Improved and enabled HTML optimization algorithm; enabled gzip compression; added but did not test at all the tag cloud class in includes/tagcloud.php, this is still very preliminary and not ready for any type of production use
var url = tinyMCE.getParam("external_link_list_url");
if (url != null) {
// Fix relative
if (url.charAt(0) != '/' && url.indexOf('://') == -1)
url = tinyMCE.documentBasePath + "/" + url;
document.write('<sc'+'ript language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="' + url + '"></sc'+'ript>');
function init() {
document.getElementById('hrefbrowsercontainer').innerHTML = getBrowserHTML('hrefbrowser','href','file','theme_advanced_link');
// Handle file browser
if (isVisible('hrefbrowser'))
document.getElementById('href').style.width = '180px';
var formObj = document.forms[0];
for (var i=0; i<document.forms[0].target.options.length; i++) {
var option = document.forms[0].target.options[i];
if (option.value == tinyMCE.getWindowArg('target'))
option.selected = true;
document.forms[0].href.value = tinyMCE.getWindowArg('href');
document.forms[0].linktitle.value = tinyMCE.getWindowArg('title');
document.forms[0].insert.value = tinyMCE.getLang('lang_' + tinyMCE.getWindowArg('action'), 'Insert', true);
addClassesToList('styleSelect', 'theme_advanced_link_styles');
selectByValue(formObj, 'styleSelect', tinyMCE.getWindowArg('className'), true);
// Hide css select row if no CSS classes
if (formObj.styleSelect && formObj.styleSelect.options.length <= 1) {
var sr = document.getElementById('styleSelectRow'); = 'none';
// Auto select link in list
if (typeof(tinyMCELinkList) != "undefined" && tinyMCELinkList.length > 0) {
var formObj = document.forms[0];
for (var i=0; i<formObj.link_list.length; i++) {
if (formObj.link_list.options[i].value == tinyMCE.getWindowArg('href'))
formObj.link_list.options[i].selected = true;
function insertLink() {
var href = document.forms[0].href.value;
var target = document.forms[0].target.options[document.forms[0].target.selectedIndex].value;
var title = document.forms[0].linktitle.value;
var style_class = document.forms[0].styleSelect ? document.forms[0].styleSelect.value : "";
var dummy;
if (target == '_self')
target = '';
tinyMCE.themes['advanced']._insertLink(href, target, title, dummy, style_class);