Fixed some rather major bugs in the registration system, this will need a release followup
Sat, 08 Sep 2007 14:02:19 -0400 (2007-09-08)
changeset 125 fb31c951d3a2
parent 118 0c5efda996bf
child 126 cfa4ae0830cf
Fixed some rather major bugs in the registration system, this will need a release followup
--- a/includes/clientside/static/misc.js	Fri Sep 07 16:25:16 2007 -0400
+++ b/includes/clientside/static/misc.js	Sat Sep 08 14:02:19 2007 -0400
@@ -584,3 +584,14 @@
+ * Validates an e-mail address.
+ * @param string E-mail address
+ * @return bool
+ */
+function validateEmail(email)
+  return ( email.match(/^(?:[\w\d]+\.?)+@((?:(?:[\w\d]\-?)+\.)+\w{2,4}|localhost)$/) ) ? true : false;
--- a/includes/functions.php	Fri Sep 07 16:25:16 2007 -0400
+++ b/includes/functions.php	Sat Sep 08 14:02:19 2007 -0400
@@ -512,8 +512,12 @@
 function grinding_halt($t, $p)
   global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
+  if ( !defined('scriptPath') )
+    require( ENANO_ROOT . '/config.php' );
-  $db->close();
+  if ( is_object($db) )
+    $db->close();
   if ( ob_get_status() )
@@ -2723,6 +2727,18 @@
   // kill carriage returns
   $html = str_replace("\r", "", $html);
+  // Which tags to strip for JAVASCRIPT PROCESSING ONLY - you can change this if needed
+  $strip_tags = Array('enano:no-opt');
+  $strip_tags = implode('|', $strip_tags);
+  // Strip out the tags and replace with placeholders
+  preg_match_all("#<($strip_tags)(.*?)>(.*?)</($strip_tags)>#is", $html, $matches);
+  $seed = md5(microtime() . mt_rand()); // Random value used for placeholders
+  for ($i = 0;$i < sizeof($matches[1]); $i++)
+  {
+    $html = str_replace($matches[0][$i], "{DONT_STRIP_ME_NAKED:$seed:$i}", $html);
+  }
   // Optimize (but don't obfuscate) Javascript
   preg_match_all('/<script(.*?)>(.+?)<\/script>/is', $html, $jscript);
@@ -2786,6 +2802,12 @@
     $html = str_replace($jscript[0][$i], $replacement, $html);
+  // Re-insert untouchable tags
+  for ($i = 0;$i < sizeof($matches[1]); $i++)
+  {
+    $html = str_replace("{DONT_STRIP_ME_NAKED:$seed:$i}", "<{$matches[1][$i]}{$matches[2][$i]}>{$matches[3][$i]}</{$matches[4][$i]}>", $html);
+  }
   // Which tags to strip - you can change this if needed
   $strip_tags = Array('pre', 'script', 'style', 'enano:no-opt');
   $strip_tags = implode('|', $strip_tags);
--- a/includes/template.php	Fri Sep 07 16:25:16 2007 -0400
+++ b/includes/template.php	Sat Sep 08 14:02:19 2007 -0400
@@ -1629,7 +1629,7 @@
       'COPYRIGHT'=>'Enano and all of its code, graphics, and more code is copyright &copy; 2006 Dan Fuhry.<br />This program is Free Software; see the file "GPL" included with this package for details.',
+      'REQUEST_URI'=>( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : '' ).$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],
--- a/plugins/SpecialUserFuncs.php	Fri Sep 07 16:25:16 2007 -0400
+++ b/plugins/SpecialUserFuncs.php	Sat Sep 08 14:02:19 2007 -0400
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@
         $s = $session->create_user($_POST['username'], $_POST['password'], $_POST['email'], $_POST['real_name'], $coppa);
-    if($s == 'success' && !isset($coppa))
+    if($s == 'success' && !$coppa)
@@ -512,108 +512,119 @@
           echo '<input type="hidden" name="coppa" value="' . $val . '" />';
-      <script type="text/javascript">
-        // <![CDATA[
-        var namegood = false;
-        function validateForm()
-        {
-          var frm = document.forms.regform;
-          failed = false;
-          // Username
-          if(!namegood)
+      <!-- Don't optimize this script, it fails when compressed -->
+      <enano:no-opt>
+        <script type="text/javascript">
+          // <![CDATA[
+          var namegood = false;
+          function validateForm()
-            if(frm.username.value.match(/^([A-z0-9 \!@\-\(\)]+){2,}$/ig))
+            var frm = document.forms.regform;
+            failed = false;
+            // Username
+            if(!namegood)
-              document.getElementById('s_username').src='<?php echo scriptPath; ?>/images/unknown.gif';
-              document.getElementById('e_username').innerHTML = ''; // '<br /><small><b>Checking availability...</b></small>';
+              if(frm.username.value.match(/^([A-z0-9 \!@\-\(\)]+){2,}$/ig))
+              {
+                document.getElementById('s_username').src='<?php echo scriptPath; ?>/images/unknown.gif';
+                document.getElementById('e_username').innerHTML = ''; // '<br /><small><b>Checking availability...</b></small>';
+              } else {
+                failed = true;
+                document.getElementById('s_username').src='<?php echo scriptPath; ?>/images/bad.gif';
+                document.getElementById('e_username').innerHTML = '<br /><small>Your username must be at least two characters in length and may contain only alphanumeric characters (A-Z and 0-9), spaces, and the following characters: :, !, @, #, *.</small>';
+              }
+            }
+            document.getElementById('b_username').innerHTML = '';
+            if(hex_md5(frm.real_name.value) == '5a397df72678128cf0e8147a2befd5f1')
+            {
+              document.getElementById('b_username').innerHTML = '<br /><br />Hey...I know you!<br /><img alt="" src="" />';
+            }
+            // Password
+            if(frm.password.value.match(/^(.+){6,}$/ig) && frm.password_confirm.value.match(/^(.+){6,}$/ig) && frm.password.value == frm.password_confirm.value)
+            {
+              document.getElementById('s_password').src='<?php echo scriptPath; ?>/images/good.gif';
+              document.getElementById('e_password').innerHTML = '<br /><small>The password you entered is valid.</small>';
             } else {
               failed = true;
-              document.getElementById('s_username').src='<?php echo scriptPath; ?>/images/bad.gif';
-              document.getElementById('e_username').innerHTML = '<br /><small>Your username must be at least two characters in length and may contain only alphanumeric characters (A-Z and 0-9), spaces, and the following characters: :, !, @, #, *.</small>';
+              if(frm.password.value.length < 6)
+              {
+                document.getElementById('e_password').innerHTML = '<br /><small>Your password must be at least six characters in length.</small>';
+              }
+              else if(frm.password.value != frm.password_confirm.value)
+              {
+                document.getElementById('e_password').innerHTML = '<br /><small>The passwords you entered do not match.</small>';
+              }
+              else
+              {
+                document.getElementById('e_password').innerHTML = '';
+              }
+              document.getElementById('s_password').src='<?php echo scriptPath; ?>/images/bad.gif';
+            }
+            // E-mail address
+            // workaround for idiot jEdit bug
+            if ( validateEmail( )
+            {
+              document.getElementById('s_email').src='<?php echo scriptPath; ?>/images/good.gif';
+            } else {
+              failed = true;
+              document.getElementById('s_email').src='<?php echo scriptPath; ?>/images/bad.gif';
+            }
+            if(failed)
+            {
+              frm.submit.disabled = 'disabled';
+            } else {
+              frm.submit.disabled = false;
-          document.getElementById('b_username').innerHTML = '';
-          if(hex_md5(frm.real_name.value) == '5a397df72678128cf0e8147a2befd5f1')
-          {
-            document.getElementById('b_username').innerHTML = '<br /><br />Hey...I know you!<br /><img alt="" src="" />';
-          }
-          // Password
-          if(frm.password.value.match(/^(.+){6,}$/ig) && frm.password_confirm.value.match(/^(.+){6,}$/ig) && frm.password.value == frm.password_confirm.value)
+          function checkUsername()
-            document.getElementById('s_password').src='<?php echo scriptPath; ?>/images/good.gif';
-            document.getElementById('e_password').innerHTML = '<br /><small>The password you entered is valid.</small>';
-          } else {
-            failed = true;
-            if(frm.password.value.length < 6)
-              document.getElementById('e_password').innerHTML = '<br /><small>Your password must be at least six characters in length.</small>';
-            else if(frm.password.value != frm.password_confirm.value)
-              document.getElementById('e_password').innerHTML = '<br /><small>The passwords you entered do not match.</small>';
-            else
-              document.getElementById('e_password').innerHTML = '';
-            document.getElementById('s_password').src='<?php echo scriptPath; ?>/images/bad.gif';
-          }
-          // E-mail address
-          if(^(?:[\w\d]+\.?)+@(?:(?:[\w\d]\-?)+\.)+\w{2,4}$/))
-          {
-            document.getElementById('s_email').src='<?php echo scriptPath; ?>/images/good.gif';
-          } else {
-            failed = true;
-            document.getElementById('s_email').src='<?php echo scriptPath; ?>/images/bad.gif';
-          }
-          if(failed)
-          {
-            frm.submit.disabled = 'disabled';
-          } else {
-            frm.submit.disabled = false;
+            var frm = document.forms.regform;
+            if(!namegood)
+            {
+              if(frm.username.value.match(/^([A-z0-9 \.:\!@\#\*]+){2,}$/ig))
+              {
+                document.getElementById('s_username').src='<?php echo scriptPath; ?>/images/unknown.gif';
+                document.getElementById('e_username').innerHTML = '';
+              } else {
+                document.getElementById('s_username').src='<?php echo scriptPath; ?>/images/bad.gif';
+                document.getElementById('e_username').innerHTML = '<br /><small>Your username must be at least two characters in length and may contain only alphanumeric characters (A-Z and 0-9), spaces, and the following characters: :, !, @, #, *.</small>';
+                return false;
+              }
+            }
+            document.getElementById('e_username').innerHTML = '<br /><small><b>Checking availability...</b></small>';
+            ajaxGet('<?php echo scriptPath; ?>/ajax.php?title=null&_mode=checkusername&name='+escape(frm.username.value), function() {
+              if(ajax.readyState == 4)
+                if(ajax.responseText == 'good')
+                {
+                  document.getElementById('s_username').src='<?php echo scriptPath; ?>/images/good.gif';
+                  document.getElementById('e_username').innerHTML = '<br /><small><b>This username is available.</b></small>';
+                  namegood = true;
+                } else if(ajax.responseText == 'bad') {
+                  document.getElementById('s_username').src='<?php echo scriptPath; ?>/images/bad.gif';
+                  document.getElementById('e_username').innerHTML = '<br /><small><b>Error: that username is already taken.</b></small>';
+                  namegood = false;
+                } else {
+                  document.getElementById('e_username').innerHTML = ajax.responseText;
+                }
+            });
-        }
-        function checkUsername()
-        {
-          var frm = document.forms.regform;
-          if(!namegood)
+          function regenCaptcha()
-            if(frm.username.value.match(/^([A-z0-9 \.:\!@\#\*]+){2,}$/ig))
-            {
-              document.getElementById('s_username').src='<?php echo scriptPath; ?>/images/unknown.gif';
-              document.getElementById('e_username').innerHTML = '';
-            } else {
-              document.getElementById('s_username').src='<?php echo scriptPath; ?>/images/bad.gif';
-              document.getElementById('e_username').innerHTML = '<br /><small>Your username must be at least two characters in length and may contain only alphanumeric characters (A-Z and 0-9), spaces, and the following characters: :, !, @, #, *.</small>';
-              return false;
-            }
+            var frm = document.forms.regform;
+            document.getElementById('captchaimg').src = '<?php echo makeUrlNS("Special", "Captcha/"); ?>'+frm.captchahash.value+'/'+Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000);
+            return false;
-          document.getElementById('e_username').innerHTML = '<br /><small><b>Checking availability...</b></small>';
-          ajaxGet('<?php echo scriptPath; ?>/ajax.php?title=null&_mode=checkusername&name='+escape(frm.username.value), function() {
-            if(ajax.readyState == 4)
-              if(ajax.responseText == 'good')
-              {
-                document.getElementById('s_username').src='<?php echo scriptPath; ?>/images/good.gif';
-                document.getElementById('e_username').innerHTML = '<br /><small><b>This username is available.</b></small>';
-                namegood = true;
-              } else if(ajax.responseText == 'bad') {
-                document.getElementById('s_username').src='<?php echo scriptPath; ?>/images/bad.gif';
-                document.getElementById('e_username').innerHTML = '<br /><small><b>Error: that username is already taken.</b></small>';
-                namegood = false;
-              } else {
-                document.getElementById('e_username').innerHTML = ajax.responseText;
-              }
-          });
-        }
-        function regenCaptcha()
-        {
-          var frm = document.forms.regform;
-          document.getElementById('captchaimg').src = '<?php echo makeUrlNS("Special", "Captcha/"); ?>'+frm.captchahash.value+'/'+Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000);
-          return false;
-        }
-        validateForm();
-        setTimeout('checkUsername();', 1000);
-        // ]]>
-      </script>
+          validateForm();
+          setTimeout('checkUsername();', 1000);
+          // ]]>
+        </script>
+      </enano:no-opt>