Added update-checking function (still a little rough around the edges); added support into admin user CP for changing avatars
+ − <?php
+ −
+ − /**
+ − *
+ − * Parses for centered lines of text.
+ − *
+ − * @category Text
+ − *
+ − * @package Text_Wiki
+ − *
+ − * @author Paul M. Jones <>
+ − *
+ − * @license LGPL
+ − *
+ − * @version $Id: Center.php,v 1.3 2005/02/23 17:38:29 pmjones Exp $
+ − *
+ − */
+ −
+ − /**
+ − *
+ − * Parses for centered lines of text.
+ − *
+ − * This class implements a Text_Wiki_Parse to find lines marked for centering.
+ − * The line must start with "= " (i.e., an equal-sign followed by a space).
+ − *
+ − * @category Text
+ − *
+ − * @package Text_Wiki
+ − *
+ − * @author Paul M. Jones <>
+ − *
+ − */
+ −
+ − class Text_Wiki_Parse_Center extends Text_Wiki_Parse {
+ −
+ −
+ − /**
+ − *
+ − * The regular expression used to find source text matching this
+ − * rule.
+ − *
+ − * @access public
+ − *
+ − * @var string
+ − *
+ − */
+ −
+ − var $regex = '/\n\= (.*?)\n/';
+ −
+ − /**
+ − *
+ − * Generates a token entry for the matched text.
+ − *
+ − * @access public
+ − *
+ − * @param array &$matches The array of matches from parse().
+ − *
+ − * @return A delimited token number to be used as a placeholder in
+ − * the source text.
+ − *
+ − */
+ −
+ − function process(&$matches)
+ − {
+ − $start = $this->wiki->addToken(
+ − $this->rule,
+ − array('type' => 'start')
+ − );
+ −
+ − $end = $this->wiki->addToken(
+ − $this->rule,
+ − array('type' => 'end')
+ − );
+ −
+ − return "\n" . $start . $matches[1] . $end . "\n";
+ − }
+ − }
+ − ?>