Added paginator_goto() to function reverse map; fixed some missing component loads in pagination code
+ − <?php
+ − // vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4:
+ − /**
+ − * Baseline rule class for extension into a "real" parser component.
+ − *
+ − * PHP versions 4 and 5
+ − *
+ − * @category Text
+ − * @package Text_Wiki
+ − * @author Paul M. Jones <>
+ − * @license LGPL License 2.1
+ − * @version CVS: $Id: Parse.php,v 1.5 2005/07/29 08:57:29 toggg Exp $
+ − * @link
+ − */
+ −
+ − /**
+ − * Baseline rule class for extension into a "real" parser component.
+ − *
+ − * Text_Wiki_Rule classes do not stand on their own; they are called by a
+ − * Text_Wiki object, typcially in the transform() method. Each rule class
+ − * performs three main activities: parse, process, and render.
+ − *
+ − * The parse() method takes a regex and applies it to the whole block of
+ − * source text at one time. Each match is sent as $matches to the
+ − * process() method.
+ − *
+ − * The process() method acts on the matched text from the source, and
+ − * then processes the source text is some way. This may mean the
+ − * creation of a delimited token using addToken(). In every case, the
+ − * process() method returns the text that should replace the matched text
+ − * from parse().
+ − *
+ − * @category Text
+ − * @package Text_Wiki
+ − * @author Paul M. Jones <>
+ − * @license LGPL License 2.1
+ − * @version Release: @package_version@
+ − * @link
+ − */
+ − class Text_Wiki_Parse {
+ −
+ −
+ − /**
+ − *
+ − * Configuration options for this parser rule.
+ − *
+ − * @access public
+ − *
+ − * @var string
+ − *
+ − */
+ −
+ − var $conf = array();
+ −
+ −
+ − /**
+ − *
+ − * Regular expression to find matching text for this rule.
+ − *
+ − * @access public
+ − *
+ − * @var string
+ − *
+ − * @see parse()
+ − *
+ − */
+ −
+ − var $regex = null;
+ −
+ −
+ − /**
+ − *
+ − * The name of this rule for new token array elements.
+ − *
+ − * @access public
+ − *
+ − * @var string
+ − *
+ − */
+ −
+ − var $rule = null;
+ −
+ −
+ − /**
+ − *
+ − * A reference to the calling Text_Wiki object.
+ − *
+ − * This is needed so that each rule has access to the same source
+ − * text, token set, URLs, interwiki maps, page names, etc.
+ − *
+ − * @access public
+ − *
+ − * @var object
+ − */
+ −
+ − var $wiki = null;
+ −
+ −
+ − /**
+ − *
+ − * Constructor for this parser rule.
+ − *
+ − * @access public
+ − *
+ − * @param object &$obj The calling "parent" Text_Wiki object.
+ − *
+ − */
+ −
+ − function Text_Wiki_Parse(&$obj)
+ − {
+ − // set the reference to the calling Text_Wiki object;
+ − // this allows us access to the shared source text, token
+ − // array, etc.
+ − $this->wiki =& $obj;
+ −
+ − // set the name of this rule; generally used when adding
+ − // to the tokens array. strip off the Text_Wiki_Parse_ portion.
+ − // text_wiki_parse_
+ − // 0123456789012345
+ − $tmp = substr(get_class($this), 16);
+ − $this->rule = ucwords(strtolower($tmp));
+ −
+ − // override config options for the rule if specified
+ − if (isset($this->wiki->parseConf[$this->rule]) &&
+ − is_array($this->wiki->parseConf[$this->rule])) {
+ −
+ − $this->conf = array_merge(
+ − $this->conf,
+ − $this->wiki->parseConf[$this->rule]
+ − );
+ −
+ − }
+ − }
+ −
+ −
+ − /**
+ − *
+ − * Abstrct method to parse source text for matches.
+ − *
+ − * Applies the rule's regular expression to the source text, passes
+ − * every match to the process() method, and replaces the matched text
+ − * with the results of the processing.
+ − *
+ − * @access public
+ − *
+ − * @see Text_Wiki_Parse::process()
+ − *
+ − */
+ −
+ − function parse()
+ − {
+ − $this->wiki->source = preg_replace_callback(
+ − $this->regex,
+ − array(&$this, 'process'),
+ − $this->wiki->source
+ − );
+ − }
+ −
+ −
+ − /**
+ − *
+ − * Abstract method to generate replacements for matched text.
+ − *
+ − * @access public
+ − *
+ − * @param array $matches An array of matches from the parse() method
+ − * as generated by preg_replace_callback. $matches[0] is the full
+ − * matched string, $matches[1] is the first matched pattern,
+ − * $matches[2] is the second matched pattern, and so on.
+ − *
+ − * @return string The processed text replacement; defaults to the
+ − * full matched string (i.e., no changes to the text).
+ − *
+ − * @see Text_Wiki_Parse::parse()
+ − *
+ − */
+ −
+ − function process(&$matches)
+ − {
+ − return $matches[0];
+ − }
+ −
+ −
+ − /**
+ − *
+ − * Simple method to safely get configuration key values.
+ − *
+ − * @access public
+ − *
+ − * @param string $key The configuration key.
+ − *
+ − * @param mixed $default If the key does not exist, return this value
+ − * instead.
+ − *
+ − * @return mixed The configuration key value (if it exists) or the
+ − * default value (if not).
+ − *
+ − */
+ −
+ − function getConf($key, $default = null)
+ − {
+ − if (isset($this->conf[$key])) {
+ − return $this->conf[$key];
+ − } else {
+ − return $default;
+ − }
+ − }
+ −
+ −
+ − /**
+ − *
+ − * Extract 'attribute="value"' portions of wiki markup.
+ − *
+ − * This kind of markup is typically used only in macros, but is useful
+ − * anywhere.
+ − *
+ − * The syntax is pretty strict; there can be no spaces between the
+ − * option name, the equals, and the first double-quote; the value
+ − * must be surrounded by double-quotes. You can escape characters in
+ − * the value with a backslash, and the backslash will be stripped for
+ − * you.
+ − *
+ − * @access public
+ − *
+ − * @param string $text The "attributes" portion of markup.
+ − *
+ − * @return array An associative array of key-value pairs where the
+ − * key is the option name and the value is the option value.
+ − *
+ − */
+ −
+ − function getAttrs($text)
+ − {
+ − // find the =" sections;
+ − $tmp = explode('="', trim($text));
+ −
+ − // basic setup
+ − $k = count($tmp) - 1;
+ − $attrs = array();
+ − $key = null;
+ −
+ − // loop through the sections
+ − foreach ($tmp as $i => $val) {
+ −
+ − // first element is always the first key
+ − if ($i == 0) {
+ − $key = trim($val);
+ − continue;
+ − }
+ −
+ − // find the last double-quote in the value.
+ − // the part to the left is the value for the last key,
+ − // the part to the right is the next key name
+ − $pos = strrpos($val, '"');
+ − $attrs[$key] = stripslashes(substr($val, 0, $pos));
+ − $key = trim(substr($val, $pos+1));
+ −
+ − }
+ −
+ − return $attrs;
+ −
+ − }
+ − }
+ − ?>