2008-05-11 Dan Moved some more images into sprites for Oxygen
2008-05-06 Dan Added ETag support and increased caching settings to try and speed the system up. Result of a YSlow audit.
2008-04-12 Dan Finally fixed link coloring settings in Oxygen Bleu; added compatibility wrapper for people that "ajaxLogonInit" over "ajaxLoginInit"
2008-03-01 Dan Fixed the fact that cron just didn't work at all (brain fart that day or something)
2008-02-12 Dan Added autosave functionality and resurrected the old toolbar code that was added about a year ago but never uesd.
2008-01-21 Dan Implemented IP logging for comments and registration
2007-12-28 Dan Replaced TinyMCE 2.x with 3.0 beta 3. Supports everything but IE. Also rewrote the editor interface completely from the ground up.
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