Namespace_Default: added a workaround for an inconsistency in SQL. Basically, if you join the same table multiple times under multiple aliases, COUNT() always uses the first instance. Was affecting the comment counter in the "discussion" button.
// Tabs on userpage
var userpage_blocks = [];
var userpage_onload = function()
var wrapper = document.getElementById('userpage_wrap');
var links = document.getElementById('userpage_links');
if ( !wrapper )
return false;
wrapper.className = 'userpage_wrap';
links.className = 'userpage_links';
var blocks = wrapper.getElementsByTagName('div');
var first_block = false;
for ( var i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++ )
var block = blocks[i];
if ( /^tab:/.test( )
var block_id =;
if ( !first_block )
// this is the first block on the page, memorize it
first_block = block_id;
// init links
var as = links.getElementsByTagName('a');
for ( var i = 0; i < as.length; i++ )
var a = as[i];
if ( a.href.indexOf('#') > -1 )
var hash = a.href.substr(a.href.indexOf('#'));
var blockid = hash.substr(5);
a.blockid = blockid;
a.onclick = function()
return false;
} = 'userpage_blocklink_' + blockid;
if ( $_REQUEST['tab'] )
userpage_select_block($_REQUEST['tab'], true);
userpage_select_block(first_block, true);
* Select (show) the specified block on the userpage.
* @param string block name
* @param bool If true, omits transition effects.
function userpage_select_block(block, nofade)
// memorize existing scroll position, reset the hash, then scroll back to where we were
// a little hackish and might cause a flash, but it's better than hiding the tabs on each click
var currentScroll = getScrollOffset();
var current_block = false;
nofade = true;
for ( var i = 0; i < userpage_blocks.length; i++ )
var div = document.getElementById('tab:' + userpage_blocks[i]);
if ( div )
if ( != 'none' )
current_block = userpage_blocks[i];
if ( nofade || aclDisableTransitionFX )
{ = 'none';
var a = document.getElementById('userpage_blocklink_' + userpage_blocks[i]);
if ( a )
if ( $dynano(a.parentNode).hasClass('userpage_tab_active') )
if ( nofade || !current_block || aclDisableTransitionFX )
var div = document.getElementById('tab:' + block); = 'block';
// DISABLED: see "nofade = true;" above.
// do this in a slightly fancier fashion
load_component(['jquery', 'jquery-ui']);
$('#tab:' + current_block).hide("blind", {}, 500, function()
$('#tab:' + block).show("blind", {}, 500);
var a = document.getElementById('userpage_blocklink_' + block);
window.location.hash = 'tab:' + block;