descriptionThe unstable branch of Enano CMS - currently Caoineag (1.1)
ownerDan Fuhry
last changeFri, 01 Apr 2016 10:28:01 -0400 (2016-04-01)
2016-04-01 Dan Fuhry Fix new-reference behavior in diff renderer default tip
2016-04-01 Dan Fuhry Rename constructors named from class name to __construct
2014-11-24 Dan Fuhry Fix https url generation
2014-11-24 Dan Fuhry GMP compatibility with PHP 5.6
2013-08-22 Dan Fuhry Installer dev, everything is working now, so far as I can tell
2013-08-22 Dan Fuhry Add transparent support for PDO into installer; further integration of PDO
2013-08-22 Dan Fuhry Removed unused/seldom-used DBAL functions that weren't entirely supported in PDO
2013-08-22 Dan Fuhry Merged
2013-08-22 Dan Fuhry Add PDO support for MySQL
2012-12-15 Dan Fuhry Fixed undefined $errors in mass e-mail function
2011-07-13 1.1.8pl1
2010-11-16 current-unstable
2010-11-16 1.1.8
2010-11-16 1.1.7pl2
2010-07-01 1.1.7pl1
2009-12-19 1.1.7
2009-05-16 1.1.6
2008-12-21 1.1.5
2008-07-12 1.1.4
2008-03-07 1.1.3
2016-04-01 default
2010-11-16 1.1.7-maintenance