Fixed behavior of log display and title fetch for nonexistent pages
Wed, 13 May 2009 09:43:57 -0400 (2009-05-13)
changeset 970 d894086f38cc
parent 969 0506adb8eb6c
child 971 bc8f3ab74e5e
Fixed behavior of log display and title fetch for nonexistent pages
--- a/includes/namespaces/default.php	Wed May 13 09:43:00 2009 -0400
+++ b/includes/namespaces/default.php	Wed May 13 09:43:57 2009 -0400
@@ -142,8 +142,9 @@
     $this->exists = false;
     $ns_char = substr($paths->nslist['Special'], -1);
     $page_name = $this->namespace == 'Article' ? dirtify_page_id($this->page_id) : "{$this->namespace}{$ns_char}" . dirtify_page_id($this->page_id);
+    $this->title = $page_name;
     $this->cdata = array(
       'name' => $page_name,
       'urlname' => $this->page_id,
@@ -735,16 +736,7 @@
       $html .= '</div>';
       $html .= '<div id="mdgCatBox">' . $lang->get('catedit_catbox_lbl_categories') . ' ';
-      $where = '( c.page_id=\'' . $db->escape($this->page_id) . '\' AND c.namespace=\'' . $db->escape($this->namespace) . '\' )';
-      $prefix = table_prefix;
-      $sql = <<<EOF
-SELECT c.category_id FROM {$prefix}categories AS c
-  LEFT JOIN {$prefix}pages AS p
-    ON ( ( p.urlname = c.page_id AND p.namespace = c.namespace ) OR ( p.urlname IS NULL AND p.namespace IS NULL ) )
-  WHERE $where
-  ORDER BY ASC, c.page_id ASC;
-      $q = $db->sql_query($sql);
+      $q = $db->sql_query('SELECT category_id FROM ' . table_prefix . "categories WHERE page_id = '$this->page_id' AND namespace = '$this->namespace';");
       if ( !$q )
@@ -945,7 +937,17 @@
     $page_id_db = $db->escape($page_id);
     $namespace_db = $db->escape($namespace);
-    $q = $db->sql_query('SELECT * FROM ' . table_prefix . "pages WHERE urlname = '$page_id_db' AND namespace = '$namespace_db';");
+    $q = $db->sql_query('SELECT p.*, COUNT(ca.comment_id) AS comments_approved, COUNT(cu.comment_id) AS comments_unapproved, COUNT(cs.comment_id) AS comments_spam'
+                         . ' FROM ' . table_prefix . "pages AS p\n"
+                      . "  LEFT JOIN " . table_prefix . "comments AS ca\n"
+                      . "    ON ( (ca.approved = " . COMMENT_APPROVED . " AND ca.page_id = p.urlname ) OR ca.comment_id IS NULL)\n"
+                      . "  LEFT JOIN " . table_prefix . "comments AS cu\n"
+                      . "    ON ( (cu.approved = " . COMMENT_UNAPPROVED . " AND cu.page_id = p.urlname ) OR cu.comment_id IS NULL)\n"
+                      . "  LEFT JOIN " . table_prefix . "comments AS cs\n"
+                      . "    ON ( (cs.approved = " . COMMENT_SPAM . " AND cs.page_id = p.urlname ) OR cs.comment_id IS NULL)\n"
+                      . "  WHERE p.urlname = '$page_id_db' AND p.namespace = '$namespace_db'\n"
+                      . "  GROUP BY p.urlname,, p.namespace, p.page_order, p.special, p.visible, p.protected, p.wiki_mode, p.comments_on, p.delvotes, p.delvote_ips, p.page_format, p.password;");
     if ( !$q )
--- a/includes/namespaces/user.php	Wed May 13 09:43:00 2009 -0400
+++ b/includes/namespaces/user.php	Wed May 13 09:43:57 2009 -0400
@@ -14,6 +14,21 @@
 class Namespace_User extends Namespace_Default
+  public function __construct($page_id, $namespace, $revision_id = 0)
+  {
+    global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
+    global $lang;
+    parent::__construct($page_id, $namespace, $revision_id);
+    if ( ( $this->title == str_replace('_', ' ', $this->page_id) || $this->title == $paths->nslist['User'] . str_replace('_', ' ', $this->page_id) ) || !$this->exists )
+    {
+      $this->title = $lang->get('userpage_page_title', array('username' => $this->page_id));
+      $this->cdata['name'] = $this->title;
+    }
+  }
   public function send()
     global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
@@ -55,10 +70,8 @@
      * See plugins.php for a guide on creating and attaching to hooks.
     $page_urlname = dirtify_page_id($this->page_id);
-    if ( $this->page_id == $paths->page_id && $this->namespace == $paths->namespace )
-    $page_name = $this->cdata['name'];
     $target_username = strtr($page_urlname, 
@@ -70,13 +83,7 @@
     $target_username = preg_replace('/^' . str_replace('/', '\\/', preg_quote($paths->nslist['User'])) . '/', '', $target_username);
     list($target_username) = explode('/', $target_username);
-    if ( ( $page_name == str_replace('_', ' ', $this->page_id) || $page_name == $paths->nslist['User'] . str_replace('_', ' ', $this->page_id) ) || !$this->exists )
-    {
-      $page_name = $lang->get('userpage_page_title', array('username' => $target_username));
-    }
-    $output->set_title($page_name);
+    $output->set_title($this->title);
     $q = $db->sql_query('SELECT u.username, u.user_id AS authoritative_uid, u.real_name,, u.reg_time, u.user_has_avatar, u.avatar_type, x.*, COUNT(c.comment_id) AS n_comments
                            FROM '.table_prefix.'users u
                            LEFT JOIN '.table_prefix.'users_extra AS x
--- a/plugins/SpecialLog.php	Wed May 13 09:43:00 2009 -0400
+++ b/plugins/SpecialLog.php	Wed May 13 09:43:57 2009 -0400
@@ -311,7 +311,10 @@
         $crumb = $lang->get('log_breadcrumb_author', array('user' => $user_link));
       case 'page':
-        $crumb = $lang->get('log_breadcrumb_page', array('page' => '<a href="' . makeUrl($value, false, true) . '">' . htmlspecialchars(get_page_title($value)) . '</a>'));
+        list($pid, $ns) = RenderMan::strToPageID($value);
+        $ns = namespace_factory($pid, $ns);
+        $exist = $ns->exists() ? '' : ' class="wikilink-nonexistent"';
+        $crumb = $lang->get('log_breadcrumb_page', array('page' => '<a' . $exist . ' href="' . makeUrl($value, false, true) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($ns->title) . '</a>'));
       case 'action':
         $action = ( $lang->get("log_formaction_{$value}") === "log_formaction_{$value}" ) ? $lang->get("log_action_{$value}") : $lang->get("log_formaction_{$value}");