author Dan
Mon, 16 Feb 2009 16:17:25 -0500
changeset 832 7152ca0a0ce9
parent 395 fa4c5ecb7c9a
child 1193 e3b94bd055dc
permissions -rw-r--r--
Major redesign of rendering pipeline that separates pages saved with MCE from pages saved with the plaintext editor (full description in long commit message) - Pages are now stored with an extra metadata field called page_format which is "wikitext" or "xhtml" - New $flags parameter + RENDER_* constants added that control RenderMan::render() behavior - Several other changes: * Added a sprite API for Javascript and made editor use sprites when possible * Removed a number of config options from the default install schema, replaced with second parameter to getConfig() calls * MessageBox in editor mostly replaced with miniPrompt * A few bugfixes related to password changes (registration didn't even work) * Rewrote the bitfield compression algorithm used to serialize allowed MIME types * Fixed some typos in language files and strings * Fixed a Text_Wiki bug in Heading parser
Ignore whitespace changes - Everywhere: Within whitespace: At end of lines:
fa4c5ecb7c9a Fixed splitting bug (really the same issue from stable) in get_pageid_from_url(); upgraded TinyMCE to version 3.0-stable
parents: 335
diff changeset
(function(){tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.AdvancedHRPlugin',{init:function(ed,url){ed.addCommand('mceAdvancedHr',function(){{file:url+'/rule.htm',width:250+parseInt(ed.getLang('advhr.delta_width',0)),height:160+parseInt(ed.getLang('advhr.delta_height',0)),inline:1},{plugin_url:url});});ed.addButton('advhr',{title:'advhr.advhr_desc',cmd:'mceAdvancedHr'});ed.onNodeChange.add(function(ed,cm,n){cm.setActive('advhr',n.nodeName=='HR');});ed.onClick.add(function(ed,e){;if(e.nodeName==='HR');});},getInfo:function(){return{longname:'Advanced HR',author:'Moxiecode Systems AB',authorurl:'',infourl:'',version:tinymce.majorVersion+"."+tinymce.minorVersion};}});tinymce.PluginManager.add('advhr',tinymce.plugins.AdvancedHRPlugin);})();