2008-07-07 Dan First stab at cache management backend. Everything seems to have been tested and working so far, but a number of things require a more specialized cache and can't go through the framework (e.g. user ranks which use references to map usernames to user IDs)
2008-07-03 Dan More optimization work. Moved special page init functions to common instead of common_post hook. Allowed paths to cache page metadata on filesystem. Phased out the redundancy in $paths->pages that paired a number with every urlname as foreach loops are allowed now (and have been for some time). Fixed missing includes for several functions. Rewrote str_replace_once to be a lot more efficient.
2008-06-30 Dan Several optimization changes including getting rid of a few eval()s. Added placeholder functions for the theme manager, which should be working now
2008-06-27 Dan Upgraded TinyMCE to Ported a couple special pages to the componentized JS system.
2008-06-22 Dan Initial progress towards converting auto-completion framework to Spry. Not currently in a very working state.
2008-06-07 Dan Updated version number metadata in system plugin files; added some comments and removed unused code from index.php and includes/graphs.php
2008-04-14 Dan Rebrand as 1.1.4 (Caoineag alpha 4)
2008-04-06 Dan Started work on the new plugin manager and associated management code. Very incomplete at this point and not usable.
2008-03-16 Dan Added support for embedding language data into plugins; updated all version numbers on plugin files
2008-03-15 Dan Added support for an enano:expand=(closed|open) attribute on fieldsets to make them act like GTK expandable widgets; implementation is on Special:CreatePage
2008-02-18 Dan Modernized Special:CreatePage.
2008-02-11 Dan Rebrand as 1.1.2; made upgrade framework functional
2008-01-29 Dan Rebranded source code as 1.1.1; added TinyMCE ACL rule as per Vadi's request:
2008-01-03 Dan WiP commit for admin panel localization. All modules up to Admin:UserManager (working down the list) are localized except Admin:ThemeManager, which is due for a rewrite
2007-12-30 Dan Localized the first parts of the admin panel. As a consequence, also wrote a brand new Admin:PageManager that doesn't suck like the old one did.
2007-12-28 Dan Replaced TinyMCE 2.x with 3.0 beta 3. Supports everything but IE. Also rewrote the editor interface completely from the ground up.
2007-12-26 Dan More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
2007-12-20 Dan Redid merge, the previous one had a few problems
2007-12-19 Dan Many changes. Installer with PostgreSQL is broken badly and will be for some time.
2007-12-13 Dan Rebrand as 1.0.3 (Dyrad)
2007-12-12 Dan Fixed focus of AJAX login form fields in IE; removed stale/unused call to $template->makeParserText() in paginate_array(); added hook page_create_request to possibly help control creation of pages of certain namespaces from plugins; fixed critical bug in user CP that prevented plugins from adding custom CP modules
2007-12-02 Dan Merging in the newly stable Coblynau
2007-11-23 Dan Changed all urlname/page_id columns to varchar(255) because 63 characters just isn't long enough
2007-11-03 Dan Localized a good part, if not all, of the registration page and a couple other things.
2007-10-21 Dan SECURITY: Fixed possible SQL injection in PageUtils page protection; general cleanup of PageUtils; blocked using Project: prefix for page URL strings
2007-10-20 Dan Implemented cron image into Oxygen and St Patty as promised; fixed way-outdated version numbers in plugins
2007-10-01 Dan Creating pages doesn't insert that crappy javascript hack anymore
2007-09-17 Dan [sync only] Minor display change in Special:About_Enano; added initial PHP function for password strength testing
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