Improved and enabled HTML optimization algorithm; enabled gzip compression; added but did not test at all the tag cloud class in includes/tagcloud.php, this is still very preliminary and not ready for any type of production use
* $Id: editor_plugin_src.js 201 2007-02-12 15:56:56Z spocke $
* @author Moxiecode
* @copyright Copyright © 2004-2007, Moxiecode Systems AB, All rights reserved.
/* Import plugin specific language pack */
var TinyMCE_TablePlugin = {
getInfo : function() {
return {
longname : 'Tables',
author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
authorurl : '',
infourl : '',
version : tinyMCE.majorVersion + "." + tinyMCE.minorVersion
initInstance : function(inst) {
if (tinyMCE.isGecko) {
var doc = inst.getDoc();
tinyMCE.addEvent(doc, "mouseup", TinyMCE_TablePlugin._mouseDownHandler);
inst.tableRowClipboard = null;
* Returns the HTML contents of the table control.
getControlHTML : function(control_name) {
var controls = new Array(
['table', 'table.gif', 'lang_table_desc', 'mceInsertTable', true],
['delete_table', 'table_delete.gif', 'lang_table_del', 'mceTableDelete'],
['delete_col', 'table_delete_col.gif', 'lang_table_delete_col_desc', 'mceTableDeleteCol'],
['delete_row', 'table_delete_row.gif', 'lang_table_delete_row_desc', 'mceTableDeleteRow'],
['col_after', 'table_insert_col_after.gif', 'lang_table_col_after_desc', 'mceTableInsertColAfter'],
['col_before', 'table_insert_col_before.gif', 'lang_table_col_before_desc', 'mceTableInsertColBefore'],
['row_after', 'table_insert_row_after.gif', 'lang_table_row_after_desc', 'mceTableInsertRowAfter'],
['row_before', 'table_insert_row_before.gif', 'lang_table_row_before_desc', 'mceTableInsertRowBefore'],
['row_props', 'table_row_props.gif', 'lang_table_row_desc', 'mceTableRowProps', true],
['cell_props', 'table_cell_props.gif', 'lang_table_cell_desc', 'mceTableCellProps', true],
['split_cells', 'table_split_cells.gif', 'lang_table_split_cells_desc', 'mceTableSplitCells', true],
['merge_cells', 'table_merge_cells.gif', 'lang_table_merge_cells_desc', 'mceTableMergeCells', true]);
// Render table control
for (var i=0; i<controls.length; i++) {
var but = controls[i];
var cmd = 'tinyMCE.execInstanceCommand(\'{$editor_id}\',\'' + but[3] + '\', ' + (but.length > 4 ? but[4] : false) + (but.length > 5 ? ', \'' + but[5] + '\'' : '') + ');return false;';
if (but[0] == control_name)
return tinyMCE.getButtonHTML(control_name, but[2], '{$pluginurl}/images/'+ but[1], but[3], (but.length > 4 ? but[4] : false));
// Special tablecontrols
if (control_name == "tablecontrols") {
var html = "";
html += tinyMCE.getControlHTML("table");
html += tinyMCE.getControlHTML("separator");
html += tinyMCE.getControlHTML("row_props");
html += tinyMCE.getControlHTML("cell_props");
html += tinyMCE.getControlHTML("separator");
html += tinyMCE.getControlHTML("row_before");
html += tinyMCE.getControlHTML("row_after");
html += tinyMCE.getControlHTML("delete_row");
html += tinyMCE.getControlHTML("separator");
html += tinyMCE.getControlHTML("col_before");
html += tinyMCE.getControlHTML("col_after");
html += tinyMCE.getControlHTML("delete_col");
html += tinyMCE.getControlHTML("separator");
html += tinyMCE.getControlHTML("split_cells");
html += tinyMCE.getControlHTML("merge_cells");
return html;
return "";
* Executes the table commands.
execCommand : function(editor_id, element, command, user_interface, value) {
// Is table command
switch (command) {
case "mceInsertTable":
case "mceTableRowProps":
case "mceTableCellProps":
case "mceTableSplitCells":
case "mceTableMergeCells":
case "mceTableInsertRowBefore":
case "mceTableInsertRowAfter":
case "mceTableDeleteRow":
case "mceTableInsertColBefore":
case "mceTableInsertColAfter":
case "mceTableDeleteCol":
case "mceTableCutRow":
case "mceTableCopyRow":
case "mceTablePasteRowBefore":
case "mceTablePasteRowAfter":
case "mceTableDelete":
var inst = tinyMCE.getInstanceById(editor_id);
TinyMCE_TablePlugin._doExecCommand(editor_id, element, command, user_interface, value);
return true;
// Pass to next handler in chain
return false;
handleNodeChange : function(editor_id, node, undo_index, undo_levels, visual_aid, any_selection) {
var colspan = "1", rowspan = "1", tdElm;
var inst = tinyMCE.getInstanceById(editor_id);
// Reset table controls
tinyMCE.switchClass(editor_id + '_table', 'mceButtonNormal');
tinyMCE.switchClass(editor_id + '_delete_table', 'mceButtonDisabled');
tinyMCE.switchClass(editor_id + '_row_props', 'mceButtonDisabled');
tinyMCE.switchClass(editor_id + '_cell_props', 'mceButtonDisabled');
tinyMCE.switchClass(editor_id + '_row_before', 'mceButtonDisabled');
tinyMCE.switchClass(editor_id + '_row_after', 'mceButtonDisabled');
tinyMCE.switchClass(editor_id + '_delete_row', 'mceButtonDisabled');
tinyMCE.switchClass(editor_id + '_col_before', 'mceButtonDisabled');
tinyMCE.switchClass(editor_id + '_col_after', 'mceButtonDisabled');
tinyMCE.switchClass(editor_id + '_delete_col', 'mceButtonDisabled');
tinyMCE.switchClass(editor_id + '_split_cells', 'mceButtonDisabled');
tinyMCE.switchClass(editor_id + '_merge_cells', 'mceButtonDisabled');
// Within a td element
if (tdElm = tinyMCE.getParentElement(node, "td,th")) {
tinyMCE.switchClass(editor_id + '_cell_props', 'mceButtonSelected');
tinyMCE.switchClass(editor_id + '_delete_table', 'mceButtonNormal');
tinyMCE.switchClass(editor_id + '_row_before', 'mceButtonNormal');
tinyMCE.switchClass(editor_id + '_row_after', 'mceButtonNormal');
tinyMCE.switchClass(editor_id + '_delete_row', 'mceButtonNormal');
tinyMCE.switchClass(editor_id + '_col_before', 'mceButtonNormal');
tinyMCE.switchClass(editor_id + '_col_after', 'mceButtonNormal');
tinyMCE.switchClass(editor_id + '_delete_col', 'mceButtonNormal');
colspan = tinyMCE.getAttrib(tdElm, "colspan");
rowspan = tinyMCE.getAttrib(tdElm, "rowspan");
colspan = colspan == "" ? "1" : colspan;
rowspan = rowspan == "" ? "1" : rowspan;
if (colspan != "1" || rowspan != "1")
tinyMCE.switchClass(editor_id + '_split_cells', 'mceButtonNormal');
// Within a tr element
if (tinyMCE.getParentElement(node, "tr"))
tinyMCE.switchClass(editor_id + '_row_props', 'mceButtonSelected');
// Within table
if (tinyMCE.getParentElement(node, "table")) {
tinyMCE.switchClass(editor_id + '_table', 'mceButtonSelected');
tinyMCE.switchClass(editor_id + '_merge_cells', 'mceButtonNormal');
// Private plugin internal methods
_mouseDownHandler : function(e) {
var elm = tinyMCE.isMSIE ? event.srcElement :;
var focusElm = tinyMCE.selectedInstance.getFocusElement();
// If press on special Mozilla create TD/TR thingie
if (elm.nodeName == "BODY" && (focusElm.nodeName == "TD" || focusElm.nodeName == "TH" || (focusElm.parentNode && focusElm.parentNode.nodeName == "TD") ||(focusElm.parentNode && focusElm.parentNode.nodeName == "TH") )) {
window.setTimeout(function() {
var tableElm = tinyMCE.getParentElement(focusElm, "table");
tinyMCE.handleVisualAid(tableElm, true, tinyMCE.settings['visual'], tinyMCE.selectedInstance);
}, 10);
* Executes the table commands.
_doExecCommand : function(editor_id, element, command, user_interface, value) {
var inst = tinyMCE.getInstanceById(editor_id);
var focusElm = inst.getFocusElement();
var trElm = tinyMCE.getParentElement(focusElm, "tr");
var tdElm = tinyMCE.getParentElement(focusElm, "td,th");
var tableElm = tinyMCE.getParentElement(focusElm, "table");
var doc = inst.contentWindow.document;
var tableBorder = tableElm ? tableElm.getAttribute("border") : "";
// Get first TD if no TD found
if (trElm && tdElm == null)
tdElm = trElm.cells[0];
// ------- Inner functions ---------
function inArray(ar, v) {
for (var i=0; i<ar.length; i++) {
// Is array
if (ar[i].length > 0 && inArray(ar[i], v))
return true;
// Found value
if (ar[i] == v)
return true;
return false;
function makeTD() {
var newTD = doc.createElement("td");
newTD.innerHTML = " ";
function getColRowSpan(td) {
var colspan = tinyMCE.getAttrib(td, "colspan");
var rowspan = tinyMCE.getAttrib(td, "rowspan");
colspan = colspan == "" ? 1 : parseInt(colspan);
rowspan = rowspan == "" ? 1 : parseInt(rowspan);
return {colspan : colspan, rowspan : rowspan};
function getCellPos(grid, td) {
var x, y;
for (y=0; y<grid.length; y++) {
for (x=0; x<grid[y].length; x++) {
if (grid[y][x] == td)
return {cellindex : x, rowindex : y};
return null;
function getCell(grid, row, col) {
if (grid[row] && grid[row][col])
return grid[row][col];
return null;
function getTableGrid(table) {
var grid = new Array(), rows = table.rows, x, y, td, sd, xstart, x2, y2;
for (y=0; y<rows.length; y++) {
for (x=0; x<rows[y].cells.length; x++) {
td = rows[y].cells[x];
sd = getColRowSpan(td);
// All ready filled
for (xstart = x; grid[y] && grid[y][xstart]; xstart++) ;
// Fill box
for (y2=y; y2<y+sd['rowspan']; y2++) {
if (!grid[y2])
grid[y2] = new Array();
for (x2=xstart; x2<xstart+sd['colspan']; x2++)
grid[y2][x2] = td;
return grid;
function trimRow(table, tr, td, new_tr) {
var grid = getTableGrid(table), cpos = getCellPos(grid, td);
var cells, lastElm;
// Time to crop away some
if (new_tr.cells.length != tr.childNodes.length) {
cells = tr.childNodes;
lastElm = null;
for (var x=0; td = getCell(grid, cpos.rowindex, x); x++) {
var remove = true;
var sd = getColRowSpan(td);
// Remove due to rowspan
if (inArray(cells, td)) {
new_tr.childNodes[x]._delete = true;
} else if ((lastElm == null || td != lastElm) && sd.colspan > 1) { // Remove due to colspan
for (var i=x; i<x+td.colSpan; i++)
new_tr.childNodes[i]._delete = true;
if ((lastElm == null || td != lastElm) && sd.rowspan > 1)
td.rowSpan = sd.rowspan + 1;
lastElm = td;
function prevElm(node, name) {
while ((node = node.previousSibling) != null) {
if (node.nodeName == name)
return node;
return null;
function nextElm(node, names) {
var namesAr = names.split(',');
while ((node = node.nextSibling) != null) {
for (var i=0; i<namesAr.length; i++) {
if (node.nodeName.toLowerCase() == namesAr[i].toLowerCase() )
return node;
return null;
function deleteMarked(tbl) {
if (tbl.rows == 0)
var tr = tbl.rows[0];
do {
var next = nextElm(tr, "TR");
// Delete row
if (tr._delete) {
// Delete cells
var td = tr.cells[0];
if (td.cells > 1) {
do {
var nexttd = nextElm(td, "TD,TH");
if (td._delete)
} while ((td = nexttd) != null);
} while ((tr = next) != null);
function addRows(td_elm, tr_elm, rowspan) {
// Add rows
td_elm.rowSpan = 1;
var trNext = nextElm(tr_elm, "TR");
for (var i=1; i<rowspan && trNext; i++) {
var newTD = doc.createElement("td");
newTD.innerHTML = " ";
if (tinyMCE.isMSIE)
trNext.insertBefore(newTD, trNext.cells(td_elm.cellIndex));
trNext.insertBefore(newTD, trNext.cells[td_elm.cellIndex]);
trNext = nextElm(trNext, "TR");
function copyRow(doc, table, tr) {
var grid = getTableGrid(table);
var newTR = tr.cloneNode(false);
var cpos = getCellPos(grid, tr.cells[0]);
var lastCell = null;
var tableBorder = tinyMCE.getAttrib(table, "border");
var tdElm = null;
for (var x=0; tdElm = getCell(grid, cpos.rowindex, x); x++) {
var newTD = null;
if (lastCell != tdElm) {
for (var i=0; i<tr.cells.length; i++) {
if (tdElm == tr.cells[i]) {
newTD = tdElm.cloneNode(true);
if (newTD == null) {
newTD = doc.createElement("td");
newTD.innerHTML = " ";
// Reset col/row span
newTD.colSpan = 1;
newTD.rowSpan = 1;
lastCell = tdElm;
return newTR;
// ---- Commands -----
// Handle commands
switch (command) {
case "mceTableRowProps":
if (trElm == null)
return true;
if (user_interface) {
// Setup template
var template = new Array();
template['file'] = '../../plugins/table/row.htm';
template['width'] = 380;
template['height'] = 295;
// Language specific width and height addons
template['width'] += tinyMCE.getLang('lang_table_rowprops_delta_width', 0);
template['height'] += tinyMCE.getLang('lang_table_rowprops_delta_height', 0);
// Open window
tinyMCE.openWindow(template, {editor_id : inst.editorId, inline : "yes"});
return true;
case "mceTableCellProps":
if (tdElm == null)
return true;
if (user_interface) {
// Setup template
var template = new Array();
template['file'] = '../../plugins/table/cell.htm';
template['width'] = 380;
template['height'] = 295;
// Language specific width and height addons
template['width'] += tinyMCE.getLang('lang_table_cellprops_delta_width', 0);
template['height'] += tinyMCE.getLang('lang_table_cellprops_delta_height', 0);
// Open window
tinyMCE.openWindow(template, {editor_id : inst.editorId, inline : "yes"});
return true;
case "mceInsertTable":
if (user_interface) {
// Setup template
var template = new Array();
template['file'] = '../../plugins/table/table.htm';
template['width'] = 380;
template['height'] = 295;
// Language specific width and height addons
template['width'] += tinyMCE.getLang('lang_table_table_delta_width', 0);
template['height'] += tinyMCE.getLang('lang_table_table_delta_height', 0);
// Open window
tinyMCE.openWindow(template, {editor_id : inst.editorId, inline : "yes", action : value});
return true;
case "mceTableDelete":
var table = tinyMCE.getParentElement(inst.getFocusElement(), "table");
if (table) {
return true;
case "mceTableSplitCells":
case "mceTableMergeCells":
case "mceTableInsertRowBefore":
case "mceTableInsertRowAfter":
case "mceTableDeleteRow":
case "mceTableInsertColBefore":
case "mceTableInsertColAfter":
case "mceTableDeleteCol":
case "mceTableCutRow":
case "mceTableCopyRow":
case "mceTablePasteRowBefore":
case "mceTablePasteRowAfter":
// No table just return (invalid command)
if (!tableElm)
return true;
// Table has a tbody use that reference
// Changed logic by ApTest 2005.07.12 (
// Now lookk at the focused element and take its parentNode. That will be a tbody or a table.
if (trElm && tableElm != trElm.parentNode)
tableElm = trElm.parentNode;
if (tableElm && trElm) {
switch (command) {
case "mceTableCutRow":
if (!trElm || !tdElm)
return true;
inst.tableRowClipboard = copyRow(doc, tableElm, trElm);
case "mceTableCopyRow":
if (!trElm || !tdElm)
return true;
inst.tableRowClipboard = copyRow(doc, tableElm, trElm);
case "mceTablePasteRowBefore":
if (!trElm || !tdElm)
return true;
var newTR = inst.tableRowClipboard.cloneNode(true);
var prevTR = prevElm(trElm, "TR");
if (prevTR != null)
trimRow(tableElm, prevTR, prevTR.cells[0], newTR);
trElm.parentNode.insertBefore(newTR, trElm);
case "mceTablePasteRowAfter":
if (!trElm || !tdElm)
return true;
var nextTR = nextElm(trElm, "TR");
var newTR = inst.tableRowClipboard.cloneNode(true);
trimRow(tableElm, trElm, tdElm, newTR);
if (nextTR == null)
nextTR.parentNode.insertBefore(newTR, nextTR);
case "mceTableInsertRowBefore":
if (!trElm || !tdElm)
return true;
var grid = getTableGrid(tableElm);
var cpos = getCellPos(grid, tdElm);
var newTR = doc.createElement("tr");
var lastTDElm = null;
if (cpos.rowindex < 0)
cpos.rowindex = 0;
// Create cells
for (var x=0; tdElm = getCell(grid, cpos.rowindex, x); x++) {
if (tdElm != lastTDElm) {
var sd = getColRowSpan(tdElm);
if (sd['rowspan'] == 1) {
var newTD = doc.createElement("td");
newTD.innerHTML = " ";
newTD.colSpan = tdElm.colSpan;
} else
tdElm.rowSpan = sd['rowspan'] + 1;
lastTDElm = tdElm;
trElm.parentNode.insertBefore(newTR, trElm);
grid = getTableGrid(tableElm);
inst.selection.selectNode(getCell(grid, cpos.rowindex + 1, cpos.cellindex), tinyMCE.isGecko, true); // Only collape on gecko
case "mceTableInsertRowAfter":
if (!trElm || !tdElm)
return true;
var grid = getTableGrid(tableElm);
var cpos = getCellPos(grid, tdElm);
var newTR = doc.createElement("tr");
var lastTDElm = null;
// Create cells
for (var x=0; tdElm = getCell(grid, cpos.rowindex, x); x++) {
if (tdElm != lastTDElm) {
var sd = getColRowSpan(tdElm);
if (sd['rowspan'] == 1) {
var newTD = doc.createElement("td");
newTD.innerHTML = " ";
newTD.colSpan = tdElm.colSpan;
} else
tdElm.rowSpan = sd['rowspan'] + 1;
lastTDElm = tdElm;
if (newTR.hasChildNodes()) {
var nextTR = nextElm(trElm, "TR");
if (nextTR)
nextTR.parentNode.insertBefore(newTR, nextTR);
grid = getTableGrid(tableElm);
inst.selection.selectNode(getCell(grid, cpos.rowindex, cpos.cellindex), tinyMCE.isGecko, true); // Only collape on gecko
case "mceTableDeleteRow":
if (!trElm || !tdElm)
return true;
var grid = getTableGrid(tableElm);
var cpos = getCellPos(grid, tdElm);
// Only one row, remove whole table
if (grid.length == 1) {
tableElm = tinyMCE.getParentElement(tableElm, "table"); // Look for table instead of tbody
return true;
// Move down row spanned cells
var cells = trElm.cells;
var nextTR = nextElm(trElm, "TR");
for (var x=0; x<cells.length; x++) {
if (cells[x].rowSpan > 1) {
var newTD = cells[x].cloneNode(true);
var sd = getColRowSpan(cells[x]);
newTD.rowSpan = sd.rowspan - 1;
var nextTD = nextTR.cells[x];
if (nextTD == null)
nextTR.insertBefore(newTD, nextTD);
// Delete cells
var lastTDElm = null;
for (var x=0; tdElm = getCell(grid, cpos.rowindex, x); x++) {
if (tdElm != lastTDElm) {
var sd = getColRowSpan(tdElm);
if (sd.rowspan > 1) {
tdElm.rowSpan = sd.rowspan - 1;
} else {
trElm = tdElm.parentNode;
if (trElm.parentNode)
trElm._delete = true;
lastTDElm = tdElm;
if (cpos.rowindex < 0)
cpos.rowindex = 0;
// Recalculate grid and select
grid = getTableGrid(tableElm);
inst.selection.selectNode(getCell(grid, cpos.rowindex, 0), tinyMCE.isGecko, true); // Only collape on gecko
case "mceTableInsertColBefore":
if (!trElm || !tdElm)
return true;
var grid = getTableGrid(tableElm);
var cpos = getCellPos(grid, tdElm);
var lastTDElm = null;
for (var y=0; tdElm = getCell(grid, y, cpos.cellindex); y++) {
if (tdElm != lastTDElm) {
var sd = getColRowSpan(tdElm);
if (sd['colspan'] == 1) {
var newTD = doc.createElement(tdElm.nodeName);
newTD.innerHTML = " ";
newTD.rowSpan = tdElm.rowSpan;
tdElm.parentNode.insertBefore(newTD, tdElm);
} else
lastTDElm = tdElm;
grid = getTableGrid(tableElm);
inst.selection.selectNode(getCell(grid, cpos.rowindex, cpos.cellindex + 1), tinyMCE.isGecko, true); // Only collape on gecko
case "mceTableInsertColAfter":
if (!trElm || !tdElm)
return true;
var grid = getTableGrid(tableElm);
var cpos = getCellPos(grid, tdElm);
var lastTDElm = null;
for (var y=0; tdElm = getCell(grid, y, cpos.cellindex); y++) {
if (tdElm != lastTDElm) {
var sd = getColRowSpan(tdElm);
if (sd['colspan'] == 1) {
var newTD = doc.createElement(tdElm.nodeName);
newTD.innerHTML = " ";
newTD.rowSpan = tdElm.rowSpan;
var nextTD = nextElm(tdElm, "TD,TH");
if (nextTD == null)
nextTD.parentNode.insertBefore(newTD, nextTD);
} else
lastTDElm = tdElm;
grid = getTableGrid(tableElm);
inst.selection.selectNode(getCell(grid, cpos.rowindex, cpos.cellindex), tinyMCE.isGecko, true); // Only collape on gecko
case "mceTableDeleteCol":
if (!trElm || !tdElm)
return true;
var grid = getTableGrid(tableElm);
var cpos = getCellPos(grid, tdElm);
var lastTDElm = null;
// Only one col, remove whole table
if (grid.length > 1 && grid[0].length <= 1) {
tableElm = tinyMCE.getParentElement(tableElm, "table"); // Look for table instead of tbody
return true;
// Delete cells
for (var y=0; tdElm = getCell(grid, y, cpos.cellindex); y++) {
if (tdElm != lastTDElm) {
var sd = getColRowSpan(tdElm);
if (sd['colspan'] > 1)
tdElm.colSpan = sd['colspan'] - 1;
else {
if (tdElm.parentNode)
lastTDElm = tdElm;
if (cpos.cellindex < 0)
cpos.cellindex = 0;
// Recalculate grid and select
grid = getTableGrid(tableElm);
inst.selection.selectNode(getCell(grid, cpos.rowindex, 0), tinyMCE.isGecko, true); // Only collape on gecko
case "mceTableSplitCells":
if (!trElm || !tdElm)
return true;
var spandata = getColRowSpan(tdElm);
var colspan = spandata["colspan"];
var rowspan = spandata["rowspan"];
// Needs splitting
if (colspan > 1 || rowspan > 1) {
// Generate cols
tdElm.colSpan = 1;
for (var i=1; i<colspan; i++) {
var newTD = doc.createElement("td");
newTD.innerHTML = " ";
trElm.insertBefore(newTD, nextElm(tdElm, "TD,TH"));
if (rowspan > 1)
addRows(newTD, trElm, rowspan);
addRows(tdElm, trElm, rowspan);
// Apply visual aids
tableElm = tinyMCE.getParentElement(inst.getFocusElement(), "table");
case "mceTableMergeCells":
var rows = new Array();
var sel = inst.getSel();
var grid = getTableGrid(tableElm);
if (tinyMCE.isMSIE || sel.rangeCount == 1) {
if (user_interface) {
// Setup template
var template = new Array();
var sp = getColRowSpan(tdElm);
template['file'] = '../../plugins/table/merge_cells.htm';
template['width'] = 250;
template['height'] = 105 + (tinyMCE.isNS7 ? 25 : 0);
// Language specific width and height addons
template['width'] += tinyMCE.getLang('lang_table_merge_cells_delta_width', 0);
template['height'] += tinyMCE.getLang('lang_table_merge_cells_delta_height', 0);
// Open window
tinyMCE.openWindow(template, {editor_id : inst.editorId, inline : "yes", action : "update", numcols : sp.colspan, numrows : sp.rowspan});
return true;
} else {
var numRows = parseInt(value['numrows']);
var numCols = parseInt(value['numcols']);
var cpos = getCellPos(grid, tdElm);
if (("" + numRows) == "NaN")
numRows = 1;
if (("" + numCols) == "NaN")
numCols = 1;
// Get rows and cells
var tRows = tableElm.rows;
for (var y=cpos.rowindex; y<grid.length; y++) {
var rowCells = new Array();
for (var x=cpos.cellindex; x<grid[y].length; x++) {
var td = getCell(grid, y, x);
if (td && !inArray(rows, td) && !inArray(rowCells, td)) {
var cp = getCellPos(grid, td);
// Within range
if (cp.cellindex < cpos.cellindex+numCols && cp.rowindex < cpos.rowindex+numRows)
rowCells[rowCells.length] = td;
if (rowCells.length > 0)
rows[rows.length] = rowCells;
//return true;
} else {
var cells = new Array();
var sel = inst.getSel();
var lastTR = null;
var curRow = null;
var x1 = -1, y1 = -1, x2, y2;
// Only one cell selected, whats the point?
if (sel.rangeCount < 2)
return true;
// Get all selected cells
for (var i=0; i<sel.rangeCount; i++) {
var rng = sel.getRangeAt(i);
var tdElm = rng.startContainer.childNodes[rng.startOffset];
if (!tdElm)
if (tdElm.nodeName == "TD")
cells[cells.length] = tdElm;
// Get rows and cells
var tRows = tableElm.rows;
for (var y=0; y<tRows.length; y++) {
var rowCells = new Array();
for (var x=0; x<tRows[y].cells.length; x++) {
var td = tRows[y].cells[x];
for (var i=0; i<cells.length; i++) {
if (td == cells[i]) {
rowCells[rowCells.length] = td;
if (rowCells.length > 0)
rows[rows.length] = rowCells;
// Find selected cells in grid and box
var curRow = new Array();
var lastTR = null;
for (var y=0; y<grid.length; y++) {
for (var x=0; x<grid[y].length; x++) {
grid[y][x]._selected = false;
for (var i=0; i<cells.length; i++) {
if (grid[y][x] == cells[i]) {
// Get start pos
if (x1 == -1) {
x1 = x;
y1 = y;
// Get end pos
x2 = x;
y2 = y;
grid[y][x]._selected = true;
// Is there gaps, if so deny
for (var y=y1; y<=y2; y++) {
for (var x=x1; x<=x2; x++) {
if (!grid[y][x]._selected) {
alert("Invalid selection for merge.");
return true;
// Validate selection and get total rowspan and colspan
var rowSpan = 1, colSpan = 1;
// Validate horizontal and get total colspan
var lastRowSpan = -1;
for (var y=0; y<rows.length; y++) {
var rowColSpan = 0;
for (var x=0; x<rows[y].length; x++) {
var sd = getColRowSpan(rows[y][x]);
rowColSpan += sd['colspan'];
if (lastRowSpan != -1 && sd['rowspan'] != lastRowSpan) {
alert("Invalid selection for merge.");
return true;
lastRowSpan = sd['rowspan'];
if (rowColSpan > colSpan)
colSpan = rowColSpan;
lastRowSpan = -1;
// Validate vertical and get total rowspan
var lastColSpan = -1;
for (var x=0; x<rows[0].length; x++) {
var colRowSpan = 0;
for (var y=0; y<rows.length; y++) {
var sd = getColRowSpan(rows[y][x]);
colRowSpan += sd['rowspan'];
if (lastColSpan != -1 && sd['colspan'] != lastColSpan) {
alert("Invalid selection for merge.");
return true;
lastColSpan = sd['colspan'];
if (colRowSpan > rowSpan)
rowSpan = colRowSpan;
lastColSpan = -1;
// Setup td
tdElm = rows[0][0];
tdElm.rowSpan = rowSpan;
tdElm.colSpan = colSpan;
// Merge cells
for (var y=0; y<rows.length; y++) {
for (var x=0; x<rows[y].length; x++) {
var html = rows[y][x].innerHTML;
var chk = tinyMCE.regexpReplace(html, "[ \t\r\n]", "");
if (chk != "<br/>" && chk != "<br>" && chk != " " && (x+y > 0))
tdElm.innerHTML += html;
// Not current cell
if (rows[y][x] != tdElm && !rows[y][x]._deleted) {
var cpos = getCellPos(grid, rows[y][x]);
var tr = rows[y][x].parentNode;
rows[y][x]._deleted = true;
// Empty TR, remove it
if (!tr.hasChildNodes()) {
var lastCell = null;
for (var x=0; cellElm = getCell(grid, cpos.rowindex, x); x++) {
if (cellElm != lastCell && cellElm.rowSpan > 1)
lastCell = cellElm;
if (tdElm.rowSpan > 1)
tableElm = tinyMCE.getParentElement(inst.getFocusElement(), "table");
tinyMCE.handleVisualAid(tableElm, true, tinyMCE.settings['visual'], tinyMCE.selectedInstance);
return true;
// Pass to next handler in chain
return false;
tinyMCE.addPlugin("table", TinyMCE_TablePlugin);