author Dan
Thu, 17 Dec 2009 04:27:50 -0500 (2009-12-17)
changeset 1168 277a9cdead3e
parent 582 a38876c0793c
child 1227 bdac73ed481e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Namespace_Default: added a workaround for an inconsistency in SQL. Basically, if you join the same table multiple times under multiple aliases, COUNT() always uses the first instance. Was affecting the comment counter in the "discussion" button.
// @name      The Fade Anything Technique
// @namespace
// @version   1.0-RC1
// @author    Adam Michela

var Fat = {
	make_hex : function (r,g,b) 
		r = r.toString(16); if (r.length == 1) r = '0' + r;
		g = g.toString(16); if (g.length == 1) g = '0' + g;
		b = b.toString(16); if (b.length == 1) b = '0' + b;
		return "#" + r + g + b;
	fade_all : function ()
		var a = document.getElementsByTagName("div");
		for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) 
			var o = a[i];
			var r = /fade-?(\w{3,6})?/.exec(o.className);
			if (r)
				if (!r[1]) r[1] = "";
        if (! = 'autofat_'+Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000);
				if ( Fat.fade_element(,null,null,"#"+r[1]);
	fade_element : function (id, fps, duration, from, to) 
		if (!fps) fps = 30;
		if (!duration) duration = 3000;
		if (!from || from=="#") from = "#FFFF33";
		if (!to) to = this.get_bgcolor(id);
		var frames = Math.round(fps * (duration / 1000));
		var interval = duration / frames;
		var delay = interval;
		var frame = 0;
		if (from.length < 7) from += from.substr(1,3);
		if (to.length < 7) to += to.substr(1,3);
		var rf = parseInt(from.substr(1,2),16);
		var gf = parseInt(from.substr(3,2),16);
		var bf = parseInt(from.substr(5,2),16);
		var rt = parseInt(to.substr(1,2),16);
		var gt = parseInt(to.substr(3,2),16);
		var bt = parseInt(to.substr(5,2),16);
		var r,g,b,h;
		while (frame < frames)
			r = Math.floor(rf * ((frames-frame)/frames) + rt * (frame/frames));
			g = Math.floor(gf * ((frames-frame)/frames) + gt * (frame/frames));
			b = Math.floor(bf * ((frames-frame)/frames) + bt * (frame/frames));
			h = this.make_hex(r,g,b);
			setTimeout("Fat.set_bgcolor('"+id+"','"+h+"')", delay);

			delay = interval * frame; 
		setTimeout("Fat.set_bgcolor('"+id+"','"+to+"')", delay);
	set_bgcolor : function (id, c)
		var o = document.getElementById(id);
    if(!o) return; = c;
	get_bgcolor : function (id)
		var o = document.getElementById(id);
			var c;
			if (window.getComputedStyle) c = window.getComputedStyle(o,null).getPropertyValue("background-color");
			if (o.currentStyle) c = o.currentStyle.backgroundColor;
			if ((c != "" && c != "transparent") || o.tagName == "BODY") { break; }
			o = o.parentNode;
		if (c == undefined || c == "" || c == "transparent") c = "#FFFFFF";
		var rgb = c.match(/rgb\s*\(\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*\)/);
		if (rgb) c = this.make_hex(parseInt(rgb[1]),parseInt(rgb[2]),parseInt(rgb[3]));
		return c;
