author Dan
Thu, 17 Dec 2009 04:27:50 -0500
changeset 1168 277a9cdead3e
parent 1081 745200a9cc2a
child 1227 bdac73ed481e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Namespace_Default: added a workaround for an inconsistency in SQL. Basically, if you join the same table multiple times under multiple aliases, COUNT() always uses the first instance. Was affecting the comment counter in the "discussion" button.


 * Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between
 * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Dan Fuhry
 * diffiehellman.php - Diffie Hellman key exchange and supporting functions
 * This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
 * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.

 * EnanoMath GMP backend

class EnanoMath_GMP
  var $api = 'GMP';
   * Initializes a number to a GMP integer.
   * @param string String representation of the number
   * @param int Base the number is currently in, defaults to 10
   * @return resource
  function init($int, $base = 10)
    return ( is_resource($int) ) ? $int : gmp_init($int, $base);
   * Converts a number from a GMP integer to a string
   * @param resource
   * @param int Base, default is 10
   * @return string
  function str($int, $base = 10)
    return ( is_string($int) ) ? $int : gmp_strval($int, $base);
   * Converts a number between bases.
   * @param resource BigInt to convert
   * @param int Base to convert from
   * @param int Base to convert to
  function basecon($int, $from, $to)
    return $this->init(gmp_strval(gmp_init($this->str($int), $from), $to));
   * Generates a random integer.
   * @param int Length
   * @return resource
  function random($len)
    return gmp_random($len / 8);
   * Powmod operation (calculates (a ^ b) mod m)
   * @param resource a
   * @param resource b
   * @param resource m
   * @return resource
  function powmod($a, $b, $m)
    $a = $this->init($a);
    $b = $this->init($b);
    $m = $this->init($m);
    return ( function_exists('gmp_powm') ) ? gmp_powm($a, $b, $m) : gmp_mod(gmp_pow($a, $b), $m);

 * EnanoMath big_int backend

class EnanoMath_BigInt
  var $api = 'big_int';
   * Initializes a number to a BigInt integer.
   * @param string String representation of the number
   * @param int Base the number is in, defaults to 10
   * @return resource
  function init($int, $base = 10)
    return (is_resource($int)) ? $int : bi_from_str($int, $base);
   * Converts a number from a BigInt integer to a string
   * @param resource
   * @param int Base, default is 10
   * @return string
  function str($int, $base = 10)
    return ( is_string($int) ) ? $int : bi_to_str($int, $base);
   * Generates a random integer
   * @param int Length (bits)
   * @return resource
  function random($len)
    return bi_rand($len);
   * Converts a number between bases.
   * @param resource BigInt to convert
   * @param int Base to convert from
   * @param int Base to convert to
  function basecon($int, $from, $to)
    return bi_base_convert($this->str($int, $from), $from, $to);
   * Powmod operation (calculates (a ^ b) mod m)
   * @param resource a
   * @param resource b
   * @param resource m
   * @return resource
  function powmod($a, $b, $m)
    $a = $this->init($a);
    $b = $this->init($b);
    $m = $this->init($m);
    return bi_powmod($a, $b, $m);

 * EnanoMath BCMath backend

class EnanoMath_BCMath
  var $api = 'BCMath';
   * Initializes a number to a BCMath integer.
   * @param string String representation of the number
   * @param int Base the number is in, defaults to 10
   * @return resource
  function init($int, $base = 10)
    return $this->basecon($int, $base, 10);
   * Converts a number from a BCMath integer to a string
   * @param resource
   * @param int Base, default is 10
   * @return string
  function str($res)
    return ( is_string($res) ) ? $res : strval($this->basecon($res, 10, $base));
   * Generates a random integer
   * @param int Length in bits
   * @return resource
  function random($len)
    $len = 4 * $len;
    $chars = '0123456789abcdef';
    $ret = '';
    for ( $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++ )
      $chid = mt_rand ( 0, strlen($chars) - 1 );
      $chr = $chars{$chid};
      $ret .= $chr;
    return $this->basecon($this->init($ret), 16, 10);
   * Converts a number between bases.
   * @param resource BigInt to convert
   * @param int Base to convert from
   * @param int Base to convert to
  function basecon($int, $from, $to)
    if ( $from != 10 )
      $int = $this->_bcmath_base2dec($int, $from);
    if ( $to != 10 )
      $int = $this->_bcmath_dec2base($int, $to);
    return $int;
   * Powmod operation (calculates (a ^ b) mod m)
   * @param resource a
   * @param resource b
   * @param resource m
   * @return resource
  function powmod($a, $b, $m)
    $a = $this->init($a);
    $b = $this->init($b);
    $m = $this->init($m);
    return ( function_exists('bcpowmod') ) ? bcpowmod($a, $b, $m) : bcmod( bcpow($a, $b), $m );
  // from
  // convert a decimal value to any other base value
  function _bcmath_dec2base($dec,$base,$digits=FALSE) {
      if($base<2 or $base>256) die("Invalid Base: ".$base);
      if(!$digits) $digits=$this->_bcmath_digits($base);
      while($dec>$base-1) {
      return (string) $value;
  // convert another base value to its decimal value
  function _bcmath_base2dec($value,$base,$digits=FALSE) {
      if($base<2 or $base>256) die("Invalid Base: ".$base);
      if($base<37) $value=strtolower($value);
      if(!$digits) $digits=$this->_bcmath_digits($base);
      for($loop=0;$loop<$size;$loop++) {
      return (string) $dec;
  function _bcmath_digits($base) {
      if($base>64) {
          for($loop=0;$loop<256;$loop++) {
      } else {
          $digits ="0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
      return (string) $digits;

 * Creates a new math object based on what libraries are available.
 * @return object

function enanomath_create()
  if ( function_exists('gmp_init') )
    return new EnanoMath_GMP();
  else if ( function_exists('bi_from_str') )
    return new EnanoMath_BigInt();
  else if ( function_exists('bcadd') )
    return new EnanoMath_BCMath();
    throw new Exception('dh_err_not_supported');
