Re-merged rev 35ed07abc99e, apparently didn't go through the first time.
Mon, 21 Jan 2008 15:38:50 -0500 (2008-01-21)
changeset 363 2220bab5c784
parent 361 35ed07abc99e (current diff)
parent 362 02d315d1cc58 (diff)
child 364 390eb356cd49
Re-merged rev 35ed07abc99e, apparently didn't go through the first time.
--- a/includes/clientside/static/pwstrength.js	Mon Jan 21 11:05:16 2008 -0500
+++ b/includes/clientside/static/pwstrength.js	Mon Jan 21 15:38:50 2008 -0500
@@ -181,9 +181,9 @@
     debug_txt += debug[i] + "\n";
-  if ( window.console )
-  else if ( document.getElementById('passdebug') )
+  // For users that really want to know why their password sucks.
+  // Not localized because the feature is really only used for debugging the algorithm.
+  if ( document.getElementById('passdebug') )
     document.getElementById('passdebug').innerHTML = debug_txt;
   return score;
@@ -191,36 +191,53 @@
 function password_score_draw(score)
+  if ( !$lang )
+  {
+    // $lang isn't initted yet, this happens sometimes on the usercp/emailpassword form.
+    // Try to init it if we have ENANO_LANG_ID and enano_lang; if not, report an error.
+    if ( typeof(enano_lang) == 'object' && typeof(ENANO_LANG_ID) == 'number' )
+    {
+      language_onload();
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      return {
+        color: '#000000',
+        fgcolor: '#666666',
+        str: 'Language init failed',
+      };
+    }
+  }
   // some colors are from the Gmail sign-up form
   if ( score >= 10 )
     var color = '#000000';
     var fgcolor = '#666666';
-    var str = 'Very strong (score: '+score+')';
+    var str = $lang.get('usercp_pwstrength_score_verystrong', { score: score });
   else if ( score > 3 )
     var color = '#008000';
     var fgcolor = '#004000';
-    var str = 'Strong (score: '+score+')';
+    var str = $lang.get('usercp_pwstrength_score_strong', { score: score });
   else if ( score >= 1 )
     var color = '#6699cc';
     var fgcolor = '#4477aa';
-    var str = 'Good (score: '+score+')';
+    var str = $lang.get('usercp_pwstrength_score_good', { score: score });
   else if ( score >= -3 )
     var color = '#f5ac00';
     var fgcolor = '#ffcc33';
-    var str = 'Fair (score: '+score+')';
+    var str = $lang.get('usercp_pwstrength_score_fair', { score: score });
     var color = '#aa0033';
     var fgcolor = '#FF6060';
-    var str = 'Weak (score: '+score+')';
+    var str = $lang.get('usercp_pwstrength_score_weak', { score: score });
   return {
     color: color,
--- a/includes/clientside/static/sliders.js	Mon Jan 21 11:05:16 2008 -0500
+++ b/includes/clientside/static/sliders.js	Mon Jan 21 15:38:50 2008 -0500
@@ -30,6 +30,9 @@
         // use cookies to toggle whether to display it or not
         var id = ( divs[i].parentNode.firstChild.nextSibling ) ? divs[i].parentNode.firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild : divs[i].parentNode.parentNode.firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild;
+        if ( !id.nextSibling )
+          return;
         if(id.innerHTML || id.nextSibling.length < 1) id = id.innerHTML;
         else id = id.nextSibling.innerHTML; // Gecko fix
--- a/includes/functions.php	Mon Jan 21 11:05:16 2008 -0500
+++ b/includes/functions.php	Mon Jan 21 15:38:50 2008 -0500
@@ -2142,7 +2142,7 @@
     $url = sprintf($result_url, '0');
-    $link = ( 0 == $start ) ? "<b>" . $lang->get('pagination_btn_first') . "</b>" : "<a href=".'"'."$url".'"'." style='text-decoration: none;'>&laquo; " . $lang->get('pagination_btn_first') . "</a>";
+    $link = ( 0 == $start ) ? "<b>" . $lang->get('paginate_btn_first') . "</b>" : "<a href=".'"'."$url".'"'." style='text-decoration: none;'>&laquo; " . $lang->get('paginate_btn_first') . "</a>";
@@ -2184,7 +2184,7 @@
       $offset = strval($total);
       $url = sprintf($result_url, $offset);
       $j = $i + 1;
-      $link = ( $offset == strval($start) ) ? "<b>" . $lang->get('pagination_btn_last') . "</b>" : "<a href=".'"'."$url".'"'." style='text-decoration: none;'>" . $lang->get('pagination_btn_last') . " &raquo;</a>";
+      $link = ( $offset == strval($start) ) ? "<b>" . $lang->get('paginate_btn_last') . "</b>" : "<a href=".'"'."$url".'"'." style='text-decoration: none;'>" . $lang->get('paginate_btn_last') . " &raquo;</a>";
@@ -2255,6 +2255,8 @@
 function paginate_array($q, $num_results, $result_url, $start = 0, $perpage = 10, $header = '', $footer = '')
   global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
+  global $lang;
   $num_pages = ceil ( $num_results / $perpage );
   $out = '';
   $i = 0;
@@ -2263,13 +2265,14 @@
   // Build paginator
   $begin = '<div class="tblholder" style="display: table; margin: 10px 0 0 auto;">
     <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4">
-      <tr><th>Page:</th>';
+      <tr><th>' . $lang->get('paginate_lbl_page') . '</th>';
   $block = '<td class="row1" style="text-align: center;">{LINK}</td>';
   $end = '</tr></table></div>';
   $blk = $template->makeParserText($block);
   $inner = '';
   $cls = 'row2';
   $total = $num_pages * $perpage - $perpage;
+  /*
   if ( $start > 0 )
     $url = sprintf($result_url, abs($start - $perpage));
@@ -2281,6 +2284,7 @@
     $inner .= $blk->run();
+  */
   if ( $num_pages < 5 )
     for ( $i = 0; $i < $num_pages; $i++ )
@@ -2322,7 +2326,7 @@
     $url = sprintf($result_url, '0');
-    $link = ( 0 == $start ) ? "<b>" . $lang->get('pagination_btn_first') . "</b>" : "<a href=".'"'."$url".'"'." style='text-decoration: none;'>&laquo; " . $lang->get('pagination_btn_first') . "</a>";
+    $link = ( 0 == $start ) ? "<b>" . $lang->get('paginate_btn_first') . "</b>" : "<a href=".'"'."$url".'"'." style='text-decoration: none;'>&laquo; " . $lang->get('paginate_btn_first') . "</a>";
@@ -2362,7 +2366,7 @@
       $offset = strval($total);
       $url = sprintf($result_url, $offset);
       $j = $i + 1;
-      $link = ( $offset == strval($start) ) ? "<b>" . $lang->get('pagination_btn_last') . "</b>" : "<a href=".'"'."$url".'"'." style='text-decoration: none;'>" . $lang->get('pagination_btn_last') . " &raquo;</a>";
+      $link = ( $offset == strval($start) ) ? "<b>" . $lang->get('paginate_btn_last') . "</b>" : "<a href=".'"'."$url".'"'." style='text-decoration: none;'>" . $lang->get('paginate_btn_last') . " &raquo;</a>";
@@ -2372,6 +2376,7 @@
+  /*
   if ( $start < $total )
     $link_offset = abs($start + $perpage);
@@ -2384,6 +2389,7 @@
     $inner .= $blk->run();
+  */
   $inner .= '<td class="row2" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="paginator_goto(this, '.$this_page.', '.$num_pages.', '.$perpage.', unescape(\'' . rawurlencode($result_url) . '\'));">&darr;</td>';
--- a/includes/paths.php	Mon Jan 21 11:05:16 2008 -0500
+++ b/includes/paths.php	Mon Jan 21 15:38:50 2008 -0500
@@ -482,6 +482,11 @@
       $ret = $_GET['title'];
+      if ( substr($ret, 0, strlen($this->nslist['Special'])) === $this->nslist['Special'] ||
+           substr($ret, 0, strlen($this->nslist['Admin'])) === $this->nslist['Admin'] )
+      {
+        list($ret) = explode('/', $ret);
+      }
--- a/language/english/user.json	Mon Jan 21 11:05:16 2008 -0500
+++ b/language/english/user.json	Mon Jan 21 15:38:50 2008 -0500
@@ -133,6 +133,62 @@
       reg_coppa_link_not13: 'I was born <b>after</b> %yo13_date% and am <b>less than</b> 13 years of age',
     usercp: {
+      // Meta
+      sec_profile: 'Profile/membership',
+      sec_pm: 'Private messages',
+      sec_profile_emailpassword: 'Edit e-mail address and password',
+      sec_profile_signature: 'Edit signature',
+      sec_profile_publicinfo: 'Edit public profile',
+      sec_profile_usergroups: 'Group memberships',
+      sec_profile_avatar: 'Avatar settings',
+      sec_pm_inbox: 'Inbox',
+      sec_pm_outbox: 'Outbox',
+      sec_pm_sent: 'Sent items',
+      sec_pm_drafts: 'Drafts',
+      sec_pm_archive: 'Archive',
+      // CP home
+      intro_heading_main: '%username%, welcome to your control panel',
+      intro_para1: 'Here you can make changes to your profile, view statistics on yourself on this site, and set your preferences.',
+      intro_para2: 'Your <a href="%userpage_link%">user page</a> <sup>(<a href="%userpage_link%#do:comments">comments</a>)</sup> is your free writing space. You can use it to tell the other members of this site a little bit about yourself. If you haven\'t already made a user page, why not <a href="%userpage_link%#do:edit">make one now</a>?',
+      intro_para3: 'Use the menu at the top to navigate around. If you have any questions, you may contact the %admin_contact_link%.',
+      intro_para3_admin_link: 'administrator',
+      // E-mail / password change form
+      emailpassword_title: 'Change E-mail Address or Password',
+      emailpassword_err_email_no_match: 'The e-mail addresses you entered did not match.',
+      emailpassword_err_list: 'The following errors were encountered while saving your e-mail address:',
+      emailpassword_err_title: 'Error updating e-mail address',
+      emailpassword_err_demo: 'You can\'t change your password in demo mode.',
+      // This is an in-joke.
+      emailpassword_err_password_too_short: 'Password must be at least 6 characters. You hacked my script, darn you!',
+      emailpassword_err_password_too_weak: 'Your password did not meet the complexity score requirement for this site. Your password scored %score%, while a score of at least %config.pw_strength_minimum% is needed.',
+      emailpassword_msg_profile_success: 'Profile changed',
+      emailpassword_msg_pass_success: 'Password changed',
+      emailpassword_msg_need_activ_user: 'Your password and e-mail address have been changed. Since e-mail activation is required on this site, you will need to re-activate your account to continue. An e-mail has been sent to the new e-mail address with an activation link. You must click that link in order to log in again.',
+      emailpassword_msg_need_activ_admin: 'Your password and e-mail address have been changed. Since administrative activation is requires on this site, a request has been sent to the administrators to activate your account for you. You will not be able to use your account until it is activated by an administrator.',
+      emailpassword_msg_password_changed: 'Your password has been changed, and you will now be redirected back to the user control panel.',
+      emailpassword_err_password_no_match: 'The passwords you entered did not match',
+      emailpassword_grp_chpasswd: 'Change password',
+      emailpassword_field_newpass: 'Type a new password:',
+      emailpassword_field_newpass_confirm: 'Type the password again to confirm:',
+      emailpassword_msg_password_min_score: 'Your password needs to score at least <b>%config.pw_strength_minimum%</b> in order to be accepted.',
+      // The following is NOT an in-joke. ;-)
+      emailpassword_grp_chemail: 'Change e-mail address',
+      emailpassword_field_newemail: 'New e-mail address:',
+      emailpassword_field_newemail_confirm: 'Confirm e-mail address:',
+      // Signature editor
+      signature_title: 'Editing signature',
+      signature_msg_saved: 'Your signature has been saved.',
+      signature_btn_save: 'Save signature',
+      // Additional profile info
+      publicinfo_title: 'Editing public profile',
+      // Avatar management
       avatar_err_disabled_title: 'Avatar support is disabled.',
       avatar_err_disabled_body: 'The administrator has not enabled avatar support for this site.',
       avatar_table_title: 'Avatar settings',
@@ -158,6 +214,13 @@
       avatar_move_failed: 'Your image was accepted, but there was a problem moving the image file to the correct location.',
       avatar_upload_success: 'Your avatar has been updated.',
       avatar_file_too_large: 'The image you uploaded exceeds the maximum file size allowed for avatars on this site.',
+      // Password strength widget
+      pwstrength_score_verystrong: 'Very strong (score: %score%)',
+      pwstrength_score_strong: 'Strong (score: %score%)',
+      pwstrength_score_good: 'Good (score: %score%)',
+      pwstrength_score_fair: 'Fair (score: %score%)',
+      pwstrength_score_weak: 'Weak (score: %score%)',
     groupcp: {
       status_mod: 'You are a moderator of this group.',
--- a/plugins/SpecialUserPrefs.php	Mon Jan 21 11:05:16 2008 -0500
+++ b/plugins/SpecialUserPrefs.php	Mon Jan 21 15:38:50 2008 -0500
@@ -67,17 +67,28 @@
   global $userprefs_menu;
   global $userprefs_menu_links;
+  global $lang;
   $html = '';
   $quot = '"';
   foreach ( $userprefs_menu as $section => $buttons )
-    $html .= ( isset($userprefs_menu_links[$section]) ) ? "<a href={$quot}{$userprefs_menu_links[$section]}{$quot}>{$section}</a>\n        " : "<a>{$section}</a>\n        ";
+    $section_name = $section;
+    if ( preg_match('/^[a-z]+_[a-z_]+$/', $section) )
+    {
+      $section_name = $lang->get($section_name);
+    }
+    $html .= ( isset($userprefs_menu_links[$section]) ) ? "<a href={$quot}{$userprefs_menu_links[$section]}{$quot}>{$section_name}</a>\n        " : "<a>{$section_name}</a>\n        ";
     $html .= "<ul>\n          ";
     foreach ( $buttons as $button )
-      $html .= "  <li><a href={$quot}{$button['link']}{$quot}>{$button['text']}</a></li>\n          ";
+      $buttontext = $button['text'];
+      if ( preg_match('/^[a-z]+_[a-z_]+$/', $buttontext) )
+      {
+        $buttontext = $lang->get($buttontext);
+      }
+      $html .= "  <li><a href={$quot}{$button['link']}{$quot}>{$buttontext}</a></li>\n          ";
     $html .= "</ul>\n        ";
@@ -100,20 +111,22 @@
   global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
   global $userprefs_menu_links;
-  userprefs_menu_add('Profile/membership', 'Edit e-mail address and password', makeUrlNS('Special', 'Preferences/EmailPassword') . '" onclick="ajaxLoginNavTo(\'Special\', \'Preferences/EmailPassword\', '.USER_LEVEL_CHPREF.'); return false;');
-  userprefs_menu_add('Profile/membership', 'Edit signature', makeUrlNS('Special', 'Preferences/Signature'));
-  userprefs_menu_add('Profile/membership', 'Edit public profile', makeUrlNS('Special', 'Preferences/Profile'));
-  userprefs_menu_add('Profile/membership', 'Group memberships', makeUrlNS('Special', 'Usergroups'));
+  userprefs_menu_add('usercp_sec_profile', 'usercp_sec_profile_emailpassword', makeUrlNS('Special', 'Preferences/EmailPassword') . '" onclick="ajaxLoginNavTo(\'Special\', \'Preferences/EmailPassword\', '.USER_LEVEL_CHPREF.'); return false;');
+  userprefs_menu_add('usercp_sec_profile', 'usercp_sec_profile_signature', makeUrlNS('Special', 'Preferences/Signature'));
+  userprefs_menu_add('usercp_sec_profile', 'usercp_sec_profile_publicinfo', makeUrlNS('Special', 'Preferences/Profile'));
+  userprefs_menu_add('usercp_sec_profile', 'usercp_sec_profile_usergroups', makeUrlNS('Special', 'Usergroups'));
   if ( getConfig('avatar_enable') == '1' )
-    userprefs_menu_add('Profile/membership', 'Avatar settings', makeUrlNS('Special', 'Preferences/Avatar'));
+    userprefs_menu_add('usercp_sec_profile', 'usercp_sec_profile_avatar', makeUrlNS('Special', 'Preferences/Avatar'));
-  userprefs_menu_add('Private messages', 'Inbox', makeUrlNS('Special', 'PrivateMessages/Folder/Inbox'));
-  userprefs_menu_add('Private messages', 'Outbox', makeUrlNS('Special', 'PrivateMessages/Folder/Outbox'));
-  userprefs_menu_add('Private messages', 'Sent items', makeUrlNS('Special', 'PrivateMessages/Folder/Sent'));
-  userprefs_menu_add('Private messages', 'Drafts', makeUrlNS('Special', 'PrivateMessages/Folder/Drafts'));
-  userprefs_menu_add('Private messages', 'Archive', makeUrlNS('Special', 'PrivateMessages/Folder/Archive'));
+  userprefs_menu_add('usercp_sec_pm', 'usercp_sec_pm_inbox', makeUrlNS('Special', 'PrivateMessages/Folder/Inbox'));
+  userprefs_menu_add('usercp_sec_pm', 'usercp_sec_pm_outbox', makeUrlNS('Special', 'PrivateMessages/Folder/Outbox'));
+  userprefs_menu_add('usercp_sec_pm', 'usercp_sec_pm_sent', makeUrlNS('Special', 'PrivateMessages/Folder/Sent'));
+  userprefs_menu_add('usercp_sec_pm', 'usercp_sec_pm_drafts', makeUrlNS('Special', 'PrivateMessages/Folder/Drafts'));
+  userprefs_menu_add('usercp_sec_pm', 'usercp_sec_pm_archive', makeUrlNS('Special', 'PrivateMessages/Folder/Archive'));
+  // Reserved for Enano's Next Big Innovation.(TM)
   userprefs_menu_add('Private messages', 'Inbox', makeUrlNS('Special',      'Private_Messages#folder:inbox'));
   userprefs_menu_add('Private messages', 'Starred', makeUrlNS('Special',     'Private_Messages#folder:starred'));
   userprefs_menu_add('Private messages', 'Sent items', makeUrlNS('Special', 'Private_Messages#folder:sent'));
@@ -185,7 +198,7 @@
             case 'foo':
               if ( $_POST['newemail'] != $_POST['newemail_conf'] )
-                $errors .= '<div class="error-box">The e-mail addresses you entered did not match.</div>';
+                $errors .= '<div class="error-box">' . $lang->get('usercp_emailpassword_err_email_no_match') . '</div>';
@@ -201,9 +214,9 @@
           $result = $session->update_user($session->user_id, false, $old_pass, false, $new_email);
           if ( $result != 'success' )
-            $message = '<p>The following errors were encountered while saving your e-mail address:</p>';
+            $message = '<p>' . $lang->get('usercp_emailpassword_err_list') . '</p>';
             $message .= '<ul><li>' . implode("</li>\n<li>", $result) . '</li></ul>';
-            die_friendly('Error updating e-mail address', $message);
+            die_friendly($lang->get('usercp_emailpassword_err_title'), $message);
           $email_changed = true;
@@ -227,16 +240,15 @@
           if ( strlen($newpass) > 0 )
             if ( defined('ENANO_DEMO_MODE') )
-              $errors .= '<div class="error-box" style="margin: 0 0 10px 0;">You can\'t change your password in demo mode.</div>';
+              $errors .= '<div class="error-box" style="margin: 0 0 10px 0;">' . $lang->get('usercp_emailpassword_err_demo') . '</div>';
             // Perform checks
             if ( strlen($newpass) < 6 )
-              $errors .= '<div class="error-box" style="margin: 0 0 10px 0;">Password must be at least 6 characters. You hacked my script, darn you!</div>';
+              $errors .= '<div class="error-box" style="margin: 0 0 10px 0;">' . $lang->get('usercp_emailpassword_err_password_too_short') . '</div>';
             if ( getConfig('pw_strength_enable') == '1' )
               $score_inp = password_score($newpass);
-              $score_min = intval( getConfig('pw_strength_minimum') );
               if ( $score_inp < $score_min )
-                $errors .= '<div class="error-box" style="margin: 0 0 10px 0;">Your password did not meet the complexity score requirement for this site. Your password scored '. $score_inp .', while a score of at least '. $score_min .' is needed.</div>';
+                $errors .= '<div class="error-box" style="margin: 0 0 10px 0;">' . $lang->get('usercp_emailpassword_err_password_too_weak', array('score' => $score_inp)) . '</div>';
             // Encrypt new password
             if ( empty($errors) )
@@ -253,15 +265,15 @@
                 if ( getConfig('account_activation') == 'user' )
-                  redirect(makeUrl(getConfig('main_page')), 'Profile changed', 'Your password and e-mail address have been changed. Since e-mail activation is required on this site, you will need to re-activate your account to continue. An e-mail has been sent to the new e-mail address with an activation link. You must click that link in order to log in again.', 19);
+                  redirect(makeUrl(getConfig('main_page')), $lang->get('usercp_emailpassword_msg_profile_success'), $lang->get('usercp_emailpassword_msg_need_activ_user'), 20);
                 else if ( getConfig('account_activation') == 'admin' )
-                  redirect(makeUrl(getConfig('main_page')), 'Profile changed', 'Your password and e-mail address have been changed. Since administrative activation is requires on this site, a request has been sent to the administrators to activate your account for you. You will not be able to use your account until it is activated by an administrator.', 19);
+                  redirect(makeUrl(getConfig('main_page')), $lang->get('usercp_emailpassword_msg_profile_success'), $lang->get('usercp_emailpassword_msg_need_activ_admin'), 20);
               $session->login_without_crypto($session->username, $newpass);
-              redirect(makeUrlNS('Special', 'Preferences'), 'Password changed', 'Your password has been changed, and you will now be redirected back to the user control panel.', 4);
+              redirect(makeUrlNS('Special', 'Preferences'), $lang->get('usercp_emailpassword_msg_pass_success'), $lang->get('usercp_emailpassword_msg_password_changed'), 5);
@@ -273,37 +285,39 @@
               $pass = $_POST['newpass'];
               if ( $pass != $_POST['newpass_conf'] )
-                $errors .= '<div class="error-box">The passwords you entered did not match</div>';
+                $errors .= '<div class="error-box">' . $lang->get('usercp_emailpassword_err_password_no_match') . '</div>';
+              $session->logout();
               if ( $email_changed )
                 if ( getConfig('account_activation') == 'user' )
-                  redirect(makeUrl(getConfig('main_page')), 'Profile changed', 'Your e-mail address has been changed. Since e-mail activation is required on this site, you will need to re-activate your account to continue. An e-mail has been sent to the new e-mail address with an activation link. You must click that link in order to log in again.', 19);
+                  redirect(makeUrl(getConfig('main_page')), $lang->get('usercp_emailpassword_msg_profile_success'), $lang->get('usercp_emailpassword_msg_need_activ_user'), 20);
                 else if ( getConfig('account_activation') == 'admin' )
-                  redirect(makeUrl(getConfig('main_page')), 'Profile changed', 'Your e-mail address has been changed. Since administrative activation is requires on this site, a request has been sent to the administrators to activate your account for you. You will not be able to use your account until it is activated by an administrator.', 19);
+                  redirect(makeUrl(getConfig('main_page')), $lang->get('usercp_emailpassword_msg_profile_success'), $lang->get('usercp_emailpassword_msg_need_activ_admin'), 20);
-                else
-                {
-                  redirect(makeUrlNS('Special', 'Preferences'), 'Password changed', 'Your e-mail address has been changed, and you will now be redirected back to the user control panel.', 4);
-                }
+              }
+              else
+              {
+                $session->login_without_crypto($session->username, $newpass);
+                redirect(makeUrlNS('Special', 'Preferences'), $lang->get('usercp_emailpassword_msg_pass_success'), $lang->get('usercp_emailpassword_msg_password_changed'), 5);
-      $template->tpl_strings['PAGE_NAME'] = 'Change E-mail Address or Password';
+      $template->tpl_strings['PAGE_NAME'] = $lang->get('usercp_emailpassword_title');
     case 'Signature':
-      $template->tpl_strings['PAGE_NAME'] = 'Editing signature';
+      $template->tpl_strings['PAGE_NAME'] = $lang->get('usercp_signature_title');
     case 'Profile':
-      $template->tpl_strings['PAGE_NAME'] = 'Editing public profile';
+      $template->tpl_strings['PAGE_NAME'] = $lang->get('usercp_publicinfo_title');
@@ -320,13 +334,14 @@
       global $email;
       $userpage_id = $paths->nslist['User'] . sanitize_page_id($session->username);
       $userpage_exists = ( isPage($userpage_id) ) ? '' : ' class="wikilink-nonexistent"';
-      $user_page = '<a href="' . makeUrlNS('User', sanitize_page_id($session->username)) . '"' . $userpage_exists . '>user page</a> <sup>(<a href="' . makeUrlNS('User', str_replace(' ', '_', $session->username)) . '#do:comments">comments</a>)</sup>';
-      $site_admin = $email->encryptEmail(getConfig('contact_email'), '', '', 'administrator');
-      $make_one_now = '<a href="' . makeUrlNS('User', sanitize_page_id($session->username)) . '">make one now</a>';
-      echo "<h3 style='margin-top: 0;'>$session->username, welcome to your control panel</h3>";
-      echo "<p>Here you can make changes to your profile, view statistics on yourself on this site, and set your preferences.</p>
-            <p>Your $user_page is your free writing space. You can use it to tell the other members of this site a little bit about yourself. If you haven't already made a user page, why not $make_one_now?</p>
-            <p>Use the menu at the top to navigate around. If you have any questions, you may contact the $site_admin.";
+      $user_page = makeUrlNS('User', sanitize_page_id($session->username));
+      $site_admin = $email->encryptEmail(getConfig('contact_email'), '', '', $lang->get('usercp_intro_para3_admin_link'));
+      echo '<h3 style="margin-top: 0;">' . $lang->get('usercp_intro_heading_main', array('username' => $session->username)) . '</h3>';
+      echo '<p>' . $lang->get('usercp_intro_para1') . '</p>
+            <p>' . $lang->get('usercp_intro_para2', array('userpage_link' => $user_page)) . '</p>
+            <p>' . $lang->get('usercp_intro_para3', array('admin_contact_link' => $site_admin)) . '</p>';
     case 'EmailPassword':
@@ -342,30 +357,30 @@
       $pubkey = $session->rijndael_genkey();
       echo '<fieldset>
-        <legend>Change password</legend>
-        Type a new password:<br />
+        <legend>' . $lang->get('usercp_emailpassword_grp_chpasswd') . '</legend>
+        ' . $lang->get('usercp_emailpassword_field_newpass') . '<br />
           <input type="password" name="newpass" size="30" tabindex="1" ' . ( getConfig('pw_strength_enable') == '1' ? 'onkeyup="password_score_field(this);" ' : '' ) . '/>' . ( getConfig('pw_strength_enable') == '1' ? '<span class="password-checker" style="font-weight: bold; color: #aaaaaa;"> Loading...</span>' : '' ) . '
         <br />
         <br />
-        Type the password again to confirm:<br />
+        ' . $lang->get('usercp_emailpassword_field_newpass_confirm') . '<br />
         <input type="password" name="newpass_conf" size="30" tabindex="2" />
         ' . ( getConfig('pw_strength_enable') == '1' ? '<br /><br /><div id="pwmeter"></div>
-        <small>Your password needs to score at least <b>'.getConfig('pw_strength_minimum').'</b> in order to be accepted.</small>' : '' ) . '
+        <small>' . $lang->get('usercp_emailpassword_msg_password_min_score') . '</small>' : '' ) . '
       </fieldset><br />
-        <legend>Change e-mail address</legend>
-        New e-mail address:<br />
+        <legend>' . $lang->get('usercp_emailpassword_grp_chemail') . '</legend>
+        ' . $lang->get('usercp_emailpassword_field_newemail') . '<br />
           <input type="text" value="' . ( isset($_POST['newemail']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['newemail']) : '' ) . '" name="newemail" size="30" tabindex="3" />
         <br />
         <br />
-        Confirm e-mail address:<br />
+        ' . $lang->get('usercp_emailpassword_field_newemail_confirm') . '<br />
           <input type="text" value="' . ( isset($_POST['newemail']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['newemail']) : '' ) . '" name="newemail_conf" size="30" tabindex="4" />
       <input type="hidden" name="use_crypt" value="no" />
       <input type="hidden" name="crypt_key" value="' . $pubkey . '" />
       <input type="hidden" name="crypt_data" value="" />
       <br />
-      <div style="text-align: right;"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Save Changes" tabindex="5" /></div>';
+      <div style="text-align: right;"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="' . $lang->get('etc_save_changes') . '" tabindex="5" /></div>';
       echo '</form>';
@@ -455,11 +470,11 @@
         if ( !$q )
         $session->signature = $sig;
-        echo '<div class="info-box" style="margin: 0 0 10px 0;">Your signature has been saved.</div>';
+        echo '<div class="info-box" style="margin: 0 0 10px 0;">' . $lang->get('usercp_signature_msg_saved') . '</div>';
       echo '<form action="'.makeUrl($paths->fullpage).'" method="post">';
       echo $template->tinymce_textarea('new_sig', htmlspecialchars($session->signature));
-      echo '<input type="submit" value="Save signature" />';
+      echo '<input type="submit" value="' . $lang->get('usercp_signature_btn_save') . '" />';
       echo '</form>';
     case "Profile":
--- a/plugins/admin/UserManager.php	Mon Jan 21 11:05:16 2008 -0500
+++ b/plugins/admin/UserManager.php	Mon Jan 21 15:38:50 2008 -0500
@@ -902,8 +902,7 @@
-                          <!-- FIXME: localize password strength widget -->
-                          <td><input type="password" name="new_password" value="" <!-- BEGIN password_meter -->onkeyup="password_score_field(this);" /><span class="password-checker" style="font-weight: bold; color: #AA0000"> Weak (score: -10)</span><!-- BEGINELSE password_meter --> /><!-- END password_meter -->
+                          <td><input type="password" name="new_password" value="" <!-- BEGIN password_meter -->onkeyup="password_score_field(this);" /><span class="password-checker" style="font-weight: bold; color: #A0A0A0"> Waiting for l10n init</span><!-- BEGINELSE password_meter --> /><!-- END password_meter -->
                             <!-- BEGIN password_meter -->
                               <div id="pwmeter" style="margin: 4px 0; height: 8px;"></div>
                             <!-- END password_meter -->
@@ -1141,6 +1140,11 @@
+        <script type="text/javascript">
+        password_score_field(document.forms['useredit_{UUID}'].new_password);
+        </script>
       <!-- Conclusion of user edit form -->