author Dan
Thu, 17 Dec 2009 04:27:50 -0500
changeset 1168 277a9cdead3e
parent 1156 417e66a664d0
child 1174 def792dd9b1b
permissions -rw-r--r--
Namespace_Default: added a workaround for an inconsistency in SQL. Basically, if you join the same table multiple times under multiple aliases, COUNT() always uses the first instance. Was affecting the comment counter in the "discussion" button.


 * Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between
 * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Dan Fuhry
 * This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
 * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.

class Carpenter_Parse_MediaWiki
  public $rules = array(
    'bold'   => "/'''(.+?)'''/",
    'italic' => "/''(.+?)''/",
    'underline' => '/__(.+?)__/',
    'externalwithtext' => '#\[((?:https?|irc|ftp)://.+?) (.+?)\]#',
    'externalnotext' => '#\[((?:https?|irc|ftp)://.+?)\]#',
    'mailtonotext' => '#\[mailto:([^ \]]+?)\]#',
    'mailtowithtext' => '#\[mailto:([^ \]]+?) (.+?)\]#',
    'hr' => '/^[-]{4,} *$/m'
  private $blockquote_rand_id;
  public function lang(&$text)
    global $lang;
    preg_match_all('/<lang (?:code|id)="([a-z0-9_-]+)">([\w\W]+?)<\/lang>/', $text, $langmatch);
    foreach ( $langmatch[0] as $i => $match )
      if ( $langmatch[1][$i] == $lang->lang_code )
        $text = str_replace_once($match, $langmatch[2][$i], $text);
        $text = str_replace_once($match, '', $text);
    return array();
  public function templates(&$text)
    $template_regex = "/\{\{(.+)((\n|\|[ ]*([A-z0-9]+)[ ]*=[ ]*(.+))*)\}\}/isU";
    $i = 0;
    while ( preg_match($template_regex, $text, $match) )
      if ( $i == 5 )
      $text = RenderMan::include_templates($text);
    return array();
  public function heading(&$text)
    if ( !preg_match_all('/^(={1,6}) *(.+?) *\\1 *$/m', $text, $results) )
      return array();
    $headings = array();
    foreach ( $results[0] as $i => $match )
      $headings[] = array(
          'level' => strlen($results[1][$i]),
          'text' => $results[2][$i]
    $text = Carpenter::tokenize($text, $results[0]);
    return $headings;
  public function multilist(&$text)
    // Match entire lists
    $regex = '/^
                ([:#\*])+     # Initial list delimiter
                [ ]*
                  (?:\\1|[ ]{2,})
                  [ ]*
    if ( !preg_match_all($regex, $text, $lists) )
      return array();
    $types = array(
        '*' => 'unordered',
        '#' => 'ordered',
        ':' => 'indent'
    $pieces = array();
    foreach ( $lists[0] as $i => $list )
      $token = $lists[1][$i];
      $piece = array(
          'type' => $types[$token],
          'items' => array()
      // convert windows newlines to unix
      $list = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $list);
      $items_pre = explode("\n", $list);
      $items = array();
      // first pass, go through and combine items that are newlined
      foreach ( $items_pre as $item )
        if ( substr($item, 0, 1) == $token )
          $items[] = $item;
          // it's a continuation of the previous LI. Don't need to worry about
          // undefined indices here since the regex should filter out all invalid
          // markup. Just append this line to the previous.
          $items[ count($items) - 1 ] .= "\n" . trim($item);
      // second pass, separate items and tokens
      foreach ( $items as $item )
        // get the depth
        $itemtoken = preg_replace('/^([#:\*]+).*$/s', '$1', $item);
        // get the text
        $itemtext = trim(substr($item, strlen($itemtoken)));
        $piece['items'][] = array(
            // depth starts at 1
            'depth' => strlen($itemtoken),
            'text' => $itemtext
      $pieces[] = $piece;
    $text = Carpenter::tokenize($text, $lists[0]);
    return $pieces;
  public function blockquote(&$text)
    $rand_id = hexencode(AESCrypt::randkey(16), '', '');
    while ( preg_match_all('/^(?:(>+) *.+(?:\r?\n|$))+/m', $text, $quotes) )
      foreach ( $quotes[0] as $quote )
        $piece = trim(preg_replace('/^> */m', '', $quote));
        $text = str_replace_once($quote, "{blockquote:$rand_id}\n$piece\n{/blockquote:$rand_id}\n", $text);
    //die('<pre>' . htmlspecialchars($text) . '</pre>');
    $this->blockquote_rand_id = $rand_id;
  public function blockquotepost(&$text)
    return $this->blockquote_rand_id;
  public function paragraph(&$text)
    // The trick with paragraphs is to not turn things into them when a block level element already wraps the block of text.
    // First we need a list of block level elements ( + some Enano extensions)
    $blocklevel = 'address|blockquote|center|code|div|dl|fieldset|form|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|hr|li|ol|p|pre|table|ul|tr|td|th|tbody|thead|tfoot';
    // Wrap all block level tags
    RenderMan::tag_strip('_paragraph_bypass', $text, $_nw);
    // I'm not sure why I had to go through all these alternatives. Trying to bring it
    // all down to one by ?'ing subpatterns was causing things to return empty and throwing
    // errors in the parser. Eventually, around ~3:57AM I just settled on this motherf---er
    // of a regular expression.
    // FIXME: This regexp triggers a known PHP stack size issue under win32 and possibly
    // other platforms (<>). The workaround is going to
    // involve writing our own parser that takes care of recursion without using the stack,
    // which is going to be a bitch, and may not make it in until Caoineag RCs.
    $regex = ";
                # self closing, no attributes
                [ ]*/>
                # self closing, attributes
                [ ][^>]+? />
                # with inner text, no attributes
                (?: (?R) | .*? )*</\\1>
                # with inner text and attributes
                [ ][^>]+?     # attributes
                (?: (?R) | .*? )*</\\1>
    // oh. and we're using this tokens thing because for identical matches, the first match will
    // get wrapped X number of times instead of all matches getting wrapped once; replacing each
    // with a unique token id remedies this
    $tokens = array();
    $rand_id = sha1(microtime() . mt_rand());
    // Temporary hack to fix crashes under win32. Sometime I'll write a loop based
    // parser for this whole section. Maybe. Perhaps the Apache folks will fix their
    // Windows binaries first.
    if ( PHP_OS == 'WIN32' || PHP_OS == 'WINNT' )
      $regex = str_replace("(?: (?R) | .*? )*", "(?: .*? )", $regex);
    if ( preg_match_all($regex, $text, $matches) )
      foreach ( $matches[0] as $i => $match )
        $text = str_replace_once($match, "{_pb_:$rand_id:$i}", $text);
        $tokens[$i] = '<_paragraph_bypass>' . $match . '</_paragraph_bypass>';
    foreach ( $tokens as $i => $match )
      $text = str_replace_once("{_pb_:$rand_id:$i}", $match, $text);
    // die('<pre>' . htmlspecialchars($text) . '</pre>');
    RenderMan::tag_unstrip('_paragraph_bypass', $text, $_nw, true);
    // This is potentially a hack. It allows the parser to stick in <_paragraph_bypass> tags
    // to prevent the paragraph parser from interfering with pretty HTML generated elsewhere.
    RenderMan::tag_strip('_paragraph_bypass', $text, $_nw);
    $startcond = "(?!(?:[\\r\\n]|\{_paragraph_bypass:[a-f0-9]{32}:[0-9]+\}|[ ]*<\/?(?:$blocklevel)(?: .+>|>)))";
    $regex = "/^
                $startcond        # line start condition - do not match if the line starts with the condition above
                .+?               # body text
                  \\n             # additional lines
                  $startcond      # make sure of only one newline in a row, and end the paragraph if a new line fails the start condition
                )*                # keep going until it fails
    if ( !preg_match_all($regex, $text, $matches) )
      RenderMan::tag_unstrip('_paragraph_bypass', $text, $_nw);
      return array();
    // Debugging :)
    // die('<pre>' . htmlspecialchars($text) . "\n-----------------------------------------------------------\n" . htmlspecialchars(print_r($matches, true)) . '</pre>');
    // restore stripped
    RenderMan::tag_unstrip('_paragraph_bypass', $text, $_nw);
    // tokenize
    $text = Carpenter::tokenize($text, $matches[0]);
    return $matches[0];

function parser_mediawiki_xhtml_image($text)
  $text = RenderMan::process_image_tags($text, $taglist);
  $text = RenderMan::process_imgtags_stage2($text, $taglist);
  return $text;

function parser_mediawiki_xhtml_tables($text)
  return process_tables($text);