author Dan
Thu, 17 Dec 2009 04:27:50 -0500 (2009-12-17)
changeset 1168 277a9cdead3e
parent 1081 745200a9cc2a
child 1227 bdac73ed481e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Namespace_Default: added a workaround for an inconsistency in SQL. Basically, if you join the same table multiple times under multiple aliases, COUNT() always uses the first instance. Was affecting the comment counter in the "discussion" button.

 * Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between
 * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Dan Fuhry
 * This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
 * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.
 * This script contains code originally found in MediaWiki ( MediaWiki is also licensed under
 * the GPLv2 or later; see the file GPL included with this package for details.
 * We're using the MW parser because the Text_Wiki version simply refused to work under PHP 5.2.0. Porting this was
 * _not_ easy. <leaves to get cup of coffee>

global $mStripState, $wgRandomKey;
$mStripState = Array();

 * emulate mediawiki parser, including stripping, etc.
 * @param string $text the text to parse
 * @return string
 * @access public
function process_tables( $text )
  // include some globals, do some parser stuff that would normally be done in the parent parser function
  global $mStripState;
  $x =& $mStripState;
  // parse the text
  $text = doTableStuff($text);

  return $text;

 * parse the wiki syntax used to render tables
 * @param string $t the text to parse
 * @return string
 * @access private
function doTableStuff( $t ) {
  $t = explode ( "\n" , $t ) ;
  $td = array () ; # Is currently a td tag open?
  $ltd = array () ; # Was it TD or TH?
  $tr = array () ; # Is currently a tr tag open?
  $ltr = array () ; # tr attributes
  $has_opened_tr = array(); # Did this table open a <tr> element?
  $indent_level = 0; # indent level of the table
  foreach ( $t AS $k => $x )
    $x = trim ( $x ) ;
    $fc = substr ( $x , 0 , 1 ) ;
    if ( preg_match( '/^(:*)\{\|(.*)$/', $x, $matches ) ) {
      $indent_level = strlen( $matches[1] );

      $attributes = unstripForHTML( $matches[2] );

      $t[$k] = str_repeat( '<dl><dd>', $indent_level ) .
        '<table' . fixTagAttributes( $attributes, 'table' ) . '>' ;
      array_push ( $td , false ) ;
      array_push ( $ltd , '' ) ;
      array_push ( $tr , false ) ;
      array_push ( $ltr , '' ) ;
      array_push ( $has_opened_tr, false );
    else if ( count ( $td ) == 0 ) { } # Don't do any of the following
    else if ( '|}' == substr ( $x , 0 , 2 ) ) {
      $z = "</table>" . substr ( $x , 2);
      $l = array_pop ( $ltd ) ;
      if ( !array_pop ( $has_opened_tr ) ) $z = "<tr><td></td></tr>" . $z ;
      if ( array_pop ( $tr ) ) $z = '</tr>' . $z ;
      if ( array_pop ( $td ) ) $z = '</'.$l.'>' . $z ;
      array_pop ( $ltr ) ;
      $t[$k] = $z . str_repeat( '</dd></dl>', $indent_level );
    else if ( '|-' == substr ( $x , 0 , 2 ) ) { # Allows for |---------------
      $x = substr ( $x , 1 ) ;
      while ( $x != '' && substr ( $x , 0 , 1 ) == '-' ) $x = substr ( $x , 1 ) ;
      $z = '' ;
      $l = array_pop ( $ltd ) ;
      array_pop ( $has_opened_tr );
      array_push ( $has_opened_tr , true ) ;
      if ( array_pop ( $tr ) ) $z = '</tr>' . $z ;
      if ( array_pop ( $td ) ) $z = '</'.$l.'>' . $z ;
      array_pop ( $ltr ) ;
      $t[$k] = $z ;
      array_push ( $tr , false ) ;
      array_push ( $td , false ) ;
      array_push ( $ltd , '' ) ;
      $attributes = unstripForHTML( $x );
      array_push ( $ltr , fixTagAttributes( $attributes, 'tr' ) ) ;
    else if ( '|' == $fc || '!' == $fc || '|+' == substr ( $x , 0 , 2 ) ) { # Caption
      # $x is a table row
      if ( '|+' == substr ( $x , 0 , 2 ) ) {
        $fc = '+' ;
        $x = substr ( $x , 1 ) ;
      $after = substr ( $x , 1 ) ;
      if ( $fc == '!' ) $after = str_replace ( '!!' , '||' , $after ) ;

      // Split up multiple cells on the same line.
      // FIXME: This can result in improper nesting of tags processed
      // by earlier parser steps, but should avoid splitting up eg
      // attribute values containing literal "||".
      $after = wfExplodeMarkup( '||', $after );

      $t[$k] = '' ;

      # Loop through each table cell
      foreach ( $after AS $theline )
        $z = '' ;
        if ( $fc != '+' )
          $tra = array_pop ( $ltr ) ;
          if ( !array_pop ( $tr ) ) $z = '<tr'.$tra.">\n" ;
          array_push ( $tr , true ) ;
          array_push ( $ltr , '' ) ;
          array_pop ( $has_opened_tr );
          array_push ( $has_opened_tr , true ) ;

        $l = array_pop ( $ltd ) ;
        if ( array_pop ( $td ) ) $z = '</'.$l.'>' . $z ;
        if ( $fc == '|' ) $l = 'td' ;
        else if ( $fc == '!' ) $l = 'th' ;
        else if ( $fc == '+' ) $l = 'caption' ;
        else $l = '' ;
        array_push ( $ltd , $l ) ;

        # Cell parameters
        $y = explode ( '|' , $theline , 2 ) ;
        # Note that a '|' inside an invalid link should not
        # be mistaken as delimiting cell parameters
        if ( strpos( $y[0], '[[' ) !== false ) {
          $y = array ($theline);
        if ( count ( $y ) == 1 )
          $y = "{$z}<{$l}>{$y[0]}" ;
        else {
          $attributes = unstripForHTML( $y[0] );
          $y = "{$z}<{$l}".fixTagAttributes($attributes, $l).">{$y[1]}" ;
        $t[$k] .= $y ;
        array_push ( $td , true ) ;

  # Closing open td, tr && table
  while ( count ( $td ) > 0 )
    $l = array_pop ( $ltd ) ;
    if ( array_pop ( $td ) ) $t[] = '</td>' ;
    if ( array_pop ( $tr ) ) $t[] = '</tr>' ;
    if ( !array_pop ( $has_opened_tr ) ) $t[] = "<tr><td></td></tr>" ;
    $t[] = '</table></_paragraph_bypass>' ;

  $t = implode ( "\n" , $t ) ;
  # special case: don't return empty table
  if($t == "<table>\n<tr><td></td></tr>\n</table>")
    $t = '';
  return $t ;