DiffieHellman: gracefully handle platforms that fail the sha256 self test, currently only known to be PowerPC. Added support for PHP's built-in hash functions (they were added in 5.1.2) and use them in lieu of the built-in sha256 implementation when available.
+ − <!-- VAR acl_field_begin -->
+ − <div class="tblholder">
+ − <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" style="width: 100%;">
+ − <tr>
+ − <th></th>
+ − <th style='cursor: pointer;' title="Click to change all columns" onclick="__aclSetAllRadios('i');">{lang:acl_lbl_field_inherit}</th>
+ − <th style='cursor: pointer;' title="Click to change all columns" onclick="__aclSetAllRadios('1');">{lang:acl_lbl_field_deny}</th>
+ − <th style='cursor: pointer;' title="Click to change all columns" onclick="__aclSetAllRadios('2');">{lang:acl_lbl_field_disallow}</th>
+ − <th style='cursor: pointer;' title="Click to change all columns" onclick="__aclSetAllRadios('3');">{lang:acl_lbl_field_wikimode}</th>
+ − <th style='cursor: pointer;' title="Click to change all columns" onclick="__aclSetAllRadios('4');">{lang:acl_lbl_field_allow}</th>
+ − </tr>
+ − <!-- ENDVAR acl_field_begin -->
+ − <!-- VAR acl_field_item -->
+ − <tr>
+ − <td class="{ROW_CLASS}">{FIELD_DESC}</td>
+ − <td class="{ROW_CLASS}" style="text-align: center;"><input type="radio" value="i" name="{FIELD_NAME}" {FIELD_INHERIT_CHECKED} /></td>
+ − <td class="{ROW_CLASS}" style="text-align: center;"><input type="radio" value="1" name="{FIELD_NAME}" {FIELD_DENY_CHECKED} /></td>
+ − <td class="{ROW_CLASS}" style="text-align: center;"><input type="radio" value="2" name="{FIELD_NAME}" {FIELD_DISALLOW_CHECKED} /></td>
+ − <td class="{ROW_CLASS}" style="text-align: center;"><input type="radio" value="3" name="{FIELD_NAME}" {FIELD_WIKIMODE_CHECKED} /></td>
+ − <td class="{ROW_CLASS}" style="text-align: center;"><input type="radio" value="4" name="{FIELD_NAME}" {FIELD_ALLOW_CHECKED} /></td>
+ − </tr>
+ − <!-- ENDVAR acl_field_item -->
+ − <!-- VAR acl_field_end -->
+ − <tr>
+ − <td colspan="6" class="row3">
+ − {lang:acl_lbl_help}
+ − </td>
+ − </tr>
+ − </table>
+ − </div>
+ − <!-- ENDVAR acl_field_end -->
+ −