author Dan
Tue, 06 Apr 2010 10:46:25 -0400
changeset 1239 e88534039a8d
parent 1227 bdac73ed481e
child 1379 5cbd678df965
permissions -rw-r--r--
Clarified some edit conflict related strings


 * Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between
 * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Dan Fuhry
 * Installation package
 * database_mysql.php - Installer database info page, MySQL
 * This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
 * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.

if ( !defined('IN_ENANO_INSTALL') )

if ( isset($_POST['_cont']) )
	$allow_go = true;
	// Do we have everything? If so, continue with installation.
	foreach ( array('db_host', 'db_port', 'db_name', 'db_user', 'db_pass') as $field )
		if ( empty($_POST[$field]) )
			$allow_go = false;
	if ( $allow_go )
		require( ENANO_ROOT . '/install/includes/stages/database_post.php' );
		return true;

if ( isset($_POST['ajax_test']) )
	// Test the database connection
	$return = array(
			'can_install' => false,
			'host_good' => true,
			'creating_user' => false,
			'db_exist' => false,
			'creating_db' => false,
			'creating_db_grant' => false,
			'root_fail' => false,
			'version' => array(
				'version' => 'unknown',
				'good' => 'indeterminate'
			'last_error' => ''
	if ( !isset($_POST['info']) )
	$info = $_POST['info'];
	// From here on out will be JSON responses
	header('Content-type: application/json');
		$info = @enano_json_decode($info);
	catch ( Zend_Json_Exception $e )
				'mode' => 'error',
				'error' => 'Exception in JSON decoder'
	if ( preg_match('/^:/', $info['db_host']) && !@file_exists(substr($info['db_host'], 1)) )
		$return['host_good'] = false;
		echo enano_json_encode($return);
	if ( $info['db_host'] == 'localhost' && !empty($info['db_port']) && $info['db_port'] != 3306 )
		$info['db_host'] = '';
	$dbhost = ( preg_match('/^:/', $info['db_host']) ) ? $info['db_host'] : "{$info['db_host']}:{$info['db_port']}";
	// Try to connect as the normal user
	$test = @mysql_connect($dbhost, $info['db_user'], $info['db_pass']);
	if ( !$test )
		$return['creating_user'] = true;
		$return['last_error'] = mysql_error();
		if ( strstr( $return['last_error'], 'Lost connection' ) || strstr( $return['last_error'], 'Unknown MySQL server host' ) )
			$return['host_good'] = false;
		// Doing that failed. If we have root credentials, test those
		if ( !empty($info['db_root_user']) && !empty($info['db_root_pass']) )
			// Log in with root rights and if that works, tell 'em we'll reset the password or create
			// the account if it doesn't exist already. This is done with GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON enano_db.*
			// etc etc, a little hackish but known to work with MySQL >= 4.1.
			$test_root = @mysql_connect($dbhost, $info['db_root_user'], $info['db_root_pass']);
			if ( $test_root )
				// We logged in with root rights, assume that we have appropriate permissions.
				// If not, well, the installation will fail. Tough on the user, but creating
				// test databases/users is too risky.
				// Does the database exist?
				$q = @mysql_query('USE `' . mysql_real_escape_string($info['db_name']) . '`;', $test_root);
				if ( !$q )
					// Nope, we'll have to create it
					$return['creating_db'] = true;
					$return['last_error'] = mysql_error();
				$version = mysql_get_server_info($test_root);
				$return['version'] = array(
					'version' => $version,
					'good' => version_compare($version, '4.0.17', '>=')
				$return['can_install'] = ( $return['version']['good'] ) ? true : false;
				// Well that helped. Root credentials are bad.
				$return['creating_db'] = true;
				$return['root_fail'] = true;
			// No root credentials, fail out
			$return['root_fail'] = true;
		// We're connected; do we have permission to use the database?
		$have_database = false;
		$q = @mysql_query('USE `' . mysql_real_escape_string($info['db_name']) . '`;', $test);
		if ( $q )
			// Permissions are good and we're all connected. Perform version check...
			$version = mysql_get_server_info($test);
			$return['version'] = array(
				'version' => $version,
				'good' => version_compare($version, '4.0.17', '>=')
			$return['can_install'] = ( $return['version']['good'] ) ? true : false;
			$return['last_error'] = mysql_error();
			$return['creating_db'] = true;
			// We don't have permission to use the database or it doesn't exist.
			// See if we have a root login to work with, if not then fail
			if ( !empty($info['db_root_user']) && !empty($info['db_root_pass']) )
				// Log in with root rights and if that works, tell 'em we'll create the database.
				$test_root = @mysql_connect($dbhost, $info['db_root_user'], $info['db_root_pass']);
				if ( $test_root )
					// We logged in with root rights, assume that we have appropriate permissions.
					// If not, well, the installation will fail. Tough on the user, but creating
					// test databases/users is too risky.
					// See if the database already exists
					$dbname = mysql_real_escape_string($info['db_name']);
					$q = @mysql_query("SHOW DATABASES LIKE '$dbname';", $test_root);
					if ( $q )
						if ( mysql_num_rows($q) > 0 )
							$return['creating_db'] = false;
							$return['creating_db_grant'] = true;
					$version = mysql_get_server_info($test);
					$return['version'] = array(
						'version' => $version,
						'good' => version_compare($version, '4.0.17', '>=')
					$return['can_install'] = ( $return['version']['good'] ) ? true : false;
					// Well that helped. Root credentials are bad.
					$return['creating_db'] = true;
					$return['root_fail'] = true;
			// No root credentials, fail out
	if ( isset($test) && @is_resource($test) )
	if ( isset($test_root) && @is_resource($test_root) )
	echo enano_json_encode($return);

$ui->add_header('<script type="text/javascript" src="includes/js/formutils.js"></script>');


<div style="float: right; padding: 10px 0 10px 10px;">
	<img alt="MySQL logo" src="../images/about-powered-mysql.png" />

<p><?php echo $lang->get('dbmysql_blurb_needdb'); ?></p>
<p><?php echo $lang->get('dbmysql_blurb_howtomysql'); ?></p>
if ( @file_exists('/etc/enano-is-virt-appliance') )
	echo '<p>
					' . $lang->get('database_vm_login_info', array( 'host' => 'localhost', 'user' => 'enano', 'pass' => 'clurichaun', 'name' => 'enano_www1' )) . '

<script type="text/javascript">

	var tested = false;

	function verify(field)
		if ( tested && !field )
			return true;
		tested = false;
		if ( document.getElementById('verify_error').className != '' )
			document.getElementById('verify_error').className = '';
			document.getElementById('verify_error').innerHTML = '';
		var frm = document.forms.database_info;
		// List of fields
		var fields = {
			db_host: frm.db_host,
			db_port: frm.db_port,
			db_name: frm.db_name,
			db_user: frm.db_user,
			db_pass: frm.db_pass,
			table_prefix: frm.table_prefix,
			db_root_user: frm.db_root_user,
			db_root_pass: frm.db_root_pass
		var passed = true;
		// Main validation
		if ( field == fields.db_host || !field )
			var matches = fields.db_host.value.match(/^(([a-z0-9_-]+)((\.([a-z0-9_-]+))*)|:[A-z0-9_:\.\/-]+)$/);
			document.getElementById('s_db_host').src = ( matches ) ? img_neu : img_bad;
			if ( !matches )
				passed = false;
		if ( field == fields.db_port || !field )
			var matches = fields.db_port.value.match(/^[0-9]+$/);
			document.getElementById('s_db_port').src = ( matches ) ? img_neu : img_bad;
			if ( !matches )
				passed = false;
		if ( field == fields.db_name || !field )
			var matches = fields.db_name.value.match(/^[A-z0-9_-]+$/);
			document.getElementById('s_db_name').src = ( matches ) ? img_neu : img_bad;
			if ( !matches )
				passed = false;
		if ( field == fields.db_user || field == fields.db_pass || !field )
			var matches = fields.db_user.value.match(/^[A-z0-9_-]+$/);
			document.getElementById('s_db_auth').src = ( matches ) ? img_neu : img_bad;
			if ( !matches )
				passed = false;
		if ( field == fields.table_prefix || !field )
			var matches = fields.table_prefix.value.match(/^[a-z0-9_]*$/);
			document.getElementById('s_table_prefix').src = ( matches ) ? img_good : img_bad;
			if ( !matches )
				passed = false;
		if ( field == fields.db_root_user || field == fields.db_root_pass || !field )
			var matches = ( ( fields.db_root_user.value.match(/^[A-z0-9_-]+$/) && fields.db_root_pass.value.match(/^.+$/) ) || fields.db_root_user.value == '' );
			document.getElementById('s_db_root').src = ( matches ) ? img_neu : img_bad;
			if ( !matches )
				passed = false;
		return passed;
	function ajaxTestConnection()
		if ( !verify() )
			document.body.scrollTop = 0;
			$('enano-body').effect('shake', {}, 750);
			document.getElementById('verify_error').className = 'error-box-mini';
			document.getElementById('verify_error').innerHTML = $lang.get('meta_msg_err_verification');
			return false;
		var frm = document.forms.database_info;
		var connection_info = 'info=' + ajaxEscape(toJSONString({
				db_host: frm.db_host.value,
				db_port: frm.db_port.value,
				db_name: frm.db_name.value,
				db_user: frm.db_user.value,
				db_pass: frm.db_pass.value,
				db_root_user: frm.db_root_user.value,
				db_root_pass: frm.db_root_pass.value
		ajaxPost(scriptPath + '/install/install.php?stage=database', connection_info + '&driver=mysql&ajax_test=on&language=' + enano_lang_code[ENANO_LANG_ID], function(ajax)
				if ( ajax.readyState == 4 && ajax.status == 200 )
					setTimeout('install_unset_ajax_loading();', 750);
					// Process response
					var response = String(ajax.responseText + '');
					if ( response.substr(0, 1) != '{' )
						alert('Received an invalid JSON response from the server.');
						return false;
					response = parseJSON(response);
					if ( response.mode == 'error' )
						return false;
					document.getElementById('e_db_host').innerHTML = '';
					document.getElementById('e_db_name').innerHTML = '';
					document.getElementById('e_db_auth').innerHTML = '';
					document.getElementById('e_db_root').innerHTML = '';
					if ( response.can_install )
						tested = true;
						var statuses = ['s_db_host', 's_db_name', 's_db_auth', 's_table_prefix', 's_db_root', 's_mysql_version'];
						for ( var i in statuses )
							var img = document.getElementById(statuses[i]);
							if ( img )
								img.src = img_good;
						document.getElementById('e_mysql_version').innerHTML = $lang.get('dbmysql_msg_info_mysql_good');
						document.getElementById('verify_error').className = 'info-box-mini';
						document.getElementById('verify_error').innerHTML = $lang.get('dbmysql_msg_test_success');
						if ( response.creating_db )
							document.getElementById('e_db_name').innerHTML = $lang.get('dbmysql_msg_warn_creating_db');
						if ( response.creating_user )
							document.getElementById('e_db_auth').innerHTML = $lang.get('dbmysql_msg_warn_creating_user');
						// Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear...
						if ( response.creating_db )
							document.getElementById('e_db_name').innerHTML = $lang.get('dbmysql_msg_err_mysql_dbexist', { mysql_error: response.last_error });
							document.getElementById('s_db_name').src = img_bad;
						if ( response.creating_user )
							document.getElementById('e_db_auth').innerHTML = $lang.get('dbmysql_msg_err_mysql_auth', { mysql_error: response.last_error });
							document.getElementById('s_db_auth').src = img_bad;
						if ( !response.host_good )
							document.getElementById('e_db_host').innerHTML = $lang.get('dbmysql_msg_err_mysql_connect', { db_host: frm.db_host.value, mysql_error: response.last_error });
							document.getElementById('s_db_host').src = img_bad;


<form action="install.php?stage=database" method="post" name="database_info">
<input type="hidden" name="language" value="<?php echo $lang_id; ?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="driver" value="mysql" />

<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10" width="100%">
		<td colspan="3" style="text-align: center">
			<h3><?php echo $lang->get('dbmysql_table_title'); ?></h3>
			<b><?php echo $lang->get('dbmysql_field_hostname_title'); ?></b>
			<br /><?php echo $lang->get('dbmysql_field_hostname_body'); ?>
			<br /><span style="color: #993300" id="e_db_host"></span>
			<input onkeyup="verify(this);" tabindex="1" name="db_host" size="30" type="text" />
			<img id="s_db_host" alt="Good/bad icon" src="../images/checkbad.png" />
			<b><?php echo $lang->get('dbmysql_field_port_title'); ?></b>
			<br /><?php echo $lang->get('dbmysql_field_port_body'); ?>
			<br /><span style="color: #993300" id="e_db_port"></span>
			<input onkeyup="verify(this);" tabindex="2" name="db_port" size="5" type="text" value="3306" />
			<img id="s_db_port" alt="Good/bad icon" src="../images/checkbad.png" />
			<b><?php echo $lang->get('dbmysql_field_dbname_title'); ?></b><br />
			<?php echo $lang->get('dbmysql_field_dbname_body'); ?><br />
			<span style="color: #993300" id="e_db_name"></span>
			<input onkeyup="verify(this);" tabindex="3" name="db_name" size="30" type="text" />
			<img id="s_db_name" alt="Good/bad icon" src="../images/checkbad.png" />
			<b><?php echo $lang->get('dbmysql_field_dbauth_title'); ?></b><br />
			<?php echo $lang->get('dbmysql_field_dbauth_body'); ?><br />
			<span style="color: #993300" id="e_db_auth"></span>
			<input onkeyup="verify(this);" tabindex="4" name="db_user" size="30" type="text" /><br />
			<br />
			<input name="db_pass" tabindex="5" size="30" type="password" />
			<img id="s_db_auth" alt="Good/bad icon" src="../images/checkbad.png" />
		<td colspan="3" style="text-align: center">
			<h3><?php echo $lang->get('database_heading_optionalinfo'); ?></h3>
			<b><?php echo $lang->get('dbmysql_field_tableprefix_title'); ?></b><br />
			<?php echo $lang->get('dbmysql_field_tableprefix_body'); ?>
			<input onkeyup="verify(this);" tabindex="6" name="table_prefix" size="30" type="text" />
			<img id="s_table_prefix" alt="Good/bad icon" src="../images/check.png" />
			<b><?php echo $lang->get('dbmysql_field_rootauth_title'); ?></b><br />
			<?php echo $lang->get('dbmysql_field_rootauth_body'); ?><br />
			<span style="color: #993300" id="e_db_root"></span>
			<input onkeyup="verify(this);" tabindex="7" name="db_root_user" size="30" type="text" /><br />
			<br />
			<input onkeyup="verify(this);" tabindex="8" name="db_root_pass" size="30" type="password" />
			<img id="s_db_root" alt="Good/bad icon" src="../images/check.png" />
			<b><?php echo $lang->get('dbmysql_field_mysqlversion_title'); ?></b>
		<td id="e_mysql_version">
			<?php echo $lang->get('dbmysql_field_mysqlversion_blurb_willbechecked'); ?>
			<img id="s_mysql_version" alt="Good/bad icon" src="../images/checkunk.png" />
			<b><?php echo $lang->get('dbmysql_field_droptables_title'); ?></b><br />
			<?php echo $lang->get('dbmysql_field_droptables_body'); ?>
		<td colspan="2">
			<input type="checkbox" tabindex="9" name="drop_tables" id="dtcheck" />  <label for="dtcheck"><?php echo $lang->get('dbmysql_field_droptables_lbl'); ?></label>
		<td colspan="3" style="text-align: center">
			<input type="button" tabindex="10" value="<?php echo $lang->get('dbmysql_btn_testconnection'); ?>" onclick="ajaxTestConnection();" />
			<div id="verify_error"></div>


<table border="0">
			<input type="submit" tabindex="11" value="<?php echo $lang->get('meta_btn_continue'); ?>" onclick="return verify();" name="_cont" />
				<span style="font-weight: bold;"><?php echo $lang->get('meta_lbl_before_continue'); ?></span><br />
				&bull; <?php echo $lang->get('database_objective_test'); ?><br />
				&bull; <?php echo $lang->get('database_objective_uncrypt'); ?>


<script type="text/javascript">