Added another AJAX editor hook after init is pretty much done
<?php/* * Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Dan Fuhry * diffiehellman.php - Diffie Hellman key exchange and supporting functions * * This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details. *//** * EnanoMath GMP backend */class EnanoMath_GMP{ var $api = 'GMP'; /** * Initializes a number to a GMP integer. * @param string String representation of the number * @param int Base the number is currently in, defaults to 10 * @return resource */ function init($int, $base = 10) { return ( is_resource($int) ) ? $int : gmp_init($int, $base); } /** * Converts a number from a GMP integer to a string * @param resource * @param int Base, default is 10 * @return string */ function str($int, $base = 10) { return ( is_string($int) ) ? $int : gmp_strval($int, $base); } /** * Converts a number between bases. * @param resource BigInt to convert * @param int Base to convert from * @param int Base to convert to */ function basecon($int, $from, $to) { return $this->init(gmp_strval(gmp_init($this->str($int), $from), $to)); } /** * Generates a random integer. * @param int Length * @return resource */ function random($len) { return gmp_random($len / 8); } /** * Powmod operation (calculates (a ^ b) mod m) * @param resource a * @param resource b * @param resource m * @return resource */ function powmod($a, $b, $m) { $a = $this->init($a); $b = $this->init($b); $m = $this->init($m); return ( function_exists('gmp_powm') ) ? gmp_powm($a, $b, $m) : gmp_mod(gmp_pow($a, $b), $m); }}/** * EnanoMath big_int backend */class EnanoMath_BigInt{ var $api = 'big_int'; /** * Initializes a number to a BigInt integer. * @param string String representation of the number * @param int Base the number is in, defaults to 10 * @return resource */ function init($int, $base = 10) { return (is_resource($int)) ? $int : bi_from_str($int, $base); } /** * Converts a number from a BigInt integer to a string * @param resource * @param int Base, default is 10 * @return string */ function str($int, $base = 10) { return ( is_string($int) ) ? $int : bi_to_str($int, $base); } /** * Generates a random integer * @param int Length (bits) * @return resource */ function random($len) { return bi_rand($len); } /** * Converts a number between bases. * @param resource BigInt to convert * @param int Base to convert from * @param int Base to convert to */ function basecon($int, $from, $to) { return bi_base_convert($this->str($int, $from), $from, $to); } /** * Powmod operation (calculates (a ^ b) mod m) * @param resource a * @param resource b * @param resource m * @return resource */ function powmod($a, $b, $m) { $a = $this->init($a); $b = $this->init($b); $m = $this->init($m); return bi_powmod($a, $b, $m); }}/** * EnanoMath BCMath backend */class EnanoMath_BCMath{ var $api = 'BCMath'; /** * Initializes a number to a BCMath integer. * @param string String representation of the number * @param int Base the number is in, defaults to 10 * @return resource */ function init($int, $base = 10) { return $this->basecon($int, $base, 10); } /** * Converts a number from a BCMath integer to a string * @param resource * @param int Base, default is 10 * @return string */ function str($res) { return ( is_string($res) ) ? $res : strval($this->basecon($res, 10, $base)); } /** * Generates a random integer * @param int Length in bits * @return resource */ function random($len) { $len = 4 * $len; $chars = '0123456789abcdef'; $ret = ''; for ( $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++ ) { $chid = mt_rand ( 0, strlen($chars) - 1 ); $chr = $chars{$chid}; $ret .= $chr; } return $this->basecon($this->init($ret), 16, 10); } /** * Converts a number between bases. * @param resource BigInt to convert * @param int Base to convert from * @param int Base to convert to */ function basecon($int, $from, $to) { if ( $from != 10 ) $int = $this->_bcmath_base2dec($int, $from); if ( $to != 10 ) $int = $this->_bcmath_dec2base($int, $to); return $int; } /** * Powmod operation (calculates (a ^ b) mod m) * @param resource a * @param resource b * @param resource m * @return resource */ function powmod($a, $b, $m) { $a = $this->init($a); $b = $this->init($b); $m = $this->init($m); return ( function_exists('bcpowmod') ) ? bcpowmod($a, $b, $m) : bcmod( bcpow($a, $b), $m ); } // from // convert a decimal value to any other base value function _bcmath_dec2base($dec,$base,$digits=FALSE) { if($base<2 or $base>256) die("Invalid Base: ".$base); bcscale(0); $value=""; if(!$digits) $digits=$this->_bcmath_digits($base); while($dec>$base-1) { $rest=bcmod($dec,$base); $dec=bcdiv($dec,$base); $value=$digits[$rest].$value; } $value=$digits[intval($dec)].$value; return (string) $value; } // convert another base value to its decimal value function _bcmath_base2dec($value,$base,$digits=FALSE) { if($base<2 or $base>256) die("Invalid Base: ".$base); bcscale(0); if($base<37) $value=strtolower($value); if(!$digits) $digits=$this->_bcmath_digits($base); $size=strlen($value); $dec="0"; for($loop=0;$loop<$size;$loop++) { $element=strpos($digits,$value[$loop]); $power=bcpow($base,$size-$loop-1); $dec=bcadd($dec,bcmul($element,$power)); } return (string) $dec; } function _bcmath_digits($base) { if($base>64) { $digits=""; for($loop=0;$loop<256;$loop++) { $digits.=chr($loop); } } else { $digits ="0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; $digits.="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-_"; } $digits=substr($digits,0,$base); return (string) $digits; }}/** * Creates a new math object based on what libraries are available. * @return object */function enanomath_create(){ if ( function_exists('gmp_init') ) return new EnanoMath_GMP(); else if ( function_exists('bi_from_str') ) return new EnanoMath_BigInt(); else if ( function_exists('bcadd') ) return new EnanoMath_BCMath(); else throw new Exception('dh_err_not_supported');}?>