author Dan
Wed, 26 Mar 2008 02:56:23 -0400
changeset 509 175df10e0b56
parent 1 fe660c52c48f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added a copy of Firebug Lite for debugging purposes. License is uncertain but being treated as MPL. (If is is not MPL then it is under something more permissive that permits relicensing anyway)

// vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4:
 * Mediawiki: Parses for tables.
 * This class implements a Text_Wiki_Rule to find tables in pipe syntax
 * {| ... |- ... | ... |}
 * On parsing, the text itself is left in place, but the starting and ending
 * tags for table, rows and cells are replaced with tokens. (nested tables enabled)
 * PHP versions 4 and 5
 * @category   Text
 * @package    Text_Wiki
 * @author     Bertrand Gugger <>
 * @copyright  2005 bertrand Gugger
 * @license  LGPL License 2.1
 * @version    CVS: $Id: Table.php,v 1.7 2005/12/06 15:54:56 ritzmo Exp $
 * @link

 * Table rule parser class for Mediawiki.
 * @category   Text
 * @package    Text_Wiki
 * @author     Bertrand Gugger <>
 * @copyright  2005 bertrand Gugger
 * @license  LGPL License 2.1
 * @version    Release: @package_version@
 * @link
 * @see        Text_Wiki_Parse::Text_Wiki_Parse()
class Text_Wiki_Parse_Table extends Text_Wiki_Parse {

     * The regular expression used to parse the source text and find
     * matches conforming to this rule.  Used by the parse() method.
     * @access public
     * @var string
     * @see parse()
    var $regex = '#^\{\|(.*?)(?:^\|\+(.*?))?(^(?:((?R))|.)*?)^\|}#msi';

     * The regular expression used in second stage to find table's rows
     * used by process() to call back processRows()
     * @access public
     * @var string
     * @see process()
     * @see processRows()
    var $regexRows = '#(?:^(\||!)-|\G)(.*?)^(.*?)(?=^(?:\|-|!-|\z))#msi';

     * The regular expression used in third stage to find rows's cells
     * used by processRows() to call back processCells()
     * @access public
     * @var string
     * @see process()
     * @see processCells()
    var $regexCells =
    '#((?:^\||^!|\|\||!!|\G))(?:([^|\n]*?) \|(?!\|))?(.+?)(?=^\||^!|\|\||!!|\z)#msi';

     * The current table nesting depth, starts by zero
     * @access private
     * @var int
    var $_level = 0;

     * The count of rows for this level
     * @access private
     * @var array of int
    var $_countRows = array();

     * The max count of cells for this level
     * @access private
     * @var array of int
    var $_maxCells = array();

     * The count of cells for each row
     * @access private
     * @var array of int
    var $_countCells = array();

     * The count of spanned cells from previous rowspans for each column
     * @access private
     * @var array of int
    var $_spanCells = array();

     * Generates a replacement for the matched text. Returned token options are:
     * 'type' =>
     *     'table_start'   : the start of a bullet list
     *     'table_end'     : the end of a bullet list
     *     'row_start'     : the start of a number list
     *     'row_end'       : the end of a number list
     *     'cell_start'    : the start of item text (bullet or number)
     *     'cell_end'      : the end of item text (bullet or number)
     *     'caption_start' : the start of associated caption
     *     'caption_end'   : the end of associated caption
     * 'level' => the table nesting level (starting zero) ('table_start')
     * 'rows' => the number of rows in the table ('table_start')
     * 'cols' => the number of columns in the table or rows
     *           ('table_start' and 'row_start')
     * 'span' => column span ('cell_start')
     * 'row_span' => row span ('cell_start')
     * 'attr' => header optional attribute flag ('row_start' or 'cell_start')
     * 'format' => table, row or cell optional styling ('xxx_start')
     * @param array &$matches The array of matches from parse().
     * @return string the original text with tags replaced by delimited tokens
     * which point to the the token array containing their type and definition
     * @access public
    function process(&$matches)
        if (array_key_exists(4, $matches)) {
            $expsub = preg_replace_callback(
                array(&$this, 'process'),
        } else {
            $expsub = $matches[3];
        $this->_countRows[$this->_level] = $this->_maxCells[$this->_level] = 0;
        $this->_countCells[$this->_level] = $this->_spanCells[$this->_level] = array();
        $sub = preg_replace_callback(
            array(&$this, 'processRows'),
        $param = array(
                'type'  => 'table_start',
                'level' => $this->_level,
                'rows' => $this->_countRows[$this->_level],
                'cols' => $this->_maxCells[$this->_level]
        if ($format = trim($matches[1])) {
            $param['format'] = $format;
        $ret = $this->wiki->addToken($this->rule, $param );
        if ($matches[2]) {
            $ret .= $this->wiki->addToken($this->rule, array(
                'type'  => 'caption_start',
                'level' => $this->_level ) ) . $matches[2] .
                    $this->wiki->addToken($this->rule, array(
                'type'  => 'caption_end',
                'level' => $this->_level ) );
        $param['type'] = 'table_end';
        return $ret . $sub . $this->wiki->addToken($this->rule, $param );

     * Generates a replacement for the matched rows. Token options are:
     * 'type' =>
     *     'row_start'   : the start of a row
     *     'row_end'     : the end of a row
     * 'order' => the row order in the table
     * 'cols' => the count of cells in the row
     * 'attr' => header optional attribute flag
     * 'format' => row optional styling
     * @param array &$matches The array of matches from process() callback.
     * @return string 2 delimited tokens pointing the row params
     * and containing the cells-parsed block of text between the tags
     * @access public
    function processRows(&$matches)
        $this->_countCells[$this->_level][$this->_countRows[$this->_level]] = 0;
        $sub = preg_replace_callback(
            array(&$this, 'processCells'),
        $param = array(
                'type'  => 'row_start',
                'order' => $this->_countRows[$this->_level],
                'cols' => $this->_countCells[$this->_level][$this->_countRows[$this->_level]++]
        if ($matches[1] == '!') {
            $param['attr'] = 'header';
        if ($format = trim($matches[2])) {
            $param['format'] = $format;
        if ($this->_maxCells[$this->_level] < $param['cols']) {
            $this->_maxCells[$this->_level] = $param['cols'];
        $ret = $this->wiki->addToken($this->rule, $param );
        $param['type'] = 'row_end';
        return $ret . $sub . $this->wiki->addToken($this->rule, $param );

     * Generates a replacement for the matched cells. Token options are:
     * 'type' =>
     *     'cell_start'   : the start of a row
     *     'cell_end'     : the end of a row
     * 'order' => the cell order in the row
     * 'cols' => the count of cells in the row
     * 'span' => column span
     * 'row_span' => row span
     * 'attr' => header optional attribute flag
     * 'format' => cell optional styling
     * @param array &$matches The array of matches from processRows() callback.
     * @return string 2 delimited tokens pointing the cell params
     * and containing the block of text between the tags
     * @access public
    function processCells(&$matches)
        $order = & $this->_countCells[$this->_level][$this->_countRows[$this->_level]];
        while (isset($this->_spanCells[$this->_level][$order])) {
            if (--$this->_spanCells[$this->_level][$order] < 2) {
        $param = array(
                'type'  => 'cell_start',
                'attr'  => $matches[1] && ($matches[1]{0} == '!') ? 'header': null,
                'span'  => 1,
                'rowspan'  => 1,
                'order' => $order
        if ($format = trim($matches[2])) {
            if (preg_match('#(.*)colspan=("|\')?(\d+)(?(2)\2)(.*)#i', $format, $pieces)) {
                $param['span'] = (int)$pieces[3];
                $format = $pieces[1] . $pieces[4];
            if (preg_match('#(.*)rowspan=("|\')?(\d+)(?(2)\2)(.*)#i', $format, $pieces)) {
                $this->_spanCells[$this->_level][$order] =
                                    $param['rowspan'] = (int)$pieces[3];
                $format = $pieces[1] . $pieces[4];
            $param['format'] = $format;
        $this->_countCells[$this->_level][$this->_countRows[$this->_level]] += $param['span'];
        $ret = $this->wiki->addToken($this->rule, $param);
        $param['type'] = 'cell_end';
        return $ret . $matches[3] . $this->wiki->addToken($this->rule, $param );