SECURITY: CSRF protection in Private Messaging, which is a really broken feature and should get the TinyMCE treatment. *sigh* Reported by Secunia.
+ − Enano CMS
+ − Version 1.1.8
+ − -----------------------------
+ −
+ − Thanks for downloading Enano! If you're looking for an installation guide,
+ − you can find it at <>.
+ −
+ − -----------------------------
+ −
+ − Enano CMS
+ − Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Dan Fuhry. All rights except those explicitly granted
+ − by the included license agreement reserved.
+ −
+ − -----------------------------
+ −
+ − We strongly believe in the idea of Free Software. Enano is released under the
+ − GNU General Public License; see the file GPL included with this release for
+ − details.
+ −
+ − -----------------------------
+ −
+ − This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ − the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ − Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+ − version.
+ −
+ − This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ − WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+ − PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.
+ −
+ − You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ − this program; if not, write to:
+ −
+ − Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ − 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor
+ − Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+ −
+ − -----------------------------
+ −
+ − Most of the PHP code in Enano was written by Dan Fuhry. Some parts were
+ − borrowed from other projects that are also released under Free Software
+ − licenses; see the various files under the licenses/ directory included
+ − with this release for details.
+ −
+ − -----------------------------
+ −
+ − Please see <> for a list of changes in
+ − this release.
+ −
+ − -----------------------------
+ −
+ − This archive includes a script that can migrate an Enano 1.0.x installation to
+ − Enano 1.2. Before running the migration script, you should always be sure to
+ − upgrade to the latest version of Enano 1.0.x (1.0.6pl2 at the time of this
+ − writing). Migration is NOT REVERSIBLE. This is beta-quality code. DO NOT UNDER
+ −
+ − Upgrades from any 1.1.x version are fully supported and generally more stable
+ − than upgrades from 1.0 because of all the API changes. If you experience
+ − trouble upgrading from a 1.0 version to 1.2, try upgrading first to version
+ − 1.1.7 or so.
+ −
+ − Enano 1.1.8 changes to the use of database revisions instead of the Enano core
+ − version number to track changes. Upgrades from 1.1.7 don't require running the
+ − upgrade script, although you should re-import your English language to make
+ − effective the user interface changes.
+ −
+ − -----------------------------
+ −
+ − There have been quite a few changes to strings in the 1.2 series. Since this
+ − is a beta, you probably don't want to do a lot of translation because you'll
+ − be doing a TON more strings at every release. HOWEVER, we're looking for
+ − people to sign up and volunteer for translation efforts later on. If you have
+ − a native or very good knowledge of a language, drop us an e-mail and we'll get
+ − you onto the translator list and eventually onto a mailing list specifically
+ − for l10n if that effort becomes big enough.
+ −
+ − -----------------------------
+ −
+ − Most Enano features you see are actually the work of plugins. You can see a
+ − gallery of plugins at <>. Most of the
+ − plugins there work under Enano 1.2, but some don't. Plugins with known
+ − compatibility problems are marked; if you don't see any notes to the
+ − contrary, it's probably compatible with Enano 1.2.
+ −
+ − -----------------------------
+ −
+ − You can find more themes for Enano at <>.
+ − We're not doing too great with developing themes, and what we have developed
+ − often doesn't make it up to the website. :) So your choices on the website
+ − look a little bit more limited than they really are.
+ −
+ − Unlike plugins, themes are generally very easy to port from 1.0 to 1.2. Copy
+ − over acledit.tpl, comment.tpl, and toolbar.tpl from a 1.2 theme and remove
+ − the <script> tag that includes jsres.php, replacing it with {JS_HEADER} in
+ − header.tpl. Then put {JS_FOOTER} right before </body> in footer.tpl. Do the
+ − same in simple_header.tpl and simple_footer.tpl. That's pretty much it.
+ −
+ − -----------------------------
+ −
+ − The plugin API in Enano 1.1 has been dramatically revamped from 1.0. Some
+ − effort has been made to allow 1.0.x plugins that don't hook very deeply to
+ − continue to work; however with all of the new functionality (localization
+ − especially) we recommend that developers take the time to learn how to use the
+ − newer parts of the Enano platform. Enano tries to be very developer-friendly;
+ − our full API documentation is at <>.
+ −
+ − -----------------------------
+ −
+ − This is a beta release. No support of any kind will be provided, but proper bug
+ − reports are appreciated. See the Enano forums at <>
+ − for more information.
+ −
+ − Have fun with Enano!