Namespace_Default: added a workaround for an inconsistency in SQL. Basically, if you join the same table multiple times under multiple aliases, COUNT() always uses the first instance. Was affecting the comment counter in the "discussion" button.
// An implementation of Enano's template compiler in Javascript. Same exact API
// as the PHP version - constructor accepts text, then the assign_vars, assign_bool, and run methods.
window.templateParser = function(text)
this.tpl_code = text;
this.tpl_strings = new Object();
this.tpl_bool = new Object();
this.assign_vars = __tpAssignVars;
this.assign_bool = __tpAssignBool; = __tpRun;
window.__tpAssignVars = function(vars)
for(var i in vars)
this.tpl_strings[i] = vars[i];
window.__tpAssignBool = function(vars)
for(var i in vars)
this.tpl_bool[i] = ( vars[i] ) ? true : false;
window.__tpRun = function()
if(typeof(this.tpl_code) == 'string')
tpl_code = __tpCompileTemplate(this.tpl_code);
try {
compiled = eval(tpl_code);
return compiled;
return false;
window.__tpCompileTemplate = function(code)
// Compile plaintext/template code to javascript code
code = code.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\");
code = code.replace(/\'/g, "\\'");
code = code.replace(/\"/g, '\\"');
code = code.replace(new RegExp(unescape('%0A'), 'g'), '\\n');
code = "'" + code + "'";
code = code.replace(/\{([A-z0-9_-]+)\}/ig, "' + this.tpl_strings['$1'] + '");
code = code.replace(/\{lang:([a-z0-9_]+)\}/g, "' + $lang.get('$1') + '");
code = code.replace(/\<!-- IFSET ([A-z0-9_-]+) --\>([\s\S]*?)\<!-- BEGINELSE \1 --\>([\s\S]*?)\<!-- END \1 --\>/ig, "' + ( ( typeof(this.tpl_strings['$1']) == 'string' ) ? '$2' : '$3' ) + '");
code = code.replace(/\<!-- IFSET ([A-z0-9_-]+) --\>([\s\S]*?)\<!-- END \1 --\>/ig, "' + ( ( typeof(this.tpl_strings['$1']) == 'string' ) ? '$2' : '' ) + '");
code = code.replace(/\<!-- BEGIN ([A-z0-9_-]+) --\>([\s\S]*?)\<!-- BEGINELSE \1 --\>([\s\S]*?)\<!-- END \1 --\>/ig, "' + ( ( this.tpl_bool['$1'] == true ) ? '$2' : '$3' ) + '");
code = code.replace(/\<!-- BEGIN ([A-z0-9_-]+) --\>([\s\S]*?)\<!-- END \1 --\>/ig, "' + ( ( this.tpl_bool['$1'] == true ) ? '$2' : '' ) + '");
return code;
window.__tpExtractVars = function(code)
code = code.replace('\\', "\\\\");
code = code.replace("'", "\\'");
code = code.replace('"', '\\"');
code = code.replace(new RegExp(unescape('%0A'), 'g'), "\\n");
code = code.match(/\<!-- VAR ([A-z0-9_-]+) --\>([\s\S]*?)\<!-- ENDVAR \1 -->/g);
code2 = '';
for(var i in code)
if(typeof(code[i]) == 'string')
code2 = code2 + code[i];
code = code2.replace(/\<!-- VAR ([A-z0-9_-]+) --\>([\s\S]*?)\<!-- ENDVAR \1 -->/g, "'$1' : \"$2\",");
code = '( { ' + code + ' "________null________" : false } )';
vars = eval(code);
return vars;