author Dan
Tue, 12 Feb 2008 07:44:16 -0500
changeset 418 322fa0c91303
parent 413 6607cd646d6d
child 468 194a19711346
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
Fixed version-set on migration code (see the comments in the source for why) and added post-upgrade hooks.

 * Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between
 * Version 1.1.1
 * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Dan Fuhry
 * This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
 * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.

// This is the main language file for Enano. Feel free to use it as a base for your own translations.
// All text in this file before the first left curly brace and all text after the last curly brace will
// be trimmed. So you can use a limited amount of Javascript in this so that the language can be imported
// via Javascript as well.

var enano_lang = {
  categories: [
    'meta', 'page', 'comment', 'onpage', 'etc', 'editor', 'history', 'catedit', 'tags', 'delvote', 'ajax', 'sidebar', 'perm', 'plugin', 'paginate', 'upload', 'tz',
  strings: {
    meta: {
      meta: 'Category names and basic metadata',
      page: 'Page creation and control',
      comment: 'Comment display',
      onpage: 'On-page buttons and controls',
      etc: 'Miscellaneous strings',
      editor: 'Page editor interface',
      history: 'Page history and log viewer',
      catedit: 'Categorization box and editor',
      tags: 'Page tagging interface',
      delvote: 'Page deletion vote interface',
      ajax: 'On-page AJAX applets',
      sidebar: 'Default sidebar blocks and buttons',
      perm: 'Page actions (for ACLs)',
      plugin: 'Plugin names and descriptions',
      paginate: 'Pagination widget',
      upload: 'File upload interface',
      tz: 'Time zones',
      plural: 's',
      enano_about_th: 'About the Enano Content Management System',
      enano_about_poweredby: '<p>This website is powered by <a href="">Enano</a>, the lightweight and open source CMS that everyone can use. Enano is copyright &copy; 2006-2007 Dan Fuhry. For legal information, along with a list of libraries that Enano uses, please see <a href="">Legal Information</a>.</p><p>The developers and maintainers of Enano strongly believe that software should not only be free to use, but free to be modified, distributed, and used to create derivative works. For more information about Free Software, check out the <a href="" onclick="; return false;">Wikipedia page</a> or the <a href="" onclick="; return false;">Free Software Foundation\'s</a> homepage.</p>',
      enano_about_gpl: '<p>This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p><p>This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.</p><p>You should have received <a href="%gpl_link%">a copy of the GNU General Public License</a> along with this program; if not, write to:</p><p style="margin-left 2em;">Free Software Foundation, Inc.,<br />51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor<br />Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA</p><p>Alternatively, you can <a href="">read it online</a>.</p>',
      enano_about_lbl_enanoversion: '<a href="">Enano</a> version:',
      enano_about_lbl_webserver: 'Web server:',
      enano_about_lbl_serverplatform: 'Server platform:',
      enano_about_lbl_phpversion: '<a href="">PHP</a> version:',
      enano_about_lbl_mysqlversion: '<a href="">MySQL</a> version:',
      enano_about_lbl_pgsqlversion: '<a href="">PostgreSQL</a> version:',
    page: {
      sitedisabled_admin_msg_title: 'The site is currently disabled and thus is only accessible to administrators.',
      sitedisabled_admin_msg_body: 'You can re-enable the site through the <a href="%admin_link%">administration panel</a>.',
      heading_sql_list: 'Query list as requested on URI',
      msg_stats_gentime_long: 'Generated in %time%sec',
      msg_stats_gentime_short: 'Time: %time%s',
      msg_stats_sql: '%nq% SQL',
      w3c_valid_html32: 'Valid HTML 3.2',
      w3c_valid_html40: 'Valid HTML 4.0',
      w3c_valid_html401: 'Valid HTML 4.01',
      w3c_valid_html50: 'Valid HTML 5.0',
      w3c_valid_xhtml10: 'Valid XHTML 1.0',
      w3c_valid_xhtml11: 'Valid XHTML 1.1',
      w3c_valid_css: 'Valid CSS',
      enano_powered: 'Powered by <a href="%about_uri%">Enano</a>',
      enano_powered_long: 'Website engine powered by <a href="%about_uri%">Enano</a>',
      protect_lbl_success_title: 'Page protected',
      protect_lbl_success_body: 'The protection setting has been applied. <a href="%page_link%">Return to the page</a>.',
      protect_err_need_reason: 'Error: you must enter a reason for protecting this page.',
      protect_lbl_reason: 'Reason for protecting the page:',
      protect_lbl_level: 'Protecion level to be applied:',
      protect_lbl_level_none: 'No protection',
      protect_lbl_level_semi: 'Semi-protection',
      protect_lbl_level_full: 'Full protection',
      protect_btn_submit: 'Protect page',
      rename_err_need_name: 'Error: you must enter a new name for this page.',
      rename_lbl: 'Please enter a new name for this page:',
      rename_btn_submit: 'Rename page',
      rename_success_title: 'Page renamed',
      flushlogs_warning_stern: '<h3>You are about to <span style="color: red;">destroy</span> all logged edits and actions on this page.</h3><p>Unlike deleting or editing this page, this action is <u>not reversible</u>! You should only do this if you are desparate for database space.</p><p>Do you really want to continue?</p>',
      flushlogs_btn_submit: 'Flush logs',
      delvote_warning_stern: '<h3>Your vote counts.</h3><p>If you think that this page is not relavent to the content on this site, or if it looks like this page was only created in an attempt to spam the site, you can request that this page be deleted by an administrator.</p><p>After you vote, you should leave a comment explaining the reason for your vote, especially if you are the first person to vote against this page.</p>',
      delvote_count_zero: 'So far, no one has voted for the deletion of this page.',
      delvote_count_one: 'So far, one person has voted to delete this page.',
      delvote_count_plural: 'So far, %delvotes% people have voted to delete this page.',
      delvote_btn_submit: 'Vote to delete this page',
      delvote_reset_btn_submit: 'Reset votes',
      delete_warning_stern: '<h3>You are about to <span style="color: red;">destroy</span> this page.</h3><p>While the deletion of the page itself is completely reversible, it is impossible to recover any comments or category information on this page. If this is a file page, the file along with all older revisions of it will be permanently deleted. Also, any custom information that this page is tagged with, such as a custom name, protection status, or additional settings such as whether to allow comments, will be permanently lost.</p><p>Are you <u>absolutely sure</u> that you want to continue?<br />You will not be asked again.</p>',
      delete_err_need_reason: 'Please enter a reason for deleting this page.',
      delete_btn_submit: 'Delete this page',
      delete_lbl_reason: 'Reason for deleting:',
      wikimode_success_redirect: 'Wiki mode for this page has been set. Redirecting you to the page...',
      wikimode_level_on: 'Wiki features will be enabled.',
      wikimode_level_off: 'Wiki features will be disabled.',
      wikimode_level_global: 'Wiki features will be synchronized to the global setting.',
      wikimode_heading: 'You are changing wiki mode for this page.',
      wikimode_warning: 'If you want to continue, please click the button below.',
      wikimode_blurb_disable: 'Because this will disable the wiki behavior on this page, several features, most notably the ability for users to vote to have this page deleted, will be disabled as they are not relevant to non-wiki pages. In addition, users will not be able to edit this page unless an ACL rule specifically permits them.',
      wikimode_blurb_enable: 'Because this will enable the wiki behavior on this page, users will gain the ability to freely edit this page unless an ACL rule specifically denies them. If your site is public and gets good traffic, you should be aware of the possiblity of vandalism, and you need to be ready to revert malicious edits to this page.',
      wikimode_btn_submit: 'Set wiki mode',
      detag_err_page_exists: 'The detag action is only valid for pages that have been deleted in the past.',
      detag_success_title: 'Page detagged',
      detag_success_body: 'All stale tags have been removed from this page.',
      err_custompage_function_missing_title: 'Page backend not found',
      err_custompage_function_missing_body: 'The administration page you are looking for was properly registered using the page API, but the backend function (<tt>%function_name%</tt>) was not found. If this is a plugin page, then this is almost certainly a bug with the plugin.',
      err_redirects_exceeded: 'The maximum number of internal redirects has been exceeded.',
      err_redirect_to_nonexistent: 'This page redirects to another page that doesn\'t exist.',
      err_redirect_infinite_loop: 'This page infinitely redirects with another page (or another series of pages), and the infinite redirect was trapped.',
      err_redirect_to_special: 'This page redirects to a Special or Administration page, which is not allowed.',
      err_access_denied_title: 'You don\'t have permission to view this page.',
      err_access_denied_body: '<p>Your user account doesn\'t have the necessary permission to view this page. There are a number of possible reasons for this:</p>
                                 <li>You aren\'t logged in. Some pages are restricted to logged-in users.</li>
                                 <li>The page you\'re trying to view is protected so that only members of a specific usergroup are allowed to read it.</li>
                               <p>If you would like to inquire further about this message, you may contact the %site_administration%.</p>',
      err_access_denied_siteadmin: 'site administrator',
      msg_this_is_a_redirector: '<b>This page is a <i>redirector</i>.</b><br />
                    This means that this page will not show its own content by default. Instead it will display the contents of the page it redirects to.<br /><br />
                    To create a redirect page, make the <i>first characters</i> in the page content <tt>#redirect [[Page_ID]]</tt>. For more information, see the
                    Enano <a href="" onclick="; return false;">Wiki formatting guide</a>.<br /><br />
                    This page redirects to %redirect_target%.',
      msg_redirected_from: '(Redirected from %from%)',
      msg_redirected_from_to: '(Redirected from %from% to %to%)',
      msg_passrequired: 'Access to this page requires a password. Please enter the password for this page below:',
      msg_pass_wrong: 'The password you entered for this page was incorrect. Please enter the password for this page below:',
      lbl_password: 'Password:',
      msg_404_title: 'There is no page with this title yet.',
      msg_404_body_userpage: 'This user has not created his or her user page yet.',
      msg_404_body: 'You have requested a page that doesn\'t exist yet.',
      msg_404_create: 'You can <a %create_flags%>create this page</a>, or return to the <a href="%mainpage_link%">homepage</a>.',
      msg_404_gohome: 'Return to the <a href="%mainpage_link%">homepage</a>.',
      msg_404_was_deleted: '<b>This page was deleted on %delete_time%.</b> The stated reason was:</p><blockquote>%delete_reason%</blockquote><p>You can probably <a %rollback_flags%>roll back</a> the deletion.',
      msg_404_admin_opts: 'Additional admin options: <a href="%detag_link%" title="Remove any tags on this page">detag page</a>',
      msg_404_http_response: 'HTTP Error: 404 Not Found',
      msg_archived_title: 'Notice:',
      msg_archived_body: 'The page you are viewing was archived on %archive_date% at %archive_time%.<br /><a href="%current_link%" onclick="ajaxReset(); return false;">View current version</a>  |  <a href="%restore_link%" onclick="%restore_onclick%">Restore this version</a>',
      msg_special_404_title: 'Can\'t load special page',
      msg_special_404_body: 'The special page you requested could not be found. This may be due to a plugin failing to load. A list of all special pages on this website can be viewed <a href="%sp_link%">here</a>. You will be redirected to the main page in 15 seconds.',
      msg_admin_404_title: 'Administration page not found',
      msg_admin_404_body: '<p>You\'ve requested an administration page, but the function <tt>%func_name%</tt> doesn\'t exist, so the page can\'t be loaded.</p>
                             <h3>Plugin developer?</h3>
                              <p>Create a function called <tt>%func_name%</tt> - it should be loaded when you refresh this page.</p>
                              <p>If you\'re trying to use a plugin\'s administration page, contact the developer of the plugin. If you\'re trying to use a function that is built into Enano (not added by a plugin), then please contact the Enano development team.</p>',
      msg_general_error: 'General error in page fetcher',
      autosuggest_heading: 'Page name matches',
      autosuggest_col_name: 'Page title',
      autosuggest_col_page_id: 'Page ID',
    comment: {
      lbl_subject: 'Subject',
      lbl_mod_options: 'Moderator options:',
      heading: 'Article comments',
      btn_send_privmsg: 'Send private message',
      btn_add_buddy: 'Add to buddy list',
      btn_edit: 'edit',
      btn_delete: 'delete',
      btn_mod_approve: 'Approve',
      btn_mod_unapprove: 'Unapprove',
      btn_mod_delete: 'Delete',
      btn_mod_ip_logged: 'View IP',
      btn_mod_ip_missing: 'IP not logged',
      btn_mod_ip_notimplemented: 'Use AJAX interface to view IPs',
      btn_save: 'save',
      msg_comment_posted: 'Your comment has been posted. If it does not appear right away, it is probably awaiting approval.',
      msg_count_zero: 'There are <span id="comment_count_inner">no</span> comments on this %page_type%.',
      msg_count_one: 'There is <span id="comment_count_inner">1</span> comment on this %page_type%.',
      msg_count_plural: 'There are <span id="comment_count_inner">%num_comments%</span> comments on this %page_type%.',
      msg_count_unapp_mod: '<span id="comment_count_unapp_inner">%num_unapp%</span> of those are unapproved.',
      msg_count_unapp_one: 'However, there is <span id="comment_count_unapp_inner">1</span> additional comment awaiting approval.',
      msg_count_unapp_plural: 'However, there are <span id="comment_count_unapp_inner">%num_unapp%</span> additional comments awaiting approval.',
      msg_note_unapp: '(Unapproved)',
      msg_ip_address: 'IP address:',
      msg_delete_confirm: 'Do you really want to delete this comment?',
      postform_title: 'Got something to say?',
      postform_blurb: 'If you have comments or suggestions on this article, you can shout it out here.',
      postform_blurb_unapp: 'Before your post will be visible to the public, a moderator will have to approve it.',
      postform_blurb_captcha: 'Because you are not logged in, you will need to enter a visual confirmation before your comment will be posted.',
      postform_blurb_link: 'Leave a comment...',
      postform_field_name: 'Your name/screen name:',
      postform_field_subject: 'Comment subject:',
      postform_field_comment: 'Comment:',
      postform_field_captcha_title: 'Visual confirmation:',
      postform_field_captcha_blurb: 'Please enter the confirmation code seen in the image on the right into the box. If you cannot read the code, please click on the image to generate a new one. This helps to prevent automated bot posting.',
      postform_field_captcha_label: 'Confirmation code:',
      postform_field_captcha_cantread_js: 'If you can\'t read the code, click on the image to generate a new one.',
      postform_field_captcha_cantread_nojs: 'If you can\'t read the code, please refresh this page to generate a new one.',
      postform_btn_submit: 'Submit comment',
      on_friend_list: 'On your friend list',
      on_foe_list: 'On your foe list',
    onpage: {
      lbl_pagetools: 'Page tools',
      lbl_page_article: 'article',
      lbl_page_admin: 'administration page',
      lbl_page_system: 'system message',
      lbl_page_file: 'uploaded file',
      lbl_page_help: 'documentation page',
      lbl_page_user: 'user page',
      lbl_page_special: 'special page',
      lbl_page_template: 'template',
      lbl_page_project: 'project page',
      lbl_page_category: 'category',
      btn_discussion: 'discussion (%num_comments%)',
      btn_discussion_unapp: 'discussion (%num_comments% total, %num_unapp% unapp.)',
      btn_edit: 'edit this page',
      btn_viewsource: 'view source',
      btn_history: 'history',
      btn_moreoptions: 'more options',
      btn_rename: 'rename',
      btn_printable: 'view printable version',
      btn_votedelete: 'vote to delete this page',
      btn_votedelete_reset: 'reset deletion votes',
      lbl_wikimode: 'page wiki mode:',
      btn_wikimode_on: 'on',
      btn_wikimode_off: 'off',
      btn_wikimode_global: 'global',
      lbl_protect: 'protection:',
      btn_protect_on: 'on',
      btn_protect_off: 'off',
      btn_protect_semi: 'semi',
      btn_clearlogs: 'clear page logs',
      btn_deletepage: 'delete this page',
      btn_deletepage_votes: ' (<b>%num_votes%</b> vote%plural%)',
      lbl_password: 'page password:',
      btn_password_set: 'set',
      btn_acl: 'manage page access',
      btn_admin: 'administrative options',
      tip_article: 'View the page contents, all of the page contents, and nothing but the page contents (alt-a)',
      tip_comments: 'View the comments that other users have posted about this page (alt-c)',
      tip_edit: 'Edit the contents of this page (alt-e)',
      tip_viewsource: 'View the source code (wiki markup) that this page uses (alt-e)',
      tip_history: 'View a log of actions taken on this page (alt-h)',
      tip_rename: 'Change the display name of this page (alt-r)',
      tip_delvote: 'Vote to have this page deleted (alt-d)',
      tip_resetvotes: 'Clear the list of votes for deletion against this page (alt-y)',
      tip_printable: 'View a version of this page that is suitable for printing',
      tip_protect_on: 'Prevents all non-administrators from editing this page. [alt-i]',
      tip_protect_off: 'Allows everyone to edit this page. [alt-o]',
      tip_protect_semi: 'Allows only users who have been registered for 4 days to edit this page. [alt-p]',
      tip_flushlogs: 'Remove all edit and action logs for this page from the database. IRREVERSIBLE! (alt-l)',
      tip_deletepage: 'Delete this page. This is always reversible unless the logs are cleared. (alt-k)',
      tip_adminoptions: 'Administrative options for this page',
      tip_moreoptions: 'Additional options for working with this page',
      tip_password: 'Require a password in order for this page to be viewed',
      tip_aclmanager: 'Manage who can do what with this page (alt-m)',
      cat_heading_subcategories: 'Subcategories',
      cat_msg_no_subcategories: 'No subcategories.',
      cat_heading_pages: 'Pages',
      cat_msg_no_pages: 'No pages in this category.',
      filebox_heading: 'Uploaded file',
      filebox_msg_not_found: 'There are no files uploaded with this name yet. <a href="%upload_link%">Upload a file...</a>',
      filebox_lbl_type: 'Type:',
      filebox_lbl_size: 'Size: %size%',
      filebox_lbl_uploaded: 'Uploaded:',
      filebox_msg_virus_warning: 'This file type may contain viruses or other code that could harm your computer. You should exercise caution if you download it.',
      filebox_btn_download: 'Download this file',
      filebox_btn_upload_new: 'Upload new version',
      filebox_heading_history: 'File history',
      filebox_btn_this_version: 'this ver',
      filebox_btn_revert: 'revert',
    editor: {
      err_server: 'There was a problem starting the editor',
      err_access_denied_title: 'Not authorized to view source',
      err_access_denied_body: 'You are not authorized to edit or view the source of this page.',
      err_save_title: 'There was a problem saving the page.',
      err_save_body: 'A few problems were encountered while your page was being saved:',
      err_obsolete_title: 'Someone else modified this page while you were editing it',
      err_obsolete_body: 'While you were editing this page, %author% modified this page. The edit took place on %timestamp%. You can <a href="%page_url%" onclick="; return false;">view the latest version of the page</a>, or click %this.editor_btn_save% again to replace the page with your revision.',
      err_need_captcha_title: 'Missing confirmation code',
      err_need_captcha_body: 'Please enter the confirmation code in the box labeled "%this.editor_lbl_field_captcha_code%". %this.editor_msg_captcha_blind%',
      err_no_text_title: 'No text entered',
      err_no_text_body: 'Please enter the text that will be in this page.',
      // Server-side errors
      err_no_rows: 'Page doesn\'t exist in the database',
      err_no_permission: 'You do not have permission to edit this page.',
      err_page_protected: 'This page is protected, and you do not have permission to edit protected pages.',
      err_captcha_wrong: 'The confirmation code you entered is incorrect.',
      msg_editor_heading: 'Editing page',
      msg_saved: 'Your changes to this page have been saved.',
      msg_revert_confirm: 'Do you really want to revert your changes?',
      msg_discard_confirm: 'Do you really want to discard your changes?',
      msg_confirm_ajax: 'Do you really want to do this?\nYour changes to this page have not been saved. If you continue, your changes will be lost.',
      msg_unload: 'If you do, any changes that you have made to this page will be lost.',
      msg_revert_confirm_title: 'Do you really want to revert your changes?',
      msg_revert_confirm_body: 'If you choose to continue, all of the changes you have made to this page will be lost, and the editor will be set with the latest published (not draft) copy of the page.',
      msg_cancel_confirm_title: 'Do you want to cancel your changes?',
      msg_cancel_confirm_body: 'Are you sure you want to discard the changes you made? If you continue, your changes cannot be recovered.',
      msg_diff: 'Below is a summarization of the differences between the current revision of the page (left), and your version (right).',
      msg_diff_empty: 'There are no differences between the text in the editor and the current revision of the page.',
      msg_editing_old_revision: 'You are editing an old revision of this page. If you click Save, newer revisions of this page will be undone.',
      msg_have_draft_title: 'A draft copy of this page is available.',
      msg_have_draft_body: '%author% saved a draft version of this page on %time%. You can <a href="#use_draft" onclick="ajaxEditorUseDraft(); return false;">use the draft copy</a>, or edit the current published version (below). If you edit the published version, the draft copy will remain available, but will not reflect your changes. It is recommended that you edit the draft version instead of editing the published version.',
      btn_graphical: 'graphical editor',
      btn_wikitext: 'wikitext editor',
      lbl_edit_summary: 'Brief summary of your changes:',
      lbl_edit_summary_explain: 'Please summarize and briefly explain what you changed on the page.',
      lbl_minor_edit: 'Mark revision as trivial:',
      lbl_minor_edit_field: 'This is a minor edit',
      lbl_minor_edit_explain: 'Select this if you\'re only making a minor change to the page',
      btn_save: 'Save',
      btn_savedraft: 'Save draft',
      btn_preview: 'Preview',
      btn_revert: 'Revert',
      btn_cancel: 'Cancel',
      btn_diff: 'Show changes',
      btn_closeviewer: 'Close viewer',
      msg_draft_saving: 'Saving...',
      msg_draft_saved: 'Saved at %time%',
      preview_blurb: '<b>Reminder:</b> This is only a preview - your changes to this page have not yet been saved.',
      msg_save_success_title: 'Changes saved',
      msg_save_success_body: 'Your changes to this page have been saved. Redirecting...',
      reversion_edit_summary: 'Undid %undo_count% revision(s) by %current_author% to revision %last_rev_id% by %old_author%',
      msg_captcha_pleaseenter: 'Please enter the code shown in the image to the right into the text box. This process helps to ensure that this page is not being edited by an automated bot. If the image to the right is illegible, you can regenerate it by clicking on the image (only works if your browser supports Javascript).',
      msg_captcha_blind: 'If you are visually impaired or otherwise cannot read the text shown to the right, please contact the site management and they will be able to make your requested edits.',
      lbl_field_captcha: 'Visual confirmation',
      lbl_field_captcha_code: 'Code:',
    history: {
      summary_clearlogs: 'Automatic backup created when logs were purged',
      page_subtitle: 'History of edits and actions',
      heading_edits: 'Edits:',
      heading_other: 'Other changes:',
      no_entries: 'No history entries in this category.',
      btn_compare: 'Compare selected revisions',
      col_diff: 'Diff',
      col_datetime: 'Date/time',
      col_user: 'User',
      col_page: 'Page',
      col_summary: 'Edit summary',
      col_minor: 'Minor',
      col_actions: 'Actions',
      col_action_taken: 'Action taken',
      col_extra: 'Extra info',
      extra_reason: 'Reason:',
      extra_oldtitle: 'Old title:',
      tip_rdns: 'Click cell background for reverse DNS info',
      action_view: 'View',
      action_contrib: 'User contribs',
      action_restore: 'Restore',
      action_revert: 'Revert action',
      log_protect: 'Protected page',
      log_unprotect: 'Unprotected page',
      log_semiprotect: 'Semi-protected page',
      log_rename: 'Renamed page',
      log_create: 'Created page',
      log_delete: 'Deleted page',
      log_uploadnew: 'Uploaded new file version',
      lbl_comparingrevisions: 'Comparing revisions:',
      summary_none_given: 'No edit summary provided.',
    catedit: {
      title: 'Select which categories this page should be included in.',
      no_categories: 'There are no categories on this site yet.',
      catbox_lbl_categories: 'Categories:',
      catbox_lbl_uncategorized: '(Uncategorized)',
      catbox_link_edit: 'edit categorization',
      catbox_link_showcategorization: 'show page categorization',
    tags: {
      catbox_link: 'show page tags',
      lbl_page_tags: 'Page tags:',
      lbl_no_tags: 'No tags on this page',
      btn_add_tag: '(add a tag)',
      lbl_add_tag: 'Add a tag:',
      btn_add: '+ Add',
    delvote: {
      lbl_votes_one: 'There is one user that thinks this page should be deleted.',
      lbl_votes_plural: 'There are %num_users% users that think this page should be deleted.',
      lbl_users_that_voted: 'Users that voted:',
      btn_deletepage: 'Delete page',
      btn_resetvotes: 'Reset votes',
    ajax: {
      // Client-side messages
      protect_prompt_reason: 'Reason for (un)protecting:',
      rename_prompt: 'What title should this page be renamed to?\nNote: This does not and will never change the URL of this page, that must be done from the admin panel.',
      delete_prompt_reason: 'Please enter your reason for deleting this page.',
      delete_confirm: 'You are about to REVERSIBLY delete this page. Do you REALLY want to do this?\n\n(Comments and categorization data, as well as any attached files, will be permanently lost)',
      delvote_confirm: 'Are you sure that you want to vote that this page be deleted?',
      delvote_reset_confirm: 'This action will reset the number of votes against this page to zero. Do you really want to do this?',
      clearlogs_confirm: 'You are about to DESTROY all log entries for this page. As opposed to (example) deleting this page, this action is completely IRREVERSIBLE and should not be used except in dire circumstances. Do you REALLY want to do this?',
      clearlogs_confirm_nag: 'You\'re ABSOLUTELY sure???',
      changestyle_select: '[Select]',
      changestyle_title: 'Change your theme',
      changestyle_pleaseselect_theme: 'Please select a theme from the list.',
      changestyle_lbl_theme: 'Theme:',
      changestyle_lbl_style: 'Style:',
      changestyle_success: 'Your theme preference has been changed.\nWould you like to reload the page now to see the changes?',
      killphp_confirm: 'Are you really sure you want to do this? Some pages might not function if this emergency-only feature is activated.',
      killphp_success: 'Embedded PHP in pages has been disabled.',
      lbl_moreoptions_nojs: 'More options for this page',
      // Server-side responses
      rename_too_short: 'The name you entered is too short. Please enter a longer name for this page.',
      rename_success: 'The page "%page_name_old%" has been renamed to "%page_name_new%". You are encouraged to leave a comment explaining your action.\n\nYou will see the change take effect the next time you reload this page.',
      clearlogs_success: 'The logs for this page have been cleared. A backup of this page has been added to the logs table so that this page can be restored in case of vandalism or spam later.',
      delete_need_reason: 'Invalid reason for deletion passed. Please enter a reason for deleting this page.',
      delete_success: 'This page has been deleted. Note that there is still a log of edits and actions in the database, and anyone with admin rights can raise this page from the dead unless the log is cleared. If the deleted file is an image, there may still be cached thumbnails of it in the cache/ directory, which is inaccessible to users.',
      delvote_success: 'Your vote to have this page deleted has been cast.\nYou are encouraged to leave a comment explaining the reason for your vote.',
      delvote_already_voted: 'It appears that you have already voted to have this page deleted.',
      delvote_reset_success: 'The number of votes for having this page deleted has been reset to zero.',
      password_success: 'The password for this page has been set.',
      password_disable_success: 'The password for this page has been disabled.',
    sidebar: {
      title_navigation: 'Navigation',
      title_tools: 'Tools',
      title_search: 'Search',
      title_links: 'Links',
      btn_home: 'Home',
      btn_createpage: 'Create a page',
      btn_uploadfile: 'Upload file',
      btn_specialpages: 'Special pages',
      btn_administration: 'Administration',
      btn_editsidebar: 'Edit the sidebar',
      btn_search_go: 'Go',
      btn_userpage: 'User page',
      btn_mycontribs: 'My contributions',
      btn_preferences: 'Preferences',
      btn_privatemessages: 'Private messages',
      btn_groupcp: 'Group control panel',
      btn_register: 'Create an account',
      btn_login: 'Log in',
      btn_logout: 'Log out',
      btn_changestyle: 'Change theme',
      btn_recent_changes: 'Recent edits',
    perm: {
      read: 'Read page(s)',
      post_comments: 'Post comments',
      edit_comments: 'Edit own comments',
      edit_page: 'Edit page',
      view_source: 'View source',
      edit_wysiwyg: 'Use graphical editor (<a href="">WEAK</a>)',
      mod_comments: 'Moderate comments',
      history_view: 'View history/diffs',
      history_rollback: 'Rollback history',
      history_rollback_extra: 'Undelete page(s)',
      protect: 'Protect page(s)',
      rename: 'Rename page(s)',
      clear_logs: 'Clear page logs (dangerous)',
      vote_delete: 'Vote to delete',
      vote_reset: 'Reset delete votes',
      delete_page: 'Delete page(s)',
      tag_create: 'Tag page(s)',
      tag_delete_own: 'Remove own page tags',
      tag_delete_other: 'Remove others\' page tags',
      set_wiki_mode: 'Set per-page wiki mode',
      password_set: 'Set password',
      password_reset: 'Disable/reset password',
      mod_misc: 'Super moderator (generate SQL backtraces, view IP addresses, and send large numbers of private messages)',
      edit_cat: 'Edit categorization',
      even_when_protected: 'Allow editing, renaming, and categorization even when protected',
      upload_files: 'Upload files',
      upload_new_version: 'Upload new versions of files',
      create_page: 'Create pages',
      html_in_pages: 'Embed unrestricted HTML in pages',
      php_in_pages: 'Embed PHP code in pages',
      edit_acl: 'Edit access control lists',
    plugin: {
      specialadmin_title: 'Runt - the Enano administration panel',
      specialadmin_desc: 'Provides the page Special:Administration, which is the AJAX frontend to the various Admin pagelets. This plugin cannot be disabled.',
      privatemessages_title: 'Private Message frontend',
      privatemessages_desc: 'Provides the page Special:PrivateMessages, which is used to manage private message functions. Also handles buddy lists.',
      specialcss_title: 'CSS Backend',
      specialcss_desc: 'Provides the page Special:CSS, which is used in template files to reference the style sheet. Disabling or deleting this plugin will result in site instability.',
      specialgroups_title: 'Group control panel',
      specialgroups_desc: 'Provides group moderators and site administrators with the ability to control who is part of their groups.',
      specialpagefuncs_title: 'Special page-related pages',
      specialpagefuncs_desc: 'Provides the page Special:CreatePage, which can be used to create new pages. Also adds the About Enano and GNU General Public License pages.',
      specialsearch_title: 'Search UI/frontend',
      specialsearch_desc: 'Provides the page Special:Search, which is a frontend to the Enano search engine.',
      specialupdownload_title: 'Upload/download frontend',
      specialupdownload_desc: 'Provides the pages Special:UploadFile and Special:DownloadFile. UploadFile is used to upload files to the site, and DownloadFile fetches the file from the database, creates thumbnails if necessary, and sends the file to the user.',
      specialuserfuncs_title: 'Special user/login-related pages',
      specialuserfuncs_desc: 'Provides the pages Special:Login, Special:Logout, Special:Register, and Special:Preferences.',
      specialuserprefs_title: 'User control panel',
      specialuserprefs_desc: 'Provides the page Special:Preferences.',
    paginate: {
      lbl_page: 'Page:',
      btn_first: 'First',
      btn_last: 'Last',
      btn_prev: 'Prev',
      btn_next: 'Next',
      lbl_goto_page: 'Go to page:',
      err_bad_page_title: 'Invalid entry',
      err_bad_page_body: 'Please enter a page number between 1 and %max%.',
    upload: {
      err_disabled_site: 'File uploads are disabled this website.',
      err_disabled_acl: 'File uploads are disabled for your user account or group.',
      err_title: 'Upload failed',
      err_cant_get_file_meta: 'The server could not retrieve the array $_FILES[\'data\'].',
      err_too_big_or_small: 'The file you uploaded is either too large or 0 bytes in length.',
      err_banned_ext: 'The file type ".%ext%" is not allowed.',
      err_banned_chars: 'The filename contains invalid characters.',
      err_already_exists: 'The file already exists. You can <a href="%upload_link%">upload a new version of this file</a>.',
      err_replace_protected: 'Either the file does not exist (and therefore cannot be updated) or the file is protected.',
      err_move_failed: 'Could not move uploaded file to the new location.',
      err_replace_denied: 'Uploading new versions of files has been disabled for your user account or group.',
      success_title: 'Upload complete',
      success_body: 'Your file has been uploaded successfully. View the <a href="%file_link%">file\'s page</a>.',
      intro: 'Using this form you can upload a file to the %config.site_name% site.',
      max_filesize: 'The maximum file size is %config.max_file_size% %this.etc_unit_bytes% (%size%).',
      field_file: 'File:',
      field_renameto: 'Rename to:',
      field_comments: 'Comments:<br />(can be wiki-formatted)',
      field_reason: 'Reason for uploading the new version:',
      btn_upload: 'Upload file',
      err_not_found_title: 'File not found',
      err_not_found_body: 'The file "%filename%" cannot be found.',
    tz: {
      // Thanks to phpBB for this timezone data.
      // Do not add or remove from this list - contact the core team to have changes made to this list.
      hrs_n12: 'UTC - 12 hours',
      hrs_n11: 'UTC - 11 hours',
      hrs_n10: 'UTC - 10 hours',
      hrs_n9p5: 'UTC - 9:30 hours',
      hrs_n9: 'UTC - 9 hours',
      hrs_n8: 'UTC - 8 hours',
      hrs_n7: 'UTC - 7 hours',
      hrs_n6: 'UTC - 6 hours',
      hrs_n5: 'UTC - 5 hours',
      hrs_n4: 'UTC - 4 hours',
      hrs_n3p5: 'UTC - 3:30 hours',
      hrs_n3: 'UTC - 3 hours',
      hrs_n2: 'UTC - 2 hours',
      hrs_n1: 'UTC - 1 hour',
      hrs_0: 'UTC',
      hrs_1: 'UTC + 1 hour',
      hrs_2: 'UTC + 2 hours',
      hrs_3: 'UTC + 3 hours',
      hrs_3p5: 'UTC + 3:30 hours',
      hrs_4: 'UTC + 4 hours',
      hrs_4p5: 'UTC + 4:30 hours',
      hrs_5: 'UTC + 5 hours',
      hrs_5p5: 'UTC + 5:30 hours',
      hrs_5p75: 'UTC + 5:45 hours',
      hrs_6: 'UTC + 6 hours',
      hrs_6p5: 'UTC + 6:30 hours',
      hrs_7: 'UTC + 7 hours',
      hrs_8: 'UTC + 8 hours',
      hrs_8p75: 'UTC + 8:45 hours',
      hrs_9: 'UTC + 9 hours',
      hrs_9p5: 'UTC + 9:30 hours',
      hrs_10: 'UTC + 10 hours',
      hrs_10p5: 'UTC + 10:30 hours',
      hrs_11: 'UTC + 11 hours',
      hrs_11p5: 'UTC + 11:30 hours',
      hrs_12: 'UTC + 12 hours',
      hrs_12p75: 'UTC + 12:45 hours',
      hrs_13: 'UTC + 13 hours',
      hrs_14: 'UTC + 14 hours',
      title_n12: '[UTC - 12] Baker Island Time',
      title_n11: '[UTC - 11] Niue Time, Samoa Standard Time',
      title_n10: '[UTC - 10] Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time, Cook Island Time',
      title_n9p5: '[UTC - 9:30] Marquesas Islands Time',
      title_n9: '[UTC - 9] Alaska Standard Time, Gambier Island Time',
      title_n8: '[UTC - 8] Pacific Standard Time',
      title_n7: '[UTC - 7] Mountain Standard Time',
      title_n6: '[UTC - 6] Central Standard Time',
      title_n5: '[UTC - 5] Eastern Standard Time',
      title_n4: '[UTC - 4] Atlantic Standard Time',
      title_n3p5: '[UTC - 3:30] Newfoundland Standard Time',
      title_n3: '[UTC - 3] Amazon Standard Time, Central Greenland Time',
      title_n2: '[UTC - 2] Fernando de Noronha Time, South Georgia &amp; the South Sandwich Islands Time',
      title_n1: '[UTC - 1] Azores Standard Time, Cape Verde Time, Eastern Greenland Time',
      title_0: '[UTC] Western European Time, Greenwich Mean Time',
      title_1: '[UTC + 1] Central European Time, West African Time',
      title_2: '[UTC + 2] Eastern European Time, Central African Time',
      title_3: '[UTC + 3] Moscow Standard Time, Eastern African Time',
      title_3p5: '[UTC + 3:30] Iran Standard Time',
      title_4: '[UTC + 4] Gulf Standard Time, Samara Standard Time',
      title_4p5: '[UTC + 4:30] Afghanistan Time',
      title_5: '[UTC + 5] Pakistan Standard Time, Yekaterinburg Standard Time',
      title_5p5: '[UTC + 5:30] Indian Standard Time, Sri Lanka Time',
      title_5p75: '[UTC + 5:45] Nepal Time',
      title_6: '[UTC + 6] Bangladesh Time, Bhutan Time, Novosibirsk Standard Time',
      title_6p5: '[UTC + 6:30] Cocos Islands Time, Myanmar Time',
      title_7: '[UTC + 7] Indochina Time, Krasnoyarsk Standard Time',
      title_8: '[UTC + 8] Chinese Standard Time, Australian Western Standard Time, Irkutsk Standard Time',
      title_8p75: '[UTC + 8:45] Southeastern Western Australia Standard Time',
      title_9: '[UTC + 9] Japan Standard Time, Korea Standard Time, Chita Standard Time',
      title_9p5: '[UTC + 9:30] Australian Central Standard Time',
      title_10: '[UTC + 10] Australian Eastern Standard Time, Vladivostok Standard Time',
      title_10p5: '[UTC + 10:30] Lord Howe Standard Time',
      title_11: '[UTC + 11] Solomon Island Time, Magadan Standard Time',
      title_11p5: '[UTC + 11:30] Norfolk Island Time',
      title_12: '[UTC + 12] New Zealand Time, Fiji Time, Kamchatka Standard Time',
      title_12p75: '[UTC + 12:45] Chatham Islands Time',
      title_13: '[UTC + 13] Tonga Time, Phoenix Islands Time',
      title_14: '[UTC + 14] Line Island Time',
      // This is a JSON string that lists all the timezones that are defined here.
      list: '{"n12":-12,"n11":-11,"n10":-10,"n9p5":-9.5,"n9":-9,"n8":-8,"n7":-7,"n6":-6,"n5":-5,"n4":-4,"n3p5":-3.5,"n3":-3,"n2":-2,"n1":-1,"0":0,"1":1,"2":2,"3":3,"3p5":3.5,"4":4,"4p5":4.5,"5":5,"5p5":5.5,"5p75":5.75,"6":6,"6p5":6.5,"7":7,"8":8,"8p75":8.75,"9":9,"9p5":9.5,"10":10,"10p5":10.5,"11":11,"11p5":11.5,"12":12,"12p75":12.75,"13":13,"14":14}',
    etc: {
      redirect_title: 'Redirecting...',
      redirect_body: 'Please wait while you are redirected.',
      redirect_timeout: 'If you are not redirected within %timeout% seconds, please <a href="%redirect_url%">click here</a>.',
      // Generic "Save Changes" button
      save_changes: 'Save changes',
      // Generic "Cancel changes" button
      cancel_changes: 'Cancel changes',
      // Generic wizard buttons
      wizard_next: 'Next >',
      wizard_back: '< Back',
      wizard_previous: '< Previous',
      // Generic link to main page
      btn_main_page: 'Main page',
      // Generic switchable editor buttons
      tinymce_btn_text: 'text editor',
      tinymce_btn_graphical: 'graphical editor',
      // Generic "Notice:" label
      lbl_notice: 'Notice:',
      // Generic "Access denied"
      access_denied: 'Access to the specified file, resource, or action is denied.',
      access_denied_short: 'Access denied',
      return_to_page: 'Return to the page',
      invalid_request_short: 'Invalid request',
      // Message box buttons
      ok: 'OK',
      cancel: 'Cancel',
      yes: 'Yes',
      no: 'No',
      unit_bytes: 'bytes',
      unit_kilobytes: 'kilobytes',
      unit_megabytes: 'megabytes',
      unit_gigabytes: 'gigabytes',
      unit_terabytes: 'terabytes',
      unit_kilobytes_short: 'KB',
      unit_megabytes_short: 'MB',
      unit_gigabytes_short: 'GB',
      unit_terabytes_short: 'TB',
      unit_pixels: 'pixels',
      unit_pixels_short: 'px',

// All done! :-)