Namespace_Default: added a workaround for an inconsistency in SQL. Basically, if you join the same table multiple times under multiple aliases, COUNT() always uses the first instance. Was affecting the comment counter in the "discussion" button.
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case "content-type":
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updateColor('visited_color_pick', 'visited_color');
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updateColor('link_color_pick', 'link_color');
function getReItem(r, s, i) {
var c = r.exec(s);
if (c && c.length > i)
return c[i];
return '';
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function changedStyleField(field) {
function setMeta(he, k, v) {
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if (v == '')
nl[i].setAttribute('content', "text/html; charset=" + v);
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if (v == '')
nl[i].setAttribute('content', v);
if (v == '')
m = doc.createElement('meta');
if (k == 'Content-Type')
m.httpEquiv = k;
m.setAttribute('name', k);
m.setAttribute('content', v);
function parseStyleElement(e) {
var v = e.innerHTML;
var p, i, r;
v = v.replace(/<!--/gi, '');
v = v.replace(/-->/gi, '');
v = v.replace(/[\n\r]/gi, '');
v = v.replace(/\s+/gi, ' ');
r = [];
p = v.split(/{|}/);
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if (p[i] != "")
r[r.length] = {rule : tinymce.trim(p[i]), data : tinyMCEPopup.dom.parseStyle(p[i+1])};
return r;
function serializeStyleElement(d) {
var i, s, st;
s = '<!--\n';
for (i=0; i<d.length; i++) {
s += d[i].rule + ' {\n';
st = tinyMCE.serializeStyle(d[i].data);
if (st != '')
st += ';';
s += st.replace(/;/g, ';\n');
s += '}\n';
if (i != d.length - 1)
s += '\n';
s += '\n-->';
return s;