More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
* Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
* This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
* warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
login_message_short: 'Please enter your username and password to log in.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
login_message_short_elev: 'Please re-enter your login details',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
login_body: 'Logging in enables you to use your preferences and access member information. If you don\'t have a username and password here, you can <a href="%reg_link%">create an account</a>.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
login_body_elev: 'You are requesting that a sensitive operation be performed. To continue, please re-enter your password to confirm your identity.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
Added customizable parameters for session length and the long-missing "remember me" option (or rather, the ability to turn it off and make sessions temporary)
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
login_forgotpass_blurb: 'Forgot your password? <a href="%forgotpass_link%">No problem.</a>',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
login_createaccount_blurb: 'Maybe you need to <a href="%reg_link%">create an account</a>.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
login_nocrypt_body: 'Some countries do not allow the import or use of cryptographic technology. If you live in one of the countries listed below, you should <a href="%nocrypt_link%">log in without using encryption</a>.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
login_nocrypt_countrylist: 'This restriction applies to the following countries: Belarus, China, India, Israel, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Tunisia, Venezuela, and Vietnam.',
A few fixes in SpecialUserFuncs: made avatars have a +30-day expiry date and made full login form show encryption blurb even when user_level > USER_LEVEL_MEMBER. Added expanding user-info blocks in memberlist (experimental).
login_dh_notice: 'If your browser supports it, strong encryption will be used to protect your password as it it sent over the Internet. The encryption process takes from about 1 to 7 seconds, depending on the speed of your computer, while a key is being generated. Even if your browser prompts you about an unresponsive script, please allow the script to continue or your login may fail.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
login_usecrypt_title: 'Encryption is currently turned off.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
login_usecrypt_body: 'If you are not in one of the countries listed below, you should <a href="%usecrypt_link%">enable encryption</a> to secure the logon process.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
login_usecrypt_countrylist: 'The cryptography restriction applies to the following countries: Belarus, China, India, Israel, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Tunisia, Venezuela, and Vietnam.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
login_success_body: 'You have successfully logged into the %config.site_name% site as "%username%". Redirecting to %redir_target%...',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
Added customizable parameters for session length and the long-missing "remember me" option (or rather, the ability to turn it off and make sessions temporary)
login_check_remember: 'Keep me logged in on this computer for %session_length% %length_units% unless I log out',
Added customizable parameters for session length and the long-missing "remember me" option (or rather, the ability to turn it off and make sessions temporary)
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
login_noact_msg_intro: 'It appears that your user account has not yet been activated.',
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
login_noact_solution_none: 'Your account was most likely deactivated by an administrator. Please contact the site administration for further assistance.',
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
login_noact_solution_user: 'Please check your e-mail; you should have been sent a message with instructions on how to activate your account. If you do not receive an e-mail from this site within 24 hours, please contact the site administration for further assistance.',
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
login_noact_solution_admin: 'This website has been configured so that all user accounts must be activated by the administrator before they can be used, so your account will most likely be activated the next time an administrator visits the site.',
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
login_noact_msg_logout_success_body: 'You have successfully been logged out. All cookies cleared.',
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
login_noact_msg_ask_admins: 'If you are having trouble or did not receive the e-mail, you can request account activation from the administrators of this site.',
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
login_noact_msg_admins_just_asked: 'A request has just been sent to the administrators of this site. They will be able to activate your account or send you another activation e-mail if needed.',
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
login_noact_msg_admins_asked: 'There is an active request in the administrators\' control panel for your account to be activated.',
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
login_ajax_prompt_title: 'Please enter your username and password to continue.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
login_ajax_link_fullform_dh: 'Don\'t stop this process even if your browser asks you to. If this takes more than 10 seconds, you might want to try the <a href="%link_full_form%">full login form</a>.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
login_ajax_link_forgotpass: 'Did you <a href="%forgotpass_link%">forget your password</a>?',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
login_ajax_msg_used_temp_pass: 'You have logged in using a temporary password. Before you can log in, you must finish resetting your password. Do you want to reset your real password now?',
login_ajax_check_dh_ie: 'Use a standards-compliant browser to help protect your password. <a href="http://docs.enanocms.org/Help:Appendix_B#dh" onclick="window.open(this.href); return false;">Learn more</a>',
Added customizable parameters for session length and the long-missing "remember me" option (or rather, the ability to turn it off and make sessions temporary)
login_ajax_check_remember: 'Keep me logged in on this computer for %session_length% %length_units% unless I log out',
Added customizable parameters for session length and the long-missing "remember me" option (or rather, the ability to turn it off and make sessions temporary)
Fixed issue where login box was not obeying server orders to disable DiffieHellman. Increased quality of error handling for JS errors during login process.
Fixed issue where login box was not obeying server orders to disable DiffieHellman. Increased quality of error handling for JS errors during login process.
login_ajax_err_crypto_details: 'Details available on console.',
Fixed issue where login box was not obeying server orders to disable DiffieHellman. Increased quality of error handling for JS errors during login process.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
err_key_not_found: 'Enano couldn\'t look up the encryption key used to encrypt your password. This most often happens if a cache rotation occurred during your login attempt, or if you refreshed the login page.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
err_key_not_found_cleared: 'It seems that the list of encryption keys used for login information has reached its maximum length, thus preventing new keys from being inserted. The list has been automatically cleared. Please try logging in again; if you are still unable to log in, please contact the site administration.',
err_dh_key_not_found: 'Enano couldn\'t retrieve the private key used for the high-strength encrypted logon. It is possible that the list of keys was cleared during your logon process as this happens approximately once every 72 hours. Please try logging in again; if you are still unable to log in, please contact the site administration.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
err_key_wrong_length: 'The encryption key was the wrong length.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
err_too_big_for_britches: 'You are trying to authenticate at a level that your user account does not permit.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
err_invalid_credentials: 'You have entered an invalid username or password. Please enter your login details again.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
err_invalid_credentials_lockout: ' You have used up %fails% out of %config.lockout_threshold% login attempts. After you have used up all %config.lockout_threshold% login attempts, you will be locked out from logging in for %config.lockout_duration% minutes.',
Removed stray debugging info from ACL editor success notification; added ability for guests to set language on URI (?lang=eng); added html_in_pages ACL type and separated from php_in_pages so HTML can be embedded but not PHP; rewote portions of the path manager to better abstract URL input; added Zend Framework into list of BSD-licensed libraries; localized some remaining strings; got the migration script working, but just barely; fixed display bug in Special:Contributions; localized Main Page button in admin panel
err_invalid_credentials_lockout_captcha: ' You have used up %fails% out of %config.lockout_threshold% login attempts. After you have used up all %config.lockout_threshold% login attempts, you will have to enter a visual confirmation code while logging in, effective for %config.lockout_duration% minutes.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
err_backend_fail: 'You entered the right credentials and everything was validated, but for some reason Enano couldn\'t register your session. This is an internal problem with the site and you are encouraged to contact site administration.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
err_locked_out: 'You have used up all %config.lockout_threshold% allowed login attempts. Please wait %time_rem% minute%plural% before attempting to log in again%captcha_blurb%.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
err_locked_out_captcha_blurb: ', or enter the visual confirmation code shown above in the appropriate box',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
logout_success_body: 'You have been successfully logged out, and all cookies have been cleared. You will now be transferred to the main page.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
logout_confirm_title: 'Are you sure you want to log out?',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
logout_confirm_body: 'If you log out, you will no longer be able to access your user preferences, your private messages, or certain areas of this site until you log in again.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
logout_confirm_title_elev: 'Are you sure you want to de-authenticate?',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
logout_confirm_body_elev: 'If you de-authenticate, you will no longer be able to use the administration panel until you re-authenticate again. You may do so at any time using the Administration button on the sidebar.',
Got initial CSRF token framework implemented and sample implementation added in Special:Logout; removing Javascript compression engine from aggressive_optimize_html() and instead calling JavascriptCompressor class from js-compressor.php
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
logout_err_title: 'An error occurred during the logout process.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
logout_err_not_loggedin: 'You don\'t seem to be logged in.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
level_long_member: 'Standard - normal member level',
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
level_long_chpref: 'Medium - user can change his/her own e-mail address and password',
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
ban_msg_body: 'You have been banned from this website. Please contact the site administrator for more information.',
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
keepalive_info_title: 'About the keep-alive feature',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
keepalive_info_body: 'Keep-alive is a new Enano feature that keeps your administrative session from timing out while you are using the administration panel. This feature can be useful if you are editing a large page or doing something in the administration interface that will take longer than 15 minutes.<br /><br />For security reasons, Enano mandates that high-privilege logins last only 15 minutes, with the time being reset each time a page is loaded (or, more specifically, each time the session API is started). The consequence of this is that if you are performing an action in the administration panel that takes more than 15 minutes, your session may be terminated. The keep-alive feature attempts to relieve this by sending a "ping" to the server every 10 minutes.<br /><br />Please note that keep-alive state is determined by a cookie. Thus, if you log out and then back in as a different administrator, keep-alive will use the same setting that was used when you were logged in as the first administrative user. In the same way, if you log into the administration panel under your account from another computer, keep-alive will be set to "off".<br /><br /><b>For more information:</b><br /><a href="http://docs.enanocms.org/Help:Appendix_B" onclick="window.open(this.href); return false;">Overview of Enano\'s security model</a>',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
Massive commit with various changes. Added user ranks system (no admin interface yet) and ability for users to have custom user titles. Made cron framework accept fractions of hours through floating-point intervals. Modifed ACL editor to use miniPrompt framework for close confirmation box. Made avatar system use a special page as opposed to fetching the files directly for caching reasons.
Massive commit with various changes. Added user ranks system (no admin interface yet) and ability for users to have custom user titles. Made cron framework accept fractions of hours through floating-point intervals. Modifed ACL editor to use miniPrompt framework for close confirmation box. Made avatar system use a special page as opposed to fetching the files directly for caching reasons.
Massive commit with various changes. Added user ranks system (no admin interface yet) and ability for users to have custom user titles. Made cron framework accept fractions of hours through floating-point intervals. Modifed ACL editor to use miniPrompt framework for close confirmation box. Made avatar system use a special page as opposed to fetching the files directly for caching reasons.
Massive commit with various changes. Added user ranks system (no admin interface yet) and ability for users to have custom user titles. Made cron framework accept fractions of hours through floating-point intervals. Modifed ACL editor to use miniPrompt framework for close confirmation box. Made avatar system use a special page as opposed to fetching the files directly for caching reasons.
Massive commit with various changes. Added user ranks system (no admin interface yet) and ability for users to have custom user titles. Made cron framework accept fractions of hours through floating-point intervals. Modifed ACL editor to use miniPrompt framework for close confirmation box. Made avatar system use a special page as opposed to fetching the files directly for caching reasons.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
Added tab-based interface to userpage UI. Yes, it is plugin expansible, and yes, it breaks existing plugins that add code to the userpage (but that can be fixed with a "colspan=4")
reg_err_locked_out: 'Registration is disabled because you are currently locked out from logging in. Please wait %time% minutes before attempting to register again.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
reg_err_captcha: 'The confirmation code you entered was incorrect.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
reg_err_disabled_body: 'The administrator has disabled the registration of new accounts on this site.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
reg_err_disabled_body_adminblurb: 'Oops...it seems that you <em>are</em> the administrator...hehe...you can also <a href="%reg_link%">force account registration to work</a>.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
reg_err_username_invalid: 'Your username must be at least two characters in length and may not contain any of the following characters: < > _ & ? \' " % / \\.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
reg_err_password_good: 'The password you entered is valid.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
reg_err_alert_password_tooshort: 'Your password must be 6 characters or greater in length.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
reg_err_alert_password_nomatch: 'The passwords you entered do not match.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
reg_err_actmail_failed: 'The activation e-mail could not be sent due to an internal error. This could possibly be due to an incorrect SMTP configuration. A request has been sent to the administrator to activate your account for you.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
reg_msg_greatercontrol: 'A user account enables you to have greater control over your browsing experience.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
reg_msg_table_subtitle: 'Please tell us a little bit about yourself.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
reg_msg_username_available: 'This username is available.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
reg_msg_username_unavailable: 'This username is already taken.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
reg_msg_password_length: 'Your password must be at least six characters in length.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
reg_msg_password_score: 'It needs to score at least <b>%config.pw_strength_minimum%</b> for your registration to be accepted.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
reg_msg_password_needmatch: 'The passwords you entered do not match.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
reg_msg_email_activuser: 'An e-mail with an account activation key will be sent to this address, so please ensure that it is correct.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
reg_msg_realname_optional: 'Giving your real name is totally optional. If you choose to provide your real name, it will be used to provide attribution for any edits or contributions you may make to this site.',
WiP commit for admin panel localization. All modules up to Admin:UserManager (working down the list) are localized except Admin:ThemeManager, which is due for a rewrite
reg_msg_captcha_pleaseenter: 'Please enter the code shown in the image to the right into the text box. The code is case-insensitive and the numeral zero is never used. This process helps to ensure that this registration is not being performed by an automated bot. If the image to the right is illegible, you can <a %regen_flags%>generate a new image</a>.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
reg_msg_captcha_blind: 'If you are visually impaired or otherwise cannot read the text shown to the right, please contact the site management and they will create an account for you.',
reg_msg_please_read_tou:'Please read and agree to the following terms before registering. By continuing to create an account you agree to be legally bound by the terms below.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
reg_msg_success_body: 'Thank you for registering, your user account has been created.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
reg_msg_success_activ_none: 'You may now <a href="%login_link%">log in</a> with the username and password that you created.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
reg_msg_success_activ_user: 'Because this site requires account activation, you have been sent an e-mail with further instructions. Please follow the instructions in that e-mail to continue your registration.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
reg_msg_success_activ_admin: 'Because this site requires administrative account activation, you cannot use your account at the moment. A notice has been sent to the site administration team that will alert them that your account has been created.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
reg_msg_success_activ_coppa: 'However, in compliance with the Childrens\' Online Privacy Protection Act, you must have your parent or legal guardian activate your account. Please ask them to check their e-mail for further information.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
reg_lbl_field_password_confirm: 'Enter your password again to confirm.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
reg_lbl_field_email_coppa: 'Your parent or guardian\'s e-mail address:',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
reg_coppa_title: 'Before you can register, please tell us your age.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
reg_coppa_link_atleast13: 'I was born <b>on or before</b> %yo13_date% and am <b>at least</b> 13 years of age',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
Thank you for registering on %config.site_name%. Your account creation is almost complete. To complete the registration process, please click the following link or paste it into your web browser:
Localized registration errors and activation/COPPA e-mails
A child under the username %username% recently registered on our website. The child provided your e-mail address as the one of his or her authorized parent or legal guardian, and to comply with the United States Childrens\' Online Privacy Protection act, we ask that all parents of children ages 13 or under please mail us a written form authorizing their child\'s use of our website.
Localized registration errors and activation/COPPA e-mails
If you do NOT wish for your child to be allowed access to our site, you do not need to do anything - your child will not be able to access our site as a registered user unless you authorize their account activation.
Localized registration errors and activation/COPPA e-mails
I, _______________________________________, the legal parent or guardian of the child registered on the website "%config.site_name%" as %username%, hereby give my authorization for the child\'s e-mail address, instant messaging information, location, and real name, to be collected and stored in a database owned and maintained by %config.site_name% at the child\'s option, and for the administrators of this website to use this information according to the privacy policy displayed on their website <%site_link%>.
Localized registration errors and activation/COPPA e-mails
Got initial CSRF token framework implemented and sample implementation added in Special:Logout; removing Javascript compression engine from aggressive_optimize_html() and instead calling JavascriptCompressor class from js-compressor.php
Got initial CSRF token framework implemented and sample implementation added in Special:Logout; removing Javascript compression engine from aggressive_optimize_html() and instead calling JavascriptCompressor class from js-compressor.php
Got initial CSRF token framework implemented and sample implementation added in Special:Logout; removing Javascript compression engine from aggressive_optimize_html() and instead calling JavascriptCompressor class from js-compressor.php
csrf_confirm_title: 'Invalid form confirmation key',
Got initial CSRF token framework implemented and sample implementation added in Special:Logout; removing Javascript compression engine from aggressive_optimize_html() and instead calling JavascriptCompressor class from js-compressor.php
csrf_confirm_body: 'Your browser sent an invalid confirmation key for a form. Your session may have expired, or you may have been redirected here from a remote site in an attack known as Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF). If you are sure you want to continue with this action, you may click the button below. Otherwise, return to the main page and do not proceed.',
Got initial CSRF token framework implemented and sample implementation added in Special:Logout; removing Javascript compression engine from aggressive_optimize_html() and instead calling JavascriptCompressor class from js-compressor.php
csrf_confirm_btn_viewrequest: 'View request and form data',
Got initial CSRF token framework implemented and sample implementation added in Special:Logout; removing Javascript compression engine from aggressive_optimize_html() and instead calling JavascriptCompressor class from js-compressor.php
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
sec_profile_emailpassword: 'Edit e-mail address and password',
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
intro_heading_main: '%username%, welcome to your control panel',
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
intro_para1: 'Here you can make changes to your profile, view statistics on yourself on this site, and set your preferences.',
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
intro_para2: 'Your <a href="%userpage_link%">user page</a> <sup>(<a href="%userpage_link%#do:comments">comments</a>)</sup> is your free writing space. You can use it to tell the other members of this site a little bit about yourself. If you haven\'t already made a user page, why not <a href="%userpage_link%#do:edit">make one now</a>?',
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
intro_para3: 'Use the menu at the top to navigate around. If you have any questions, you may contact the %admin_contact_link%.',
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
emailpassword_title: 'Change E-mail Address or Password',
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
emailpassword_err_email_no_match: 'The e-mail addresses you entered did not match.',
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
emailpassword_err_list: 'The following errors were encountered while saving your e-mail address:',
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
emailpassword_err_password_too_weak: 'Your password did not meet the complexity score requirement for this site. Your password scored %score%, while a score of at least %config.pw_strength_minimum% is needed.',
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
emailpassword_msg_need_activ_user: 'Your password and e-mail address have been changed. Since e-mail activation is required on this site, you will need to re-activate your account to continue. An e-mail has been sent to the new e-mail address with an activation link. You must click that link in order to log in again.',
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
emailpassword_msg_need_activ_admin: 'Your password and e-mail address have been changed. Since administrative activation is requires on this site, a request has been sent to the administrators to activate your account for you. You will not be able to use your account until it is activated by an administrator.',
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
emailpassword_field_newpass: 'Type a new password:',
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
emailpassword_field_newpass_confirm: 'Type the password again to confirm:',
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
emailpassword_msg_password_min_score: 'Your password needs to score at least <b>%config.pw_strength_minimum%</b> in order to be accepted.',
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
signature_msg_saved: 'Your signature has been saved.',
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
publicinfo_note_optional: 'Please note that all of the information you enter here will be <b>publicly viewable.</b> All of the fields on this page are optional and may be left blank if you so desire.',
A number of scattered changes. Profiler added and only enabled in debug mode (currently on), but awfully useful for fixing performance in the future. Started work on Admin:LangManager
A number of scattered changes. Profiler added and only enabled in debug mode (currently on), but awfully useful for fixing performance in the future. Started work on Admin:LangManager
publicinfo_field_changetheme_hint: 'If you don\'t like the look of the site, need a visual break, or are just curious, we might have some different themes for you to try out!',
Massive commit with various changes. Added user ranks system (no admin interface yet) and ability for users to have custom user titles. Made cron framework accept fractions of hours through floating-point intervals. Modifed ACL editor to use miniPrompt framework for close confirmation box. Made avatar system use a special page as opposed to fetching the files directly for caching reasons.
Massive commit with various changes. Added user ranks system (no admin interface yet) and ability for users to have custom user titles. Made cron framework accept fractions of hours through floating-point intervals. Modifed ACL editor to use miniPrompt framework for close confirmation box. Made avatar system use a special page as opposed to fetching the files directly for caching reasons.
publicinfo_field_wlm: '<acronym title="Windows™ Live Messenger">WLM</acronym> handle:<br /><small>If you don\'t specify the domain (@whatever.com), "@hotmail.com" will be assumed.</small>',
publicinfo_field_email_public_hint: 'If this is checked, your e-mail address will be displayed on your user page. To protect your address from spambots, your e-mail address will be encrypted.',
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
avatar_err_disabled_title: 'Avatar support is disabled.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
avatar_err_disabled_body: 'The administrator has not enabled avatar support for this site.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
avatar_image_none: 'You don\'t have an avatar currently.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
avatar_lbl_set_http: 'Upload a new avatar from the Web',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
avatar_lbl_url_desc: 'This must start with the <tt>http://</tt> prefix and must be a valid URL. The image will be copied from the existing URL to this server - dynamic avatars are not supported.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
avatar_lbl_file_desc: 'Your browser needs to support file uploads for this option to work.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
avatar_limits: 'The image cannot be more than %config.avatar_max_size% bytes in size. The maximum dimensions are %config.avatar_max_width% × %config.avatar_max_height% pixels. Allowed formats are PNG, GIF, and JPEG.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
avatar_delete_success: 'Your avatar has been deleted.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
avatar_bad_write: 'Either the remote server had trouble finding the image, or your image exceeded the allowed file size.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
avatar_bad_filetype: 'The file you selected is invalid. You must choose a file in PNG, JPEG, or GIF format.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
avatar_disallowed_animation: 'You have chosen an animated image, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-animated image.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
avatar_corrupt_image: 'The image you selected is corrupt. Please choose another image.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
avatar_too_large: 'The image you uploaded exceeds the maximum dimensions (%config.avatar_max_width% × %config.avatar_max_height%px) allowed on this site. Please choose another image.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
avatar_move_failed: 'Your image was accepted, but there was a problem moving the image file to the correct location.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
avatar_upload_success: 'Your avatar has been updated.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
avatar_gravatar_rating_g: 'The highest allowed rating for your Gravatar image is <b>G</b>. Images must be suitable for display on all websites with any audience type.',
Added Gravatar support! And it's really configurable too.
avatar_gravatar_rating_pg: 'The highest allowed rating for your Gravatar image is <b>PG</b>. Rude gestures, lesser swear words, mild violence, and mildly provocatively dressed individuals are permitted.',
Added Gravatar support! And it's really configurable too.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
Started localization on User CP. Localized pagination, password strength, and various other small widgets. Fixed bug in path manager causing return of fullpage from get_page_id_from_url() even when namespace is Special.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
status_not_member: 'You are not a member of this group.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
err_state_system_group: 'Because this is a system group, you can\'t make it open or allow membership requests.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
err_user_not_found: 'The username you entered could not be found.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
lbl_current_memberships: 'Current group memberships:',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
lbl_non_memberships: 'Groups you are outside of:',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
msg_membership_requested: 'A request has been sent to the moderator(s) of this group to add you.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
msg_status_pending: '(Your request to join is awaiting approval)',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
msg_pending_updated: 'Pending members status updated successfully.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
msg_state_updated: 'The group state was updated.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
msg_user_already_in_mod_updated: 'The user "%username%" is already in this group, so their moderator status was updated.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
msg_user_already_in: 'The user "%username%" is already in this group.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
msg_user_added: 'The user "%username%" has been added to this usergroup.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
msg_self_added: 'You have been added to this group.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
err_need_login: 'You need to be <a href="%login_link%">logged in</a> to view private messages.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
err_not_authorized_read: 'You are not authorized to view this message.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
err_not_authorized_edit: 'You are not authorized to alter this message.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
err_send_submit: 'Your message could not be sent because the following problems were encountered:',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
err_need_username: 'Please enter the username to which you want to send your message.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
err_need_subject: 'Please enter a subject for your message.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
err_need_message: 'Please enter a message to send.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
err_limit_exceeded_body: 'You can only send this message to a maximum of %limit% users.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
err_folder_not_exist: 'The folder "%folder_name%" does not exist. Return to your <a href="%inbox_url%">inbox</a>.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
msg_message_moved: 'Your message has been moved to the folder "%folder%".',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
msg_message_deleted: 'The message has been deleted.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
msg_message_sent: 'Your message has been sent. You may edit the message if you wish; one copy for each recipient will be in your outbox until each recipient has read it. Return to your <a href="%inbox_link%">inbox</a>.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
msg_draft_saved: 'Your message has been saved to your Drafts folder.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
lbl_message_from: 'Private message from %sender%',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
lbl_compose_to_max: 'Separate multiple names with a single comma; you may send this message to up to <b>%limit%</b> users.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
Localization is FINISHED, DAMN IT HELLAH YEAH! OVER WITH! Man, it feels to get that off my chest. Release is in under 48 hours, folks. And we're ready for it.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
ajax_err_need_js: 'It looks like your browser doesn\'t have support for Javascript. You\'ll need to have Javascript support in order to use the new Private Message interface. You can also switch to the <a href="%basic_link%">old interface</a>, which doesn\'t require Javascript support.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
ajax_err_json: 'The server had a problem processing your request.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
ajax_teaser_starred: 'You haven\'t starred any messages yet. Starring a message lets you give it a special status that separates it from the rest of your mail so it\'s easier to find. You can star a message by clicking the small gray star next to a message in your inbox or archive.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
ajax_teaser_archive: 'You haven\'t archived any messages yet. Archive a message when you want to remove it from your inbox but keep a copy of it around.',
Majorly reworked Javascript runtime stuff to use on-demand loading.
ajax_teaser_trash: 'No deleted messages. Delete a message by checking it in another folder and clicking Delete. Deleting a message from this folder will remove it permanently.',
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
ajax_compose_msg_confirm_discard_body: 'Save this message as a draft if you want to avoid losing it. Discarding this message will not delete any existing drafts.',
passreset_stage1_success: 'An e-mail has been sent to the e-mail address on file for your username with a new password in it. Please check your e-mail for further instructions.',
Replaced TinyMCE 2.x with 3.0 beta 3. Supports everything but IE. Also rewrote the editor interface completely from the ground up.
passreset_err_failed_score: 'ERROR: Your password did not pass the complexity score requirement. You need %config.pw_strength_minimum% points to pass; your password received a score of %inp_score%. <a href="%url%">Go back</a>',
Replaced TinyMCE 2.x with 3.0 beta 3. Supports everything but IE. Also rewrote the editor interface completely from the ground up.
Added tab-based interface to userpage UI. Yes, it is plugin expansible, and yes, it breaks existing plugins that add code to the userpage (but that can be fixed with a "colspan=4")
Added tab-based interface to userpage UI. Yes, it is plugin expansible, and yes, it breaks existing plugins that add code to the userpage (but that can be fixed with a "colspan=4")
Added tab-based interface to userpage UI. Yes, it is plugin expansible, and yes, it breaks existing plugins that add code to the userpage (but that can be fixed with a "colspan=4")
Added tab-based interface to userpage UI. Yes, it is plugin expansible, and yes, it breaks existing plugins that add code to the userpage (but that can be fixed with a "colspan=4")
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.