=new Object();
              for (i=0;i<aParams.length;i++) {
                var aParam=aParams[i].split('=');
                var sParamName=aParam[0];
                var sParamValue=aParam[1];
          <h1>Get the return</h1>
          <p style=margin-left:0.2in>
            <font face=Verdana style=font-size:8pt>
              Of course, you need to have a way to read which folder the user selected, or if the user decided not to create shortcuts.  Reading the
              return from the Start Menu page is now automated.
          <font face=Verdana style=font-size:8pt>
            <script type=text/javascript>
              macro('XPUI_STARTMENU_WRITE_BEGIN', 'page_id', 'Insert this macro to have the ExperienceUI read the user\'s Start Menu folder selection.  After you insert this macro, you should create any shortcuts (or do any other related operations) and then insert XPUI_STARTMENU_WRITE_END.  page_id should be the text you specified when you inserted XPUI_PAGE_STARTMENU.  After you insert this macro, the variable you specified when you inserted XPUI_PAGE_STARTMENU will contain the user\'s folder selection (if any).');
              macro('XPUI_STARTMENU_WRITE_END', '', 'Finishes a block started with XPUI_STARTMENU_WRITE_BEGIN.  If you fail to include this in the same section or function where you started the block, MakeNSIS will halt.');
          <h1>Component Manager Compatibility</h1>
            <p style="margin-left:0.2in">
              <font face=Verdana style=font-size:8pt>
                If you use <a href="javascript:if(parentparams['banner']){parent.window.location='browser.htm?url='}else{parent.window.location='browser.htm?url='};">Component Manager</a> in your installer, and you use the Start Menu shortcut feature, the Start Menu page can be a little tricky.
                For Component Manager versions 0.2 and earlier, this is rather complex.  CM versions 0.3 and later are more automated.
            <h2>Versions 0.3 and later</h2>
              <li><b>Include the ExperienceUI and Component Manager.</b><br />
                  <br />
                  This one should be pretty self-explanatory.  Include XPUI.nsh and CM.nsh.  See the appropriate documentation for more
                  information on including the header files.<br /><br /></li>
              <li><b>Component Manager Languages</b><br />
                  <br />
                  Insert Component Manager language files now.<br />
                  <br />
<code><span style="font: 10pt Courier New;"><span class="nsis1-directive">!insertmacro</span><span class="nsis1-space"> CM_LANGUAGE </span><span class="nsis1-string">&quot;English&quot;</span></span></code></pre>
              <li><b>Maintenance Pages</b><br />
                  <br />
                  Now, add in Component Manager's page suite.<br />
                  <br />
<code><span style="font: 10pt Courier New;"><span class="nsis1-directive">!insertmacro</span><span class="nsis1-space"> CM_PAGES</span></span></code></pre>
              <li><b>ExperienceUI Pages</b><br />
                  <br />
                  Here you should insert any other pages, including the Start Menu page, as normal.<br />
                  <br />
<code><span style="font: 10pt Courier New;"><span class="nsis1-variable">${Page}</span><span class="nsis1-space"> Welcome
</span><span class="nsis1-variable">${LicensePage}</span><span class="nsis1-space"> </span><span class="nsis1-string">&quot;License_pro.rtf&quot;
</span><span class="nsis1-variable">${Page}</span><span class="nsis1-space"> </span><span class="nsis1-parameter">Components
</span><span class="nsis1-variable">${Page}</span><span class="nsis1-space"> </span><span class="nsis1-parameter">Directory
</span><span class="nsis1-variable">${StartMenuPage}</span><span class="nsis1-space"> App </span><span class="nsis1-variable">$R9
${Page}</span><span class="nsis1-space"> InstConfirm
</span><span class="nsis1-variable">${Page}</span><span class="nsis1-space"> </span><span class="nsis1-parameter">InstFiles
</span><span class="nsis1-variable">${Page}</span><span class="nsis1-space"> Finish
</span><span class="nsis1-variable">${Page}</span><span class="nsis1-space"> Abort</span></span></code></pre>
              <li><b>Sections</b><br />
                  <br />
                  Insert Component Manager-enhanced sections into the script.<br />
                  <br />
<code><span style="font: 10pt Courier New;"><span class="nsis1-variable">${Section}</span><span class="nsis1-space"> </span><span class="nsis1-string">&quot;My Program&quot;</span><span class="nsis1-space"> SecProgram </span><span class="nsis1-string">&quot;Description&quot;
</span><span class="nsis1-space">  </span><span class="nsis1-variable">${SetOutPath}</span><span class="nsis1-space"> </span><span class="nsis1-variable">$INSTDIR
</span><span class="nsis1-space">  </span><span class="nsis1-variable">${File}</span><span class="nsis1-space"> reg.dat </span><span class="nsis1-string">&quot;regversion\reg.dat&quot;
</span><span class="nsis1-space">  </span><span class="nsis1-variable">${Directory}</span><span class="nsis1-space"> </span><span class="nsis1-string">`</span><span class="nsis1-variable">$</span><span class="nsis1-string">%PROGRAMFILES%\My Program`
</span><span class="nsis1-variable">${Section}</span></span></code></pre>
                  <li><b>CM File Functions</b><br />
                      <br />
                      Finally, insert Component Manager's CM_FILES macro.  This defines all the functions used in CM_PAGES.<br />
                      <br />
<code><span style="font: 10pt Courier New;"><span class="nsis1-directive">!insertmacro</span><span class="nsis1-space"> CM_FILES</span></span></code></pre>
                  <li><b>ExperienceUI Language Files</b><br />
                      <br />
                      Last, list all the languages you want your installer to support here.  Note that both the ExperienceUI and Component
                      Manager must support the languages you are using.<br />
                      <br />
<code><span style="font: 10pt Courier New;"><span class="nsis1-directive">!insertmacro</span><span class="nsis1-space"> XPUI_LANGUAGE </span><span class="nsis1-string">&quot;English&quot;
</span><span class="nsis1-directive">!insertmacro</span><span class="nsis1-space"> XPUI_LANGUAGE </span><span class="nsis1-string">&quot;Spanish&quot;
</span><span class="nsis1-directive">!insertmacro</span><span class="nsis1-space"> XPUI_LANGUAGE </span><span class="nsis1-string">&quot;German&quot;
</span><span class="nsis1-directive">!insertmacro</span><span class="nsis1-space"> XPUI_LANGUAGE </span><span class="nsis1-string">&quot;French&quot;
</span><span class="nsis1-directive">!insertmacro</span><span class="nsis1-space"> XPUI_LANGUAGE </span><span class="nsis1-string">&quot;PortugueseBR&quot;</span></span></code></pre>

                <h2>Versions 0.2 and earlier</h2>
                <p style="margin-left: 0.2in"><b>Note:</b> these directions are based on an old version of Component Manager.  They have not
                been tested, but they should still work.<br />
                <br />
                In a related note, Component Manager 0.3 has not been tested with ExperienceUI 1.1.051202 (the final version of the ExperienceUI SDK version 1.1).<br />
                <br />
                With Component Manager 0.2, the Start Menu shortcut
                feature needs to know the appropriate page ID and variable, and it needs to call the ExperienceUI start menu creation macro.
                The problem is, the Start Menu page has to be inserted <i>before</i> Component Manager calls XPUI_STARTMENU_WRITE_BEGIN.
                Inserting XPUI_PAGE_STARTMENU and then CM_SYSTEM would work, but the Component Manager maintenance pages would be after the
                Start Menu page.  These macros allow you to define any necessary settings for the Start Menu page, but delay calling it
                until where it would normally appear. 
            <script type=text/javascript>
              macro('XPUI_PAGE_STARTMENU_INIT', 'page_id var', 'Inserts a new start menu page into the installer and creates any related functions, but does not actually call the page.  This macro has to be used before inserting ${StartMenu} commands in Component Manager and before inserting CM_SYSTEM.  Inserting XPUI_PAGE_STARTMENU and then CM_SYSTEM would work, but the maintenance page system would be after the Start Menu page.');
              macro('XPUI_PAGE_STARTMENU_SHOW', 'page_id', 'Shows a Start Menu page created with XPUI_PAGE_STARTMENU_INIT.  Use this where you would normally insert XPUI_PAGE_STARTMENU.');

<div style="margin-left: 0.2in">
<font face=Verdana style=font-size:8pt>
<div style="margin-left: 0.4in">
<code><span style="font: 10pt Courier New;"><span class="nsis1-directive">!include</span><span class="nsis1-space"> CM.nsh
</span><span class="nsis1-directive">!include</span><span class="nsis1-space"> XPUI.nsh
</span><span class="nsis1-directive">!insertmacro</span><span class="nsis1-space"> XPUI_PAGE_STARTMENU_INIT MyApp </span><span class="nsis1-variable">$R0

</span><span class="nsis1-space"> </span><span class="nsis1-comment"># ...

</span><span class="nsis1-variable">${Section}</span><span class="nsis1-space"> </span><span class="nsis1-string">&quot;Start Menu Shortcuts&quot;</span><span class="nsis1-space"> SecSM </span><span class="nsis1-string">&quot;Creates Start Menu Shortcuts&quot;
</span><span class="nsis1-space">  </span><span class="nsis1-variable">${StartMenu}</span><span class="nsis1-space"> MyApp </span><span class="nsis1-variable">$R0
</span><span class="nsis1-space">    </span><span class="nsis1-variable">${CreateShortcut}</span><span class="nsis1-space"> </span><span class="nsis1-string">&quot;Start the Program&quot;</span><span class="nsis1-space"> </span><span class="nsis1-string">&quot;</span><span class="nsis1-variable">$INSTDIR</span><span class="nsis1-string">\MyApp.exe&quot;
</span><span class="nsis1-space">  </span><span class="nsis1-variable">${StartMenuEnd}

</span><span class="nsis1-space"> </span><span class="nsis1-comment"># ...

</span><span class="nsis1-directive">!insertmacro</span><span class="nsis1-space"> CM_PAGES
 </span><span class="nsis1-comment"># ...
</span><span class="nsis1-directive">!insertmacro</span><span class="nsis1-space"> XPUI_PAGE_STARTMENU_SHOW MyApp
</span><span class="nsis1-directive">!insertmacro</span><span class="nsis1-space"> XPUI_LANGUAGE </span><span class="nsis1-string">&quot;English&quot;
</span><span class="nsis1-directive">!insertmacro</span><span class="nsis1-space"> CM_FILES
        <td valign=bottom style=margin:0px;padding:0px>
          <p class=footer>Copyright &copy; 2004-2006 Dan Fuhry.  All rights except those explicitly given in the <a href=license_agreement.htm style=color:#A0A0D0 onmouseover="'#A0A0A0'" onmouseout="'#A0A0D0'">license agreement</a> reserved.</p>