A bit of shuffling around code related to determining the page title from the URL. It's done in common now, and $paths becomes more of an information repository rather than an information gatherer. Note: This BREAKS $paths->fullpage/$paths->getParam() in *_preloader!
// Some final stuff - loader routines, etc.
var onload_complete = false;
function mdgInnerLoader(e)
window.onkeydown = isKeyPressed;
window.onkeyup = function(e) { isKeyPressed(e); };
if ( typeof(dbx_set_key) == 'function')
// Enano's main init function.
function enano_init(e)
// we're loaded; set flags to true
console.info('Enano::JS runtime: system init complete');
onload_complete = true;
// don't init the page if less than IE6
if ( typeof(KILL_SWITCH) == 'boolean' && !KILL_SWITCH )
window.onload = enano_init;