Namespace_Default: added a workaround for an inconsistency in SQL. Basically, if you join the same table multiple times under multiple aliases, COUNT() always uses the first instance. Was affecting the comment counter in the "discussion" button.
// Make an HTML element fly in from the top or bottom.
// Includes inertia!
// vB, don't even try. It's GPL like the rest of Enano. I know you're jealous. >:)
var fly_in_cache = new Object();
var FI_TOP = 1;
var FI_BOTTOM = 2;
var FI_IN = 1;
var FI_OUT = 2;
var FI_UP = 1;
var FI_DOWN = 2;
// increase to slow down transitions (for debug)
* You can thank Robert Penner for the math used here. Ported from an ActionScript class.
* License: Modified BSD license <>
// Effects code - don't bother changing these formulas
var Back = {
easeOut: function(t, b, c, d, s)
if (s == undefined) s = 1.70158;
return c * ( ( t=t/d-1 ) * t * ( ( s + 1 ) * t + s) + 1) + b;
easeIn: function (t, b, c, d, s)
if (s == undefined) s = 1.70158;
return c * ( t/=d ) * t * ( ( s + 1 ) * t - s) + b;
easeInOut: function (t, b, c, d, s)
if (s == undefined) s = 1.70158;
if ((t /= d/2) < 1)
return c/2*(t*t*(((s*=(1.525))+1)*t - s)) + b;
return c/2*((t-=2)*t*(((s*=(1.525))+1)*t + s) + 2) + b;
// This should be set to the class name of the effect you want.
var GlideEffect = Back;
// Placeholder functions, to make organization a little easier :-)
function fly_in_top(element, nofade, height_taken_care_of)
return fly_core(element, nofade, FI_TOP, FI_IN, height_taken_care_of);
function fly_in_bottom(element, nofade, height_taken_care_of)
return fly_core(element, nofade, FI_BOTTOM, FI_IN, height_taken_care_of);
function fly_out_top(element, nofade, height_taken_care_of)
return fly_core(element, nofade, FI_TOP, FI_OUT, height_taken_care_of);
function fly_out_bottom(element, nofade, height_taken_care_of)
return fly_core(element, nofade, FI_BOTTOM, FI_OUT, height_taken_care_of);
function fly_core(element, nofade, origin, direction, height_taken_care_of)
if ( !element || typeof(element) != 'object' )
return false;
// force to array
if ( !element.length )
element = [ element ];
// target dimensions
var top, left;
// initial dimensions
var topi, lefti;
// current dimensions
var topc, leftc;
// screen dimensions
var w = getWidth();
var h = getHeight();
var y = parseInt ( getScrollOffset() );
// temp vars
var dim, off, diff, dist, ratio, opac_factor;
// setup element
for ( var i = 0; i < element.length; i++ )
element[i].style.position = 'absolute';
dim = [ $dynano(element[0]).Height(), $dynano(element[0]).Width() ];
off = [ $dynano(element[0]).Top(), $dynano(element[0]).Left() ];
if ( height_taken_care_of )
top = off[0];
left = off[1];
top = Math.round(( h / 2 ) - ( dim[0] / 2 )) + y; // - ( h / 4 ));
left = Math.round(( w / 2 ) - ( dim[1] / 2 ));
// you can change this around to get it to fly in from corners or be on the left/right side
lefti = left;
// calculate first frame Y position
if ( origin == FI_TOP && direction == FI_IN )
topi = 0 - dim[0] + y;
else if ( origin == FI_TOP && direction == FI_OUT )
topi = top;
top = 0 - dim[0] + y;
else if ( origin == FI_BOTTOM && direction == FI_IN )
topi = h + y;
else if ( origin == FI_BOTTOM && direction == FI_OUT )
topi = top;
top = h + y;
var abs_dir = ( ( origin == FI_TOP && direction == FI_IN ) || ( origin == FI_BOTTOM && direction == FI_OUT ) ) ? FI_DOWN : FI_UP;
var diff_top = top - topi;
var diff_left = left - lefti;
var frames = 100;
var timeout = 0;
var timerstep = 8 * FI_MULTIPLIER;
// cache element so it can be changed from within setTimeout()
var rand_seed = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000);
fly_in_cache[rand_seed] = element;
for ( var i = 0; i < frames; i++ )
topc = GlideEffect.easeInOut(i, topi, diff_top, frames);
leftc = GlideEffect.easeInOut(i, lefti, diff_left, frames);
var code = 'var element = fly_in_cache[' + rand_seed + '];' + "\n";
code += 'for ( var i = 0; i < element.length; i++ )' + "\n";
code += '{' + "\n";
code += ' element[i] = "' + topc + 'px";' + "\n";
if ( !height_taken_care_of )
code += ' element[i].style.left = "' + leftc + 'px";' + "\n";
code += '}';
setTimeout(code, timeout);
timeout += timerstep;
var ratio = i / frames;
if ( !nofade )
// handle fade
var opac_factor = ratio * 100;
if ( direction == FI_OUT )
opac_factor = 100 - opac_factor;
var code = 'var element = fly_in_cache[' + rand_seed + '];' + "\n";
code += 'for ( var i = 0; i < element.length; i++ )' + "\n";
code += '{' + "\n";
code += ' domObjChangeOpac(' + opac_factor + ', element[i]);' + "\n";
code += '}';
setTimeout(code, timeout);
// old framestepper code removed from here in Loch Ness
timeout += timerstep;
return timeout;
function abs(i)
if ( isNaN(i) )
return i;
return ( i < 0 ) ? ( 0 - i ) : i;