1 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> |
2 <HEAD> |
3 <TITLE>Insert table button</TITLE> |
4 <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> |
5 </HEAD> |
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7 <BODY> |
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9 <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="3" class="pageheader"> |
10 <tr> |
11 <td><span class="title">Insert table button</span></td> |
12 <td align="right"><a href="index.htm"><acronym title="Table of contents">TOC</acronym></a></td> |
13 </tr> |
14 </table> |
15 <hr noshade> |
16 <br> |
17 The insert table button opens the window shown below. This action enables you to create tables. <br> |
18 <br> |
19 <img src="images/insert_table_window.gif" width="340" height="229" alt="Image of table window" /><br> |
20 <br> |
21 <strong>Field descriptions:</strong><br> |
22 <table border="1" cellspacing="0"> |
23 <tr> |
24 <td width="150"><strong>Columns</strong></td> |
25 <td>Number of columns in the table. </td> |
26 </tr> |
27 <tr> |
28 <td width="150"><strong>Rows</strong></td> |
29 <td>Number of rows in the new table.</td> |
30 </tr> |
31 <tr> |
32 <td><strong>Cellpadding</strong></td> |
33 <td>Cellpadding of the table . </td> |
34 </tr> |
35 <tr> |
36 <td><strong>Cellspacing</strong></td> |
37 <td>Cellspacing of the table .</td> |
38 </tr> |
39 <tr> |
40 <td><strong>Alignment</strong></td> |
41 <td>Table alignment . </td> |
42 </tr> |
43 <tr> |
44 <td><strong>Border</strong></td> |
45 <td>Border thinkness of table.</td> |
46 </tr> |
47 <tr> |
48 <td><strong>Width</strong></td> |
49 <td>Width in pixels of table .</td> |
50 </tr> |
51 <tr> |
52 <td><strong>Height</strong></td> |
53 <td>Height in pixels of table.</td> |
54 </tr> |
55 <tr> |
56 <td><strong>Class</strong></td> |
57 <td>Style or CSS class of table.</td> |
58 </tr> |
59 </table> |
60 <br> |
61 <br> |
62 <hr noshade> |
63 <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="3" class="pagefooter"> |
64 <tr> |
65 <td>Go to: <a href="index.htm">Table of contents</a></td> |
66 <td align="right"><a href="#">Top</a></td> |
67 </tr> |
68 </table> |
69 <br> |
70 </BODY> |
71 </HTML> |