AJAX core library: possible breaking change, readystatechange functions are now called with the XHR instance as the first parameter, to allow requests to run in parallel. This means much better stability but may break some applets (compatibility hack is included)
// vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4:
* Default: Parses for smileys / emoticons tags
* This class implements a Text_Wiki_Rule to find source text marked as
* smileys defined by symbols as ':)' , ':-)' or ':smile:'
* The symbol is replaced with a token.
* PHP versions 4 and 5
* @category Text
* @package Text_Wiki
* @author Bertrand Gugger <bertrand@toggg.com>
* @copyright 2005 bertrand Gugger
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html LGPL License 2.1
* @version CVS: $Id: Smiley.php,v 1.6 2005/10/04 08:17:51 toggg Exp $
* @link http://pear.php.net/package/Text_Wiki
* Smiley rule parser class for Default.
* @category Text
* @package Text_Wiki
* @author Bertrand Gugger <bertrand@toggg.com>
* @copyright 2005 bertrand Gugger
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html LGPL License 2.1
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link http://pear.php.net/package/Text_Wiki
* @see Text_Wiki_Parse::Text_Wiki_Parse()
class Text_Wiki_Parse_Smiley extends Text_Wiki_Parse {
* Configuration keys for this rule
* 'smileys' => array Smileys recognized by this rule, symbols key definitions:
* 'symbol' => array ( 'name', 'description' [, 'variante', ...] ) as
* ':)' => array('smile', 'Smile'),
* ':D' => array('biggrin', 'Very Happy',':grin:'),
* the eventual elements after symbol and description are variantes
* 'auto_nose' => boolean enabling the auto nose feature:
* auto build a variante for 2 chars symbols by inserting a '-' as ':)' <=> ':-)'
* @access public
* @var array 'config-key' => mixed config-value
var $conf = array(
'smileys' => array(
':D' => array('biggrin', 'Very Happy', ':grin:'),
':)' => array('smile', 'Smile', '(:'),
':(' => array('sad', 'Sad', '):'),
':o' => array('surprised', 'Surprised', ':eek:', 'o:'),
':shock:' => array('eek', 'Shocked'),
':?' => array('confused', 'Confused', ':???:'),
'8)' => array('cool', 'Cool', '(8'),
':lol:' => array('lol', 'Laughing'),
':x' => array('mad', 'Mad'),
':P' => array('razz', 'Razz'),
':oops:' => array('redface', 'Embarassed'),
':cry:' => array('cry', 'Crying or Very sad'),
':evil:' => array('evil', 'Evil or Very Mad'),
':twisted:' => array('twisted', 'Twisted Evil'),
':roll:' => array('rolleyes', 'Rolling Eyes'),
';)' => array('wink', 'Wink', '(;'),
':!:' => array('exclaim', 'Exclamation'),
':?:' => array('question', 'Question'),
':idea:' => array('idea', 'Idea'),
':arrow:' => array('arrow', 'Arrow'),
':|' => array('neutral', 'Neutral', '|:'),
':mrgreen:' => array('mrgreen', 'Mr. Green'),
'auto_nose' => true
* Definition array of smileys, variantes references their model
* 'symbol' => array ( 'name', 'description')
* @access private
* @var array 'config-key' => mixed config-value
var $_smileys = array();
* Constructor.
* We override the constructor to build up the regex from config
* @param object &$obj the base conversion handler
* @return The parser object
* @access public
function Text_Wiki_Parse_Smiley(&$obj)
$default = $this->conf;
// read the list of smileys to sort out variantes and :xxx: while building the regexp
$this->_smileys = $this->getConf('smileys', $default['smileys']);
$autoNose = $this->getConf('auto_nose', $default['auto_nose']);
$reg1 = $reg2 = '';
$sep1 = ':(?:';
$sep2 = '';
foreach ($this->_smileys as $smiley => $def) {
for ($i = 1; $i < count($def); $i++) {
if ($i > 1) {
$cur = $def[$i];
$this->_smileys[$cur] = &$this->_smileys[$smiley];
} else {
$cur = $smiley;
$len = strlen($cur);
if (($cur{0} == ':') && ($len > 2) && ($cur{$len - 1} == ':')) {
$reg1 .= $sep1 . preg_quote(substr($cur, 1, -1), '#');
$sep1 = '|';
if ($autoNose && ($len === 2)) {
$variante = $cur{0} . '-' . $cur{1};
$this->_smileys[$variante] = &$this->_smileys[$smiley];
$cur = preg_quote($cur{0}, '#') . '-?' . preg_quote($cur{1}, '#');
} else {
$cur = preg_quote($cur, '#');
$reg2 .= $sep2 . $cur;
$sep2 = '|';
$delim = '[\n\r\s' . $this->wiki->delim . '$^]';
$this->regex = '#(?<=' . $delim .
')(' . ($reg1 ? $reg1 . '):' . ($reg2 ? '|' : '') : '') . $reg2 .
')(?=' . $delim . ')#i';
* Generates a replacement token for the matched text. Token options are:
* 'symbol' => the original marker
* 'name' => the name of the smiley
* 'desc' => the description of the smiley
* @param array &$matches The array of matches from parse().
* @return string Delimited token representing the smiley
* @access public
function process(&$matches)
// tokenize
return $this->wiki->addToken($this->rule,
'symbol' => $matches[1],
'name' => $this->_smileys[$matches[1]][0],
'desc' => $this->_smileys[$matches[1]][1]