Added some more hooks to the page editing pipeline. It should now be possible to add controls to the page editor, send the data from them out to the server, and process them on the server side.
* $Id: validate.js 758 2008-03-30 13:53:29Z spocke $
* Various form validation methods.
* @author Moxiecode
* @copyright Copyright © 2004-2008, Moxiecode Systems AB, All rights reserved.
// String validation:
if (!Validator.isEmail('myemail'))
alert('Invalid email.');
// Form validation:
var f = document.forms['myform'];
if (!Validator.isEmail(f.myemail))
alert('Invalid email.');
var Validator = {
isEmail : function(s) {
return this.test(s, '^[-!#$%&\'*+\\./0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+@[-!#$%&\'*+\\/0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+\.[-!#$%&\'*+\\./0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+$');
isAbsUrl : function(s) {
return this.test(s, '^(news|telnet|nttp|file|http|ftp|https)://[-A-Za-z0-9\\.]+\\/?.*$');
isSize : function(s) {
return this.test(s, '^[0-9]+(%|in|cm|mm|em|ex|pt|pc|px)?$');
isId : function(s) {
return this.test(s, '^[A-Za-z_]([A-Za-z0-9_])*$');
isEmpty : function(s) {
var nl, i;
if (s.nodeName == 'SELECT' && s.selectedIndex < 1)
return true;
if (s.type == 'checkbox' && !s.checked)
return true;
if (s.type == 'radio') {
for (i=0, nl = s.form.elements; i<nl.length; i++) {
if (nl[i].type == "radio" && nl[i].name == && nl[i].checked)
return false;
return true;
return new RegExp('^\\s*$').test(s.nodeType == 1 ? s.value : s);
isNumber : function(s, d) {
return !isNaN(s.nodeType == 1 ? s.value : s) && (!d || !this.test(s, '^-?[0-9]*\\.[0-9]*$'));
test : function(s, p) {
s = s.nodeType == 1 ? s.value : s;
return s == '' || new RegExp(p).test(s);
var AutoValidator = {
settings : {
id_cls : 'id',
int_cls : 'int',
url_cls : 'url',
number_cls : 'number',
email_cls : 'email',
size_cls : 'size',
required_cls : 'required',
invalid_cls : 'invalid',
min_cls : 'min',
max_cls : 'max'
init : function(s) {
var n;
for (n in s)
this.settings[n] = s[n];
validate : function(f) {
var i, nl, s = this.settings, c = 0;
nl = this.tags(f, 'label');
for (i=0; i<nl.length; i++)
this.removeClass(nl[i], s.invalid_cls);
c += this.validateElms(f, 'input');
c += this.validateElms(f, 'select');
c += this.validateElms(f, 'textarea');
return c == 3;
invalidate : function(n) {
this.mark(n.form, n);
reset : function(e) {
var t = ['label', 'input', 'select', 'textarea'];
var i, j, nl, s = this.settings;
if (e == null)
for (i=0; i<t.length; i++) {
nl = this.tags(e.form ? e.form : e, t[i]);
for (j=0; j<nl.length; j++)
this.removeClass(nl[j], s.invalid_cls);
validateElms : function(f, e) {
var nl, i, n, s = this.settings, st = true, va = Validator, v;
nl = this.tags(f, e);
for (i=0; i<nl.length; i++) {
n = nl[i];
this.removeClass(n, s.invalid_cls);
if (this.hasClass(n, s.required_cls) && va.isEmpty(n))
st = this.mark(f, n);
if (this.hasClass(n, s.number_cls) && !va.isNumber(n))
st = this.mark(f, n);
if (this.hasClass(n, s.int_cls) && !va.isNumber(n, true))
st = this.mark(f, n);
if (this.hasClass(n, s.url_cls) && !va.isAbsUrl(n))
st = this.mark(f, n);
if (this.hasClass(n, s.email_cls) && !va.isEmail(n))
st = this.mark(f, n);
if (this.hasClass(n, s.size_cls) && !va.isSize(n))
st = this.mark(f, n);
if (this.hasClass(n, s.id_cls) && !va.isId(n))
st = this.mark(f, n);
if (this.hasClass(n, s.min_cls, true)) {
v = this.getNum(n, s.min_cls);
if (isNaN(v) || parseInt(n.value) < parseInt(v))
st = this.mark(f, n);
if (this.hasClass(n, s.max_cls, true)) {
v = this.getNum(n, s.max_cls);
if (isNaN(v) || parseInt(n.value) > parseInt(v))
st = this.mark(f, n);
return st;
hasClass : function(n, c, d) {
return new RegExp('\\b' + c + (d ? '[0-9]+' : '') + '\\b', 'g').test(n.className);
getNum : function(n, c) {
c = n.className.match(new RegExp('\\b' + c + '([0-9]+)\\b', 'g'))[0];
c = c.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '');
return c;
addClass : function(n, c, b) {
var o = this.removeClass(n, c);
n.className = b ? c + (o != '' ? (' ' + o) : '') : (o != '' ? (o + ' ') : '') + c;
removeClass : function(n, c) {
c = n.className.replace(new RegExp("(^|\\s+)" + c + "(\\s+|$)"), ' ');
return n.className = c != ' ' ? c : '';
tags : function(f, s) {
return f.getElementsByTagName(s);
mark : function(f, n) {
var s = this.settings;
this.addClass(n, s.invalid_cls);
this.markLabels(f, n, s.invalid_cls);
return false;
markLabels : function(f, n, ic) {
var nl, i;
nl = this.tags(f, "label");
for (i=0; i<nl.length; i++) {
if (nl[i].getAttribute("for") == || nl[i].htmlFor ==
this.addClass(nl[i], ic);
return null;