Logins: if the error message string doesn't look like a langstring id, don't prepend "user_err_" to it (some auth plugins are not localized at all, this lets them be without ugly cosmetic bugs)
+ − #id, #name, #hspace, #vspace, #class_name, #align { width: 100px }
+ − #hspace, #vspace { width: 50px }
+ − #flash_quality, #flash_align, #flash_scale, #flash_salign, #flash_wmode { width: 100px }
+ − #flash_base, #flash_flashvars { width: 240px }
+ − #width, #height { width: 40px }
+ − #src, #media_type { width: 250px }
+ − #class { width: 120px }
+ − #prev { margin: 0; border: 1px solid black; width: 380px; height: 230px; overflow: auto }
+ − .panel_wrapper div.current { height: 390px; overflow: auto }
+ − #flash_options, #shockwave_options, #qt_options, #wmp_options, #rmp_options { display: none }
+ − .mceAddSelectValue { background-color: #DDDDDD }
+ − #qt_starttime, #qt_endtime, #qt_fov, #qt_href, #qt_moveid, #qt_moviename, #qt_node, #qt_pan, #qt_qtsrc, #qt_qtsrcchokespeed, #qt_target, #qt_tilt, #qt_urlsubstituten, #qt_volume { width: 70px }
+ − #wmp_balance, #wmp_baseurl, #wmp_captioningid, #wmp_currentmarker, #wmp_currentposition, #wmp_defaultframe, #wmp_playcount, #wmp_rate, #wmp_uimode, #wmp_volume { width: 70px }
+ − #rmp_console, #rmp_numloop, #rmp_controls, #rmp_scriptcallbacks { width: 70px }
+ − #shockwave_swvolume, #shockwave_swframe, #shockwave_swurl, #shockwave_swstretchvalign, #shockwave_swstretchhalign, #shockwave_swstretchstyle { width: 90px }
+ − #qt_qtsrc { width: 200px }