author Dan Fuhry <>
Tue, 16 Nov 2010 13:24:24 -0500
changeset 1323 8aa4b24faabf
parent 1227 bdac73ed481e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Updated tags


 * Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between
 * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Dan Fuhry
 * Installation package
 * ui.php - User interface for installations and upgrades
 * This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
 * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.

 * The class for drawing and managing UI components.
 * @package Enano
 * @subpackage Installer
 * @author Dan Fuhry

class Enano_Installer_UI
 	* The list of installer stages.
 	* @var array
	var $stages = array();
 	* The GUID of the active stage
 	* @var string
	var $current_stage = '';
 	* The application name, or the name displayed after the stage name in the title bar. Should be localized.
 	* @var string
	var $app_name = '';
 	* If the header should be simplified (stripped of the Enano logo and top heading), this will be true.
 	* @var bool
	var $simple = false;
 	* Text inserted into the header on the right.
 	* @var string
	var $step = '';
 	* Extra text to add to the HTML <head> section
 	* @var array Will be implode()'ed
	var $additional_headers = array();
 	* Constructor.
 	* @param string The name displayed in the <title> tag
 	* @param bool If true, the simplified header format is displayed.
	function __construct($app_name, $simple_header)
		$this->stages = array(
				'main' => array(),
				'hide' => array()
		$this->app_name = $app_name;
		$this->simple = ( $simple_header ) ? true : false;
 	* Adds more text to the HTML header.
 	* @param string
	function add_header($html)
		$this->additional_headers[] = $html;
 	* Adds a stage to the installer.
 	* @param string Title of the stage, should be already put through $lang->get()
 	* @param bool If true, the stage is shown among possible stages at the top of the window. If false, acts as a hidden stage
 	* @return string Unique identifier for stage, used later on set_visible_stage()
	function add_stage($stage, $visible = true)
		$key = ( $visible ) ? 'main' : 'hide';
		$guid = md5(microtime() . mt_rand());
		$this->stages[$key][$guid] = $stage;
		if ( empty($this->current_stage) )
			$this->current_stage = $guid;
		return $guid;
 	* Resets the active stage of installation. This is for the UI only; it doesn't actually change how the backend works.
 	* @param string GUID of stage, returned from add_stage()
 	* @return bool true on success, false if stage GUID not found
	function set_visible_stage($guid)
		foreach ( $this->stages['main'] as $key => $stage_name )
			if ( $key == $guid )
				$this->current_stage = $guid;
				return true;
		foreach ( $this->stages['hide'] as $key => $stage_name )
			if ( $key == $guid )
				$this->current_stage = $guid;
				return true;
		return false;
 	* Outputs the HTML headers and start of the <body>, including stage indicator
	function show_header()
		// Determine the name of the current stage
		$stage_name = false;
		if ( isset($this->stages['main'][$this->current_stage]) )
			$stage_name = $this->stages['main'][$this->current_stage];
		else if ( isset($this->stages['hide'][$this->current_stage]) )
			$stage_name = $this->stages['hide'][$this->current_stage];
			// Can't determine name of stage
			return false;
		$this->app_name = htmlspecialchars($this->app_name);
		$stage_name = htmlspecialchars($stage_name);
		global $lang;
		if ( is_object($lang) && isset($GLOBALS['lang_uri']) )
			$lang_uri = sprintf($GLOBALS['lang_uri'], $lang->lang_code);
			$this->add_header('<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $lang_uri . '"></script>');
		$additional_headers = implode("\n    ", $this->additional_headers);
		$title = addslashes(str_replace(' ', '_', $stage_name));
		$js_dynamic = '<script type="text/javascript">
				var title="' . $title . '";
				var scriptPath="'.scriptPath.'";
				var cdnPath="'.scriptPath.'";
				var ENANO_SID="";
				var AES_BITS='.AES_BITS.';
				var pagepass=\'\';
				var ENANO_LANG_ID = 1;
				var DISABLE_MCE = true;
	var enano_version = \'' . installer_enano_version() . '\';
				var msg_loading_component = \'Loading %component%...\';
		echo <<<EOF
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
		<title>{$stage_name} &bull; {$this->app_name}</title>
		<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
		<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../includes/clientside/css/enano-shared.css" />
		<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="images/css/installer.css" id="mdgCss" />
		<script type="text/javascript" src="../includes/clientside/static/enano-lib-basic.js"></script>
		<div id="enano">

		if ( !$this->simple )
			$step = ( !empty($this->step) ) ? '<div id="step">' . htmlspecialchars($this->step) . '</div>' : '';
			echo <<<EOF
			<div id="header">
				<img alt="Enano logo" src="images/enano-artwork/installer-header-blue.png" />

		$stages_class = ( $this->simple ) ? 'stages' : 'stages stages-fixed';
		echo <<<EOF
			<div class="stages-holder">
				<ul class="$stages_class">
		foreach ( $this->stages['main'] as $guid => $stage )
			$class = ( $guid == $this->current_stage ) ? 'stage stage-active' : 'stage';
			$stage = htmlspecialchars($stage);
			echo "      <li class=\"$class\">$stage</li>\n    ";
		echo "    </ul>\n      <div style=\"clear: both;\"></div>\n      </div>\n";
		echo "      <div id=\"enano-fill\">\n      ";
		echo "  <div id=\"enano-body\">\n            ";
 	* Displays the page footer.
	function show_footer()
		$scriptpath = scriptPath;
		$year = date('Y');
		echo <<<EOF
					<div id="copyright">
						Enano and its various components, related documentation, and artwork are copyright &copy; 2006-$year Dan Fuhry.<br />
						Copyrights for <a href="{$scriptpath}/licenses/">third-party components</a> are held by their respective authors.<br />
						This program is Free Software; see the file "GPL" included with this package for details.
				</div> <!-- div#enano-body -->
			</div> <!-- div#enano-fill -->
		</div> <!-- div#enano -->