<p>Enano relies on some third-party libraries for some of its functionality. Not all of these libraries are licensed under the same terms as Enano; a list of third-party libraries is available below, sorted by which license the library is under.</p>
<li>One of the CAPTCHA easter eggs was ported from the phpBB <a href="http://phpbbhacks.com/download/6276">Advanced Visual Confirmation Mod</a>. The strange thing here is this: The installation instructions expressly state that the MOD is distributed under the GPL, but immediately afterwards it says that the MOD "can be freely used, but not distributed, without permission." Sorry buddy, but I'm with the FSF on this one, I'm legally allowed to distribute/modify it under the GPL.
<li>The <a href="http://www.jracademy.com/~jtucek/">e-mail address encryption</a> routine was originally written by Jim Tucek, and ported to PHP by Dan Fuhry. Jim allowed the code to be released under the GPL specifically for Enano.</li>
<li><a href="http://www.thecodebehind.com/code/slide-in-slide-out-ala-digg.aspx">Slide-in-slide-out, ala Digg</a> - used for the collapsible sidebar headings in the Oxygen theme. The original author says the code may be used "for whatever you want."</li>
<li><a href="http://szewo.com/php/graph">Graph Generator for PHP</a> - only used when the GD-based graph generator won't work (e.g. no GD support)</li>
<li><a href="http://www.softcomplex.com/products/tigra_tree_menu/">Tigra Tree Menu</a> - a modified version that remembers the state of the tree. The license terms are stated <a href="http://www.softcomplex.com/products/tigra_tree_menu/docs/#terms_cond">here</a>. I believe that these terms are GPL-compatible, at least to a point where the code can be used in GPL-licensed programs. If you believe this is not the case then please <a href="http://enano.homelinux.org/Contact_us">contact me</a>.</li>
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